- Max. dissimilarity: 0.17
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.081
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68640483 - tinkapuppy
- 68995683 - jesseytucker
- 69366917 - Zooniverse2017
- 69713200 - SilverSeadog
- 70993579 - the3esses

WINNER - 68640483 - tinkapuppy
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector's empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the left that smooths the fall, we overhear
a mouth deprived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilized in currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoardings think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else, another part of town,
bodies rehearse olympiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross.
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, sucking the morbid lips
and playing ball with John's romantic head.)
Voices in empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a wounded oracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust on her lips and daylight through her mouth,
carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus' liver'.
In mailed apartments teeth are drawn
to slice the apples dawn throws in the room
through swaying curtains early in this late.
The water in the six-foot chalice dies
consumed by labyrinthine worms in pipes
designed for liquid colored by the flesh.
68995683 - jesseytucker
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector's empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the lift that smoothes the fall, we overhear
a mouth deprived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilized in currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoardings think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else, another part of the town,
bodies rehearse olympiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross,
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, sucking the morbid lips,
and playing ball with John's romantic head.)
Voices in empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a wounded oracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust on her lips and daylight through her mouth,
carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus liver'.
69366917 - Zooniverse2017
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector's empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the lift that smoothes the fall, we overhear
a mouth deprived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilised in currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoardings think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else, another part of town,
bodies rehearse olympiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross,
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, mucking the morbid lips
and playing ball with John's romantic head.)
Voices in empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a wounded oracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust on her lips and daylight through her mouth,
carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus' liver'.
In mailed apartments teeth are drawn
to slice the apples dawn throws in the room
through swaying curtains early in this late.
The water in the six-foot chalice dies
consumed by labyrinthine worms in pipes
designed for liquid coloured by the flesh.
69713200 - SilverSeadog
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector's empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the left that smoothes the fall, we overhear
a mouth deprived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilised in currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoardings think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else, another part of town,
bodies rehearse olympiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
Intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross,
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, sucking the morbid lips and playing ball with with John's romantic head.)
Voices in empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a wounded oracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust on her lips and daylight throgh her mouth,
carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus' liver'.
In mailed apartments teeth are drawn
to slice the apples dawn throws in the room
through swaying curtains early in this late.
The water in the six-foot chalice dies
consumed by labrynthine worms in pipes
designed for coloured liquid by the flesh.
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector;s empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the lift that smoothes the falls, we overhear
a mouth derived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilisedin currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoarding think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else, another part of town,
bodies rehearse olympiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross,
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, sucking the morbid lips
and playing ball with John's romantic head.)
Voices in the empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a woundedoracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust on her lips and daylight through hermouth,
carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus' liver'.
In mailedapartments teeth are drawn to
slice the apples dawn throws in the room
through swaying curtains early in this late.
The water in the six-foot chalice dies
consumed by labyrinthine worms in pipes
designed for colouredliquid by the fesh.
70993579 - the3esses
THE MURDERER AND THE AD-MANAmong the great collector's empire,
in the mine and cellar of the state,
a head awaits the crown, a torso lacks
the parrot on the shoulder, and the throne
is missing from beneath the buttock's chin:
o careless inclination of the bust!
He may be thought to count the fragments
to make a tribe out of a single girl:
maybe another hand among the pair
would lead a multiplying family.
Since Adam was the father and fell
he is no alien who sorts the flesh.
In the daily corridors, the stairs,
the left that smoothes the fall, we overhear
a mouth deprived of muscles and a jaw,
watch breasts minus the human cage, a head
mobilised in currents of the airshaft,
crushed by a comb or risen to a hat.
Great head on hoardings think twelve hours a day
and eyes in neon persecute the night:
somewhere else another part of town,
bodies rehearse olypiads of power
witnessed by the anecdotal crowd
intent on pleasure just beyond the nose.
Instead of London or New York these signs
travel ahead of me and shape the fall:
these relics overlap the city's cross,
corrode the skyline and the terraces.
(Always a queen, sucking the morbid lips
and playing ball with John's romantic head).
Voices in empty rooms set me looking
for the sign of a wounded oracle,
bleeding yet not speechless in the corner,
dust her lops and daylight through her mouth, carrying on, excited and obscure,
'men, not gods, should eat Prometheus' liver'.
In mailed apartments teeth are drawn
to slice the apples dawn throws in the room
through swaying curtains early in this late.
The water in the six-foot chalice dies
consumed by labyrinthine worms in pipes
designed for liquid coloured by the flesh.