- Max. dissimilarity: 0.239
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72214306 - ethomson
- 72279294 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 73073727 - jesseytucker
- 73204361 - mcathzoo
- 73429184 - budone
- 73777880 - ChaoticK

72214306 - ethomson
Dearest Sylvia
I hope you had a comfortable journey
on Friday and that it wasn't too cold
at the Rectory, without any fires. I hope, too,
now that you are away from me again
you will remember - not Tuesday & Wed-
nesday, but - Thursday & Friday of your
visit. Your anxiety & distress on the 1st
2 days exaggerated the negative state of
tings. I know I love you. I hope that
you felt this on thursday & friday when
we got on well again. Let me know how
you are. It is natural for you to be tense
now that you are leaving Pett for town &
finally divorcing Michael. But don't
torture yourself too badly. I know I helped
bring on your attack of depression & I am
sorry for it.
72279294 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest Sylvia
I hope you had a comfortable journey
on Friday and that it wasn't too cold
at the Rectory, without any fires. I hope, too,
now that you are away from me again
you will remember - not Tuesday & Wed-
nesday, but - Thursday & Friday of your
visit. Your anxiety & distress on the 1st
2 days exaggerated the negative state of
things. I know I love you. I hope that
you felt this on Thursday & Friday when
we got on well again. Let me know how
you are. It is natural for you to be tense
now that you are leaving Pett for town &
finally divorcing Michael. But don't
torture yourself too badly. I know I helped
bring on your attack of depression & I am
sorry for it.
WINNER - 73073727 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia
I hope you had a comfortable journey
on Friday and that it wasn't too cold
at the Rectory, without any fires. I hope, too,
now that you are away from me again
you will remember--not Tuesday or Wed-
nesday, but Thursday and Friday of your
visit. Your anxiety and distress on the 1st
2 days exaggerated the negative state of
things. I know I love you. I hope that
you felt this on Thursday and Friday wen
we got on well again. Let me know how
you are. It is natural for you to be tense
now that you are leaving Pett for now and
finally divorcing Michael. But don't
torture yourself too badly. I know I helped
bring on your attack of depression and I am
sorry for it.
73204361 - mcathzoo
[24-1-54] Sunday Dearest Sylvia I hope you had a comfortable journey on Friday and that it wasn't too cold at the Rectory , without any fires . I hope, too,now that you are away from me again you will remember - not Tuesday & Wed-
nesday, but - Thursday & Friday w/ your mint . Your anxiety & distress on the 1st 2 days exaggerated the negative state of things. I know I love you. I hope that you felt this Thursday & Friday when we got on well again. Let me know how you are. It is natural for you to be tense now that you are seeing Pett for ton & finally divorcing Micheal . But don't torture yourself too badly. I know I helped bring on your attack of depression & I am sorry for it.
73429184 - budone
Dearest Sylvia
I hope you had a comfortable journey on Friday and that it wasn't too cold at the rectory without any fires. I hope too, that you are away from me again you will remember - not Tuesday and Wednesday , but Thursday and Friday if you visit. Your anxiety and distress on the 1st 2 days exaggerated the negative state of things. I know I love you. I hope that you felt this on Thursday and Friday when we got on well again. Let me know how you are. It is rational for you to be tense now that you are for town and finally divorcing Michael. But don't torture yourself too badly. I know I helped bring on your depression and I am sorry for it .
73777880 - ChaoticK
[24-1-54] Sunday Dearest Sylvia I hope you had a comfortable journey on Friday and that it wasn't too cold at the Rectory, without any fires. I hope, too, now that you are away from me again you will remember - not Tuesday & Wednesday, but - Thursday & Friday of your visit. Your anxiety & distress on the 1st 2 days exaggerated the negative state of things. I know I love you. I hope that you felt this on thursday & friday when we got on well again. Let me know how you are. It is natural for you to be tense now that you are leaving Pett for town & finally divorcing Michael. But don't torture yourself too badly. I know I helped bring on your attack of depression & I am sorry for it.