- Max. dissimilarity: 0.063
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.041
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 72220590 - ethomson
- 72377514 - Zooniverse2017
- 72585417 - Preacher357
- 72598938 - jesseytucker
- 72753275 - Merlotmateus
- 72877361 - Carriechelle

WINNER - 72220590 - ethomson
Monday, February.
Dearest Sylvia,
Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and
the typed version. I have left out the Art News bit as I
don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left
out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space.
Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may
interest you. I enclose Art News letter, also.
The morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting
about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or
maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for
I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good.
How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you
are. Tell me exactly how you are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first para-
graph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charm-
ing you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them
back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and
Gardens? Your painting of SYLVIA arrived safely and though
I do not see quite what you have altered it is much better,
as you say. I have it on the mantlepiece, now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current
exh. which I have pinned up. It is charming and bright.
I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception
for this one.
Thank you for the spelling corrections in Les Jeux Interdits.
Another one, I think, is carrotte for carotte. I was very ner-
vous to realise that C was going to see the film on my recom-
mendation. I hope it will not be another Le Diable au Corps.
Let me know if he likes it. (I agree about Impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little
odd at present. I always wake up at 8.00, sometimes sleeping
very lightly and fitfully from about 6.00. And I can never
get to sleep before about 1.00. So I am having regularly a
short seven-hour night. I cannot break the pattern, but I
feel alright...
The geranium and the hyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you,
72377514 - Zooniverse2017
Monday, February.
Dearest Sylvia,
Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and
the typed version. I have left out the Art News bit as I
don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left
out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space.
Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may
interest you. I enclose Art News letter, also.
This morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting
about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or
maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for
I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good.
How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you
are. Tell me exactly how you are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first para-
graph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charm-
ing you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them
back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and
Gardens? Your painting of SYLVIA arrived safely and though
i do not see quite what you have altered it is much better,
as you say. I have it on the mantelpiece, now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current
exh. which I have pinned up. It is charming and bright.
I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception
for this one.
Thank you for the spelling corrections in Les Jeux Interdits.
Another one, I think, is carrotte for carotte. I was very ner-
vous to realise that C was going to see the film on my recom-
mendation. I hope it will not be another Le Diable au Corps.
Let me know if he likes it. (I agree about impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little
odd at present. I always wake up at 8.00, sometimes sleeping
very lightly and fitfully from about 6.00. And I can never
get to sleep before 1.00. So I am having regularly a
short seven-hour night. i cannot break the pattern, but I
feel alright...
The geranium and the hyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you,
72585417 - Preacher357
Monday February. Blackheath Dearest Sylvia,Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and
the typed version. I have left out the Art News hit as I
don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left
out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space.
Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may
interest you. I enclose Arn News letter, also.
This morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting
about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or
maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for
I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good.
How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you
are. Tell me exactly how you are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first para-
graph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charm-
ing you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them
back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and
Gardens? Your painting of SYLVIA arrived safely and though
I do not see quite what you have altered it is much better,
as you say. I have it on the mantlepiece, now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current
exh. which I have pinned up. It is charming and bright.
I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception
for his one.
Thank you for the spelling corrections in Les Jeux Interdits.
Another one, I think, is carrotte for carotte. I was very ner-
vous to realize that C was going to see the film on my recom-
mendation. I hope it will not be another Le Diable au Corps.
Let me know if he likes it. (I agree about Impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little
odd at present. I always wake up at 8:00, sometimes sleeping
very lightly and fitfully from about 6:00. And I can never
get to sleep before about 1:00. So I am having regularly a
short seven-hour night. I cannot break the pattern, but I
feel alright...
The geranium and gyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you
72598938 - jesseytucker
Monday, February.
Dearest Sylvia,
Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and
the typed version. I have left out the Art News bit as I
don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left
out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space.
Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may
interest you. I enclose Art News letter, also.
This morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting
about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or
maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for
I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good.
How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you
are. Tell me exactlly how are are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first para-
graph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charm-
ing you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them
back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and
Gardens? Your painting of SYLVIA arrived safely and though
I do not see quite what you have altered it is much better,
as you say. I have it on themantlepiece, now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current
exh. which I have pinne dup. It is charming and bright.
I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception
for this one.
Thank you for the spelling corrections in Les Jeux Interdits.
Another one, I think, is carrotte for carrotte. I was very ner-
vous to realise that C was going to see the film on my recom-
mendations. I hope it will not be another Le Diable su Corps.
Let me know if he likes it. (I agree aobut Impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little
odd at present. I always wake up at 8.00, sometimes sleeping
very lightly and fitfully from about 6.00. And I can never
get to sleep before about 1.00. So I am having refularly a
short seven-hour night. I cannot break the pattern, but I
feel alright...
The geranium and hyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you,
72753275 - Merlotmateus
Monday, February.
Dearest Sylvia,
Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and the typed version. I have left out the Art News bit as I don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space. Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may interest you. I enclose Art News letter, also.
his morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good. How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you are. Tell me exactly how you are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first paragraph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charming you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and Gardens? Your painting of SLVIA arrived safely and though I do not see quite what you have altered it is much better, as you say. I have it on the mantlepiece now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current exh. which I have pinned up. It is charming and bright. I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception for this one.
Thank you for the spelling corrections in Les Jeux Interdits. Another one, I think , is carrotte for carrots. I was very nervous to realise that C was going to see the film on my recommendation. I hope it will not be another Diable au Corps. Let me know if he likes it. (I agree about Impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little odd at present. I always wake up at 8.00, sometimes sleeping very lightly and fitfully from about 6.00. And I can never get to sleep before about 1.00. So I am having regularly a short sever-hour night. I cannot break the pattern, but I feel alright...
The geranium and the hyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you,
72877361 - Carriechelle
Monday, February.
Dearest Sylvia,
Please find enclosed (as they say) your Vogue letter and
the typed version. I have left out the Art News bit as I
don't suppose Vogue knows much about that paper. You left
out one of the pattern no. so I could only leave a space.
Also I have put in the Kensington Art Gal. cards which may
interest you. I enclose Art News letter, also.
This morning the sun is bright and I can see birds darting
about. Possibly this is a good sign of better weather, or
maybe only another tease. I hope it is the real thing for
I am sure that some nice weather would do you so much good.
How are you now? Better? I do hope that you can say you
are. Tell me exactly how you are, my love, my rose.
Oh, something else I should have put in the first para-
graph. Please find enclosed, your photographs. How charm-
ing you are in them, charming. I am reluctant to send them
back but you will need them for Vogue. What about Homes and
Gardens? Your painting of SYLVIA arrived safely and though
I do not see quite what you have altered it is much better,
as you say. I have it on the mantlepiece, now.
I have a copy of the Matisse poster used for the current
exh. which I have pinned up. It is charming and bright.
I do not usually like posters up but I will make an exception
for this one.
Thank you for the spelling correction in Lew Jeux Interdits.
Another one, I think, is carrotte for carotte. I was very ner-
vous to realise that C was going to see the film on my recom-
mendation. I hope it will not be another De Diable au Corps.
Let me know if he likes it. (I agree about Impinges: thanks.)
I hope you are sleeping better. My own nights are a little
odd at present. I always wake up at 8.00, sometimes sleeping
very lightly and fitfully from about 6.00. And I can never
get to sleep before about 1.00. So I am having regularly a
short seven-hour night. I cannot break the pattern, but I
feel alright...
The geranium and the hyacinth are both blooming.
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I do love you, I adore you,
I love you,