- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.431
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71755254 - Preacher357
- 71972586 - LMP9527
- WINNER - 72212991 - ethomson
- 72594398 - jesseytucker
- 72757554 - lanayas
- 73014514 - catuecker

71755254 - Preacher357
I gather that you have been told about thecards for the show. Chase said he would ring
you. They should certainly come next week
sometime. When I complained about that, he sug-
gested 200 emergency cards be printed quickly
until the right card comes. I told him - best
to ring you. I am going to ring again to-
morrow morning to find out exactly the sit-
uation. It is too bad about the delay - I
let Chase see my disgust - but there is still
time as you know. 10 days before the opening is the
gallery's usual date for sending cards off. We
still have time.
I thought your Arch. Rev. note exactly
what is needed. I will take my cue for some
of my votes from that.
8th March (Sunday) to 15th is my period at
I will get Perzelly's picture next week.
Relax this weekend as far as you can, darling.
I am working for our exhibition and I do love you
I love you
71972586 - LMP9527
I gather you have been told about thecards for the show. Clare said he would ring you. They should certainly come next week sometime. When I complained about that he suggested 200 emergency cards be printed quickly-
Until the right card comes. I told him- best to ring you. I am going to ring again tomorrow morning to find out exactly it's situation. It is too bad about the delay- I let Clare see my disgust- but there is still
time, as you know. 10 days before the opening is the gallery's arrival date for sending cards off. We still have time.
I thought your Arch. Rev. note exactly what is needed. I will take my cue for some of my rates from that.
8th March (Sunday) to 15th is my period at check heaton
I will get Pergelly's picture # next week. Relax this weekend as far as you can, darling.
I am working for our exhibition and I do love you.
Love you, Lawrence.
WINNER - 72212991 - ethomson
I gather that you have been told about thecards for the show. Clare said he would ring
you. They should certainly come next week
sometime. When I complained about that, he sug-
gested 200 emergency cards be printed quickly -
until the right card comes. I told him - best
to ring you. I am going to ring again to-
morrow morning to find out exactly the sit-
uation. It is too bad about the delay - I
let Clare see my disgust - but there is still
time, as you know. 10 days before the opening is the
gallery's usual date for sending cards off. We
still have time.
I thought your Arch.Rev. note exactly
what is needed. I will take my cue for some
of my rates from that.
8th March (Sunday) to 15th is my period at
I will get Pengelly's picture next week.
Relax this weekend as far as you can, darling.
I am working for our exhibition and I do love you
love you
72594398 - jesseytucker
I gather that you have been told about thecards for the show. Clare said hew would ring
you. They should certainly come next week
sometime. When I complained about that, he sug-
gested 200 emergency cads he printed quickly--
until the right card comes. I told him--best
to ring you. I am going to ring again to-
morrow morning to find out exactly the sit-
uation. it is too bad about the delay--I
let Clare see my disgust--but there is still
time, as you know. 10 days before the opening is the
Gallery's usual date for sending cards off. We
still have time.
I thought your Arch. Rev. note exactly
what is needed. I will take my one for some
of my rates from that.
8th March (Sunday) to 15th is my period at
I will get Pergelly's picture next week.
Relax this weekend as far as you can, darling.
I am working for our exhibition and I do love you.
I love you
72757554 - lanayas
73014514 - catuecker
I gather that you have been told about the cards for the show. Dale said he would ring you. The should certainly come next week sometime. When I complained about that, he suggested 200 energency cards be printed quickly until the right card comes. I told him - best to ring you. I am going in ring again tomorrow morning to fins out exactly the situation. IC is too bad about the delay - I let Clare see my dirgent - but there is still time, as you know. 10 days before the opening is the Halley's usual date before sending cards off. We still have time.I thought of your Arch Rev note exactly what is needed. I will take my cue for some of my rates from Mat.
8M March (Sunday) the 15th is my period at cleck heaton.
I will get Pergelly's picture # next week.
Relax this weekend as far as you can, I am working for our exhibition and I do love you.
love you