- Max. dissimilarity: 0.134
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.063
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72576362 - jesseytucker
- 72658309 - Infinicorn
- 73022629 - catuecker
- 73023644 - jacquelynhelene
- 73144548 - Molly_Carr
- 73274396 - not-logged-in-952d7cb86a32ac4f3b34
- WINNER - 73394794 - Preacher357

72576362 - jesseytucker
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one things in the tune --
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one things to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild,
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrande. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment I like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel
rather like doing another set: they can be done
on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I
am quite pleased with the tone and image of the
one above.
72658309 - Infinicorn
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild,
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is pation:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrane. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment I like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel
rather like doing another set: they can be done
on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I
am quite pleased with the tone and image of the
one above.
73022629 - catuecker
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like the silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests is is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark memberance, Crude sack.
the night means one thing in the tune
and something else to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment I like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do no make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I write a series of quatrains. I feel rather like doing anothr set: they can be done on trains, in drains, and between lectures and I am quite pleased with the tone and image of the one above.
73023644 - jacquelynhelene
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrane. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment I like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel
rather like doing another set: they can be done
on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I
am quite pleased with the tone and image of the
one above.
73144548 - Molly_Carr
QUATRAINApearl would have to be, that i gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild (or)
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrane. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a ragment I like from Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel rather like doing another set: they can be done on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I am quite pleased with the tone and imagine of the one above.
73274396 - not-logged-in-952d7cb86a32ac4f3b34
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color if the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild,
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrane. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The reaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel rather like doing another set: they can be done
on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I
am quite pleased with the tone and image of the
one above.
WINNER - 73394794 - Preacher357
QUATRAINA pearl would have to be, that I gave you,
the color of the sky, not any air,
but like this silver bruise of 6 o'clock:
who gave you that gave something.
The night means one thing in the tune -
the recumbent music, one thing
in the ear, one thing to a child
locked in an unlearned room,
and something again to me.
On the level the night is wild.
the night is wild, on the level
of calm tests it is patient:
it is soft, papery, hungry.
Dark membrane. Crude sack.
The night means one thing in the tune
and something again to me:
The roaming effigy of sleep,
wide waken by a music,
feels for comfort in my head.
(and here is a fragment I like from the Elegy:
Ghost stories leave and do not make me cold.
The haunted rooms are heads, not property,
Suites of the past, windows they cannot rate.)
Years ago I wrote a series of quatrains. I feel
rather like doing another set: they can be done
on trains, in drains, and between lectures, and I
am quite pleased with the tone and image of the
one above.