- Max. dissimilarity: 0.163
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.082
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71975315 - the3esses
- 72359642 - lolson
- 72468154 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 72573618 - jesseytucker
- 72579545 - Preacher357
- 73002090 - myardley

71975315 - the3esses
Miss Sylvia Sleigh,Rectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings, Sussex
February 17th., 1953
Dear Sylvia Sleigh,
Thank you for your letter received yesterday morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards. I must accept the entire blame for the delay (it was an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and our printer) I can only hope that the emergency measures have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers in right sequence. In view, however, of the narrow margin between February and March shows I have abandoned the idea of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in the printer's hands for proofing. He would like to know however, if you wish the catalogue to be printed in "Bondi" (as your card) or the Gill type, examples of which you have seen here. If you will let me know by return the answer to this question the catalogue shall be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for it s final colour I suggest the orange type on a green paper.
The "New Statesman" rate for classified advertisements is 3/6d. per line (minimum 3 lines). Let me know your wishes in this respect when I see you on Thursday.
All good wishes,
yours sincerely,
72359642 - lolson
Miss Sylvia SleighRectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings, Susses.
February 17th.,
Dear Sylvia Sleigh
Thankyou for your letter received yesterday morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards.
I must accept the entire blame for the delay ( it was
an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and
our printer ) I can only hope that the emergency measures
have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof
a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever
the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers
in right sequence. In view ,however, of the narrow margin
between February and March shows I have abandoned the idea
of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in
the printer's hand for proofing. He would like to know
however, if you wish the catalogue to be printed in
" Bodoni " (as your card) or the Gill type, examples of
which you have seen here. If you will let me know by
return the answer to this question the catalogue shall
be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for its final colour
I suggest the orange type on a green paper.
The "New Stateman" rate for classified advertisements
is 3/6d. perline (minimum 3 lines). Let me know your
wishes in this respect when I see you on Thursday.
All good wishes
your sincerely
72468154 - Zooniverse2017
Miss Sylvia Sleigh,Rectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings, Sussex.
February 17th.,
Dear Sylvia Sleigh,
Thank you for your letter received yesterday
morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards.
I must accept the entire blame for the delay (it was
an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and
our printer). I can only hope that the emergency measures
have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof
a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever
the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers
in right sequence. In view, however, of the narrow margin
between February and March shows I have adandoned the idea
of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in
the printer's hands for proofing. He would like to know
however, if you wish the catalogue to be printed in
"Bodoni" (as your card) or the Gill type, examples of
which yoi have been seen here. If you will let me know by
return the answer to this question the catalogue shall
be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for its final colour
I suggest the orange type on a green paper.
The "New Statesman" rate for classified advertisements
is 3/6d. per line (minimum 3 lines). Let me know your
wishes in this respect when I see you on Thursday.
All good wishes,
yours sincerely,
WINNER - 72573618 - jesseytucker
DirectorsL.A.J. ROWLEY
TEL: western 4299
Miss Sylvia Sleigh,
Recotry Lodge,
Nr.Hastings, Sussex.
February 17th.,
Dear Sylvia Sleigh,
Thankyou for your letter received yesterday
morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards.
I must accept the entire blame for the delay (it was
an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and
our printer) I can only hope the the emergency measures
have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof
a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever
the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers
in the right sequence. In view, however, of the narrow margin
between February and March shows I have abandoned the idea
of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in
the printer's hand for proofing. He would like to know
however, if you wish the catalogue to be printed in
"Bodoni" (as your card) or the Gill type, examples of
which you have seen here. If you will let me know by
return the answer to this question the catalogue shall
be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for its final colour
I suggest the orange type on a green paper.
The "New Statesman"rate for classified advertisements
is 3/6d. per line (minimum 3 lines). Let me know your
wishes in this respect when I see you on Thursday.
All good wishes,
yours sincerely,
72579545 - Preacher357
February 17th., 1953. Miss Sylvia Sleigh, Rectory Lodge, Pett, Mr. Hastings, Sussex.Dear Sylvia Sleigh,
Thank you for your letter received yesterday
morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards.
I must accept the entire blame for the delay (it was
an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and
our printer) I can only hope that the emergency measures
have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof
a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever
the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers
in right sequence. In view, however, of the narrow margin
between February and March shows I have abandoned the idea
of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in
the printer's hands for proofing. He would like to know
however, if you wish the catalogu to be printed in
"Bodoni" (as your card) or the Gill type, examples of
which you have seen here. If you will let me know by
return the answer to this question the catalogue shall
be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for its final colour
I suggest the orange type on a green paper.
The "New Statesman" rate for classified advertisements
is 3/6d. per line (minumum 3 lines). Let me know your
wishes in this respect when I see you on Tuesday.
All good wishes,
yours sincerely,
O. Michael Chase.
73002090 - myardley
Miss Sylvia Sleigh,Rectory Lodge,
Nr.Hastings, Sussex.
February 17th., 1953.
Dear Sylvia Sleigh,
Thank you for your letter received yesterday morning. I am very sorry indeed about the cards. I must accept the entire blame for the delay (it was an unfortunate misunderstanding between myself and our printer) I can only hope that the emergency measures have partially saved the day.
Normally we do not find it necessary to proof a catalogue for the reason that there is hardly ever the time to do it and we like to try and get the numbers in right sequence. In view, however, of the narrow margin between February and March shows I have abandoned the idea of attempting a sequence and the catalogue is already in the printer's hands for proofing. He would like to know however, if you wish the catalogue to be printed in "Bodoni" ( as your card) or the Gill type, examples of which you have seen here. If you will let me know by return the answer to this question the catalogue shall be proofed forthwith. Incidentally for its final colour I suggest the orange type on green paper.
The "New Statesman" rate for classified advertisements is 3/6d. per line (minimum 3 lines). Let me know your wishes in this respect when I see you on Thursday.
All good wishes,
yours sincerely,
Michael Chase