- Max. dissimilarity: 0.191
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.129
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72066329 - Preacher357
- 72219098 - Chris5420
- 73072435 - jesseytucker
- 73870353 - hoskinml
- 73881729 - jsprake
- WINNER - 73914002 - RommelC
- 74028426 - southsidesunny

72066329 - Preacher357
(at least) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be -
no, will be - a vacency at Mull for
which I am about qualified - a lecturing
post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvellous: I plan
to write something about it & will send
you that when it is done. Viva Keaton -
Turnbull was pleasant yesterday,
and I had an enjoyable evening, see-
ing his new work (not much of it
really) & borrowing photographs and
- [That is a see "quote".]
Ithell approves her foreward & offers
me a drawing or collage! Diy that!
I am en route for Banstead now.
Almost time to get on that boring 93,
that intermirable 164. Maybe for
the last time.
Look after yourself
I love you
72219098 - Chris5420
(at least) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be - no, will be - a vacancy at Hull shortly for which I am about qualified - a lecturing post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvellous: I plan to write something about it & will send you that when it is done. Viva Keaton - Turnbull was pleasant yesterday and I had an enjoyable evening, see-ing his new work (not much of it really) & borrowing photographs and parleying. [that is a "see" quote.]
I thell approves her forward & offers me a drawing in collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Banstead now. Almost time to get on that boring 93, that interminable 164. Maybe for the last time.
Look after yourself
love you
73072435 - jesseytucker
(at least) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be--
no, will be-- a vacancy at Mull shortly for
which I am about qualified--a lecturing
post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvellous: I plan
to write something about it and will send
you that when it is done. Viva Keaton.
Turnbull was pleasant yesterday
and I had an enjoyable evening, see0
ing his new work (not muc of it,
really) and borrowing photographs and
parleying. [That is a see 'quote'.]
Ithell approves her forward and offers
me a drawign on collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Banstead now.
Almost time to get on that boring 93,
that interminable 164. Maybe for
the last time.
Look after yourself
I love you
73870353 - hoskinml
(at least) needing attention !I hear from a friend that there may be - no, will be - a vacency at Hull shortly for which I am about qualified - a lecturing post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvellous: I plan to write something about it & will send you that when it is done. Viva Keaton.
Turnhull was pleasant yesterday and I had an enjoyable evening, see-ing his new work (not much of it really) & borrowing photographs and parleying. [That is a see "quote".]
Ithell approves her foreward & offers me a drawing or collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Banstead now. Almost time to get on that boring 93, that interminable 164. Maybe for the last time.
Look after yourself
love you
73881729 - jsprake
(at least) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be no, will be - a at Mull shortly for which I about qualifier - a lecturing post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvelous: I plan to write something about it and will send you that when it is done. Viva Keaton.
Turnbull was pleasant yesterday and I had an enjoyable evening, seeing his new work (not much of it really) & borrowing photographs and parleying. (that is a see 'quote")
approves her foreward & offers me a drawing or collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Barnstead now. Almost time to get on that boring 93, that interminable 164. Maybe for the last time.
Look after yourself
Love you Lawrence
WINNER - 73914002 - RommelC
(at least) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be- no, will be- a vacancy at Miell shortly for which I am about qualified- a lecturing post, It has not been advertised yet.
"The Navigator" was marvellous: I plan to write something about it and will send you that when it is done. Viva Keaton.
Turnbull was pleasant yesterday and I had an enjoyable evening, seeing his new work (not much of it really) and borrowing photographs and parleying (that is a see "quote".)
Ithell approves her foreward and offers me a drawing or collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Banstead now. Almost time to get on that boring 93, that interminable 164. Maybe for the last time.
Look after yourself
Love you
74028426 - southsidesunny
(at least ) needing attention!I hear from a friend that there may be --
no, will be - a vacency at thiell Slertes for
which I am about qualified -- a lecturing post. It has not been advertised yet.
The Navigator was marvellous : I plan
to write something about it & will send
you that when it is done. Viva Keaton.
Turnbull was pleasant yesterday
andI had an enjoyable evening, see-
ing his new work (not much of it
really) & borrowing photographs and
parleying. . [that is a see "quote".]
Ithell approves her foreward & offers
me a drawing or collage! Dig that!
I am en route for Banstead now.
Almost time to get on that boring 93,
that interminable 164. Maybe for
the last time.
Look after yourself
I love you