- Max. dissimilarity: 0.035
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.023
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71763423 - ethomson
- 72053625 - Preacher357
- 72450167 - aayer25
- WINNER - 72497581 - Infinicorn
- 72500264 - jesseytucker
- 72559674 - Zooniverse2017

71763423 - ethomson
2age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which will
occupy us here.
Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of
short stories is that the arrangement of the stories in a film is
calculated in a way different from the arrangement of a published
collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i)
amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with up-
lift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Souvenirs Perdus: the
moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcical, in
that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, sop-
histicated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead
us into looking for musical analogies there is no doubt that the
episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the acts in a music
hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the
audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five
arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are
generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends.
There is the tight, neat story which concludes pungently and iron-
ically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation
is presented without conventional preparation and closes without
an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic,
rational, and worldly; the pure example of the second type is in-
tuitive, sensuous, and Bergsonian. The respective dangers of the
two manners are (i) a false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) form-
lessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the
latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England
72053625 - Preacher357
2 age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which willoccupy us here.
Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of
short stories is that the arrangement of the stories in a film is
calculated in a way different from the arrangment of a published
collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i)
amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with up-
lift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Souvenirs Perdus: the
moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcial, in
that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, sop-
histicated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead
us into looking for musical analogies there is no doubt that the
episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the sets in a music
hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the
audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five
arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are
generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends.
There is the tight, neat story which concludes pungently and iron-
ically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation
is presented without conventional preparation and closes without
an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic,
rational, and worldly; the pure example of the second type is in-
tuitive, sensuous, and Bergaonian. The respective dangers of the
two manners are (i) a false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) form-
lessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the
latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England
72450167 - aayer25
age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which will occupy us here.Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of short stories is that arrangement of the stories in a film is calculated in a way different from the arrangement of a published collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i) amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with uplift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Sourvenirs Perdus: the moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcial, in that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, sophisticated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead us into looking for musical analogies there is no doubt that the episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the acts in a music hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends. There is the tight, neat story which concludes pungently and ironically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation is presented without conventional preparation and closes without an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic, rational, and worldly; the pure example of the second type is intuitive, sensuous, and Bergsonian. The respective dangers of the two manners are (i) a false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) formlessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England
WINNER - 72497581 - Infinicorn
2age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which will
occupy us here.
Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of
short stories is that the arrangement of the stories in a film is
calculated in a way different from the arrangement of a published
collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i)
amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with up-
lift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Souvenirs Perdus: the
moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcial, in
that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, sop-
histicated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead
us into looking for musical analogies there is no doubt that the
episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the sets in a music
hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the
audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are
generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends.
Three is the tight, neat story which concludes pungently and iron-
ically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation
is presented without conventional preparation and closes without
an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic,
rational, and worldly; the pure example of the second type is in-
tuitive, sensuous, and Bergsonian. The respective dangers of the
two manners are (i) a false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) form-
lessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the
latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England
72500264 - jesseytucker
2 age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which willoccupy us here.
Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of
short stories is that the arrangement of the stories in a film is
calculated in a way different from the arrangement of a published
collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i)
amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with up-
lift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Souvenirs Perdus: the
moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcial, in
that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, cop-
histicated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead
us into looking for musical analogies there is no doubt that the
episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the acts in a music
hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the
audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five
arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are
generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends.
There is the tight neat story which concludes pungently and iron-
ically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation
is presented without conventional preparation and closes without
an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic,
rational, and worldly; the pure example of the second type is in-
tuitive, sensuous, and Bergsonian. The respective dangers of the
two manners are (i) a false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) form-
lessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the
latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England
72559674 - Zooniverse2017
2age and the implied coherence of each group of stories which will
occupy us here.
Another distinct between the portmanteau film and the book of
short stories is that the arrangement of the stories in a film is
calculated in a way different from the arrangement of a published
collection. The episodes in Full House, for example, are (i)
amusing and witty, (ii) manly and harsh, (iii) poignant with up-
lift, (iv) comedy, (v) sentimental. Take Souvenirs Perdus: the
moods are bitter-sweet, humorous, melodramatic, and farcial, in
that order. Quartet offers irony, failure, eccentricity, sop-
histicated comedy. Though the word quartet should not mislead
us into looking for a musical analogies there is no doubt that the
episodes are arranged more carefully than, say, the sets in a music
hall. The complimentary character of the parts persuades the
audience to consider the whole as unified and not as four or five
arbitrary pieces.
The short story is a popular form in the 20c. and there are
generally thought to be two poles between which the form extends.
There is the tight, neat story which concludes pungently and iron-
ically and there is the story of atmosphere in which a situation
is presented without conventional preparation and closes without
an epigram. The pure example of the first type is mechanistic,
rational and worldly; the pure example of the second type is in-
tuitive, sensous, and Bergsonian. The respective dangers of the
two manners are (i) are false automatic conclusiveness and (ii) form-
lessness. The stories adapted by film makers do not belong to the
latter group and their vices are not formlessness. In England