- Max. dissimilarity: 0.216
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.102
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71919085 - hoskinml
- 71966527 - racjohn
- 72016159 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72593770 - jesseytucker
- 72806372 - not-logged-in-387905ca4e5fa616e083
- 72988372 - melissaagill
- 72990020 - SGChaleff

71919085 - hoskinml
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called, provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much of this. It does fit with a decline-or-empires passage in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
P. S. I enclose the WEA cheque. Thank you again for lending me the money for the rent. I am glad to let you have this without much delay.
PPS I expect to go to Bath on Saturday of this week. Then I shall come back earlier which seems to be a good plan.
71966527 - racjohn
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called,provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:
The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will
have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. such spleen is
likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much
of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage
in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-
orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out
the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
72016159 - Preacher357
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called,provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:
The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will
have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is
likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much
of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage
in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-
orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out
the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
P.S. I enclose the WEA cheque. Thank
you again for lending me the money for
the rent. I am glad to let you have
this without much delay.
PPS I expect to go to Bath on Saturday
of this week. Then I shall come
back earlier which seems to be a
good plan.
WINNER - 72593770 - jesseytucker
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called,provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:
The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet--
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will
have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is
likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much
of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage
in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-
orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out
the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
P.S. I enclose the WEA cheque. Thank
you again for lending me the money for
the rent. I am glad to let you have
this without much delay.
PPS I expect to go to Bath on Saturday
of this week. Then I shall come
back earlier which seems to be a
good plan.
72806372 - not-logged-in-387905ca4e5fa616e083
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called,provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:
The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it it designed, you will
have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is
likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much
of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage
in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-
orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out
the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
72988372 - melissaagill
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called,provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:
The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
to the whole place forced to hear
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will
have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is
likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much
of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage
in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-
orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
P.S. I enclose the WEA cheque. Thank
you again for lending me the money for
the rent. I am glad to let you have this without much delay.
PPS I expect to go to Bath on Saturday of this week. Then I shall come back earlier which seems like a
good plan.
72990020 - SGChaleff
I am writing a new poem at the moment. It is called, provisionally, ANTI-ELGAR:The business here for elegies,
the lot being ready to spill on pages
like rain on rivers, water down.
Sounding boards around the throat
so I'll project to the whole place,
the circumstance of getting small.
Every time you turn round a death
has smeared the wallpaper with dead flies.
Elastoplast on the eyeball
shields from seeing the vista shrink,
rolled up towards us like a carpet -
people falling and houses cracking,
where it was grand, things are dusty.
I am not sure how it reads but it is designed, you will have noticed, as an anti-coronation poem. Such spleen is likely to produce poor verse and I don't expect too much of this. It does fit with a decline-of-empires passage in Orpheus and Tangerine however and might provide a rhet-orical compliment to the City and Night poem. We'll see.
I've started work on Carter's ballet, straightening out the story this far.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, I love love you,
P.S. I enclose the WEA cheque. Thank you again for lending me the money for the rent. I am glad to let you have this without much delay. L
PPS I expect to go to Bath on Saturday of this week. Then I shall come back earlier which seems to be a good plan.