- Max. dissimilarity: 0.296
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.155
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71996030 - racjohn
- 72503768 - Zooniverse2017
- 72717005 - wrightj2h
- 72850487 - ZeynepY
- WINNER - 72863637 - Preacher357
- 72932499 - not-logged-in-2cfbcbdfc6a25f749542

71996030 - racjohn
yet. Probably we are motoring to Cheltenham tomor-row, however. I am less ambitious than you in other
ways, too: I am re-reading Daisy Miller, not Howard's End.
I love you so much. I wish that you were here with
me. I wish that we had actually been here together
instead of only separately. all the blossom is out
at the moment and not enough wind gets into the bome
where the city is to spill the whites and pinks. Ravishing view across blossom to Sham Castle from my bed-room window.
~Sheila and Gaye (my god child) are here until today.
It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly
(Fred is playing hockey for the R.A.F. in Germany.) Gaye is charming and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia,
Love you
72503768 - Zooniverse2017
yet. Probably we are watering to Cheltenham tomor-row, however. I am less ambitious than you in other
ways, too: I am re-reading Daisy Miller, not Howard's End.
I love you so much. I wish that you were here with
me. I wish that we had actually been together
instead of only separately. All the blossom is out
at the moment and not enough wind gets into the bone
where the city is to spill the whites and pinks. Ravishing
view across blossom to show Castle from my bed-
room window.
Sheila and Gage (my godchild) are here until today.
It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly
(Fred is playing hockey for the R.A.F. in Germany.) Gage
is charming and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, love you
72717005 - wrightj2h
yet. Probably we are motoring to Cheltenham tomorrow, however. I am less ambitious than you in other ways, too: I am re-reading Daisy Miller, not Howard's End.I love you so much. I wish that you were here with me. I wish that we had actually been here together instead of only separately. All the blossom is out at the moment and not enough wind gets into the bowl where the city is to spill the whites and pinks. Ravishing view across blossom to Sham Castle from my bedroom window.
Sheila and Gaye (my god child) are here until today. It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly (Fred is playing hockey for the R.A.F. in Germany.) Gaye is charming and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia
I love you
72850487 - ZeynepY
yet. Probably we are watering chelterlam tomas now, however. I am less ambitious than you in other ways, too: I am re-reading Daisy Miller, not Howard's End.I love you so much. I wish that you were here with me. I wish that we had actually been here together instead of only separately. Ill the blossom is out at the moment and not hogs wind gets into the bone where the city is to spill the whites and pinks. Ravishing view across blossom to Sham Castle from my bedroom window.
Sheila and Gaye (my god child) are here until today. It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly (Fred is playing bercheg for the R.A.F. in Germany). Gaye is charming and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, love you
WINNER - 72863637 - Preacher357
yet. Probably we are motering to Cheltenham tomor-row, however. I am less ambitious than you in other
ways, too: I am rereading Daisy Miller, not Howard's End.
I love you so much. I wish that you were here with
me. I wish that we had actually been here together
instead of only separately. All the blossom is out
at the moment and not enough wind gets into the bowl
where the city is to spill the whites and pinks. Ravishing
view across blossom to show Castle from my bed-
room window.
Sheila and Gaye (my god child) are here until today.
It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly
(Fred is playing hockey for the R.A.F. in Germany). Gaye
is charming and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, love you
72932499 - not-logged-in-2cfbcbdfc6a25f749542
yet. Probably we are motereig to cheltenlom lowas now, however. I am less ambitious than you in other ways, too: I am re-reading Daisy Milles, not Homordiesd.I love you so much. I wish that you were here with me. I wish that we had actually been here together instead of only separately. All the blossom is out at the moment and not enough wind gets into the bowl where the city is to spill the withes and pinks. Ranisly view across blossom to show castle from my bedroom window.
Sheila and Gaye (my god child) are here until today.
It was very pleasant to find them here unexpectedly (Fred is playing hockey for the R.A.F: in Germany). Gaye growing is and not the least frightened of me now.
I love you, dearest Sylvia, love you