- Max. dissimilarity: 0.342
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.189
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71993397 - the3esses
- 72344599 - ethomson
- WINNER - 72755153 - Eloquens
- 73592161 - hoskinml
- 73599571 - darryluk
- 73689652 - Molly_Carr

71993397 - the3esses
15 v. 1953My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb sending them air-mail) and the articleitself. I had to rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Robert Melville thinks I may not get a proof as time is so short. So I think I better send the corrections to them with 'biographical material' which they have asked for. Ginpel fils/unclear] and Robert Melville have been especially helpful with photographs - but we have the individual sculptors. I have seen Robert several times lately & you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lecture every day of the week next week.
I have several poems in process at the moment. It seems easier to write verse again then it has been lately - & this feels good. You know from your painting just how good. Thanks to a chance remark of Connies' when we were at Chelt -
72344599 - ethomson
15 v. 1953My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb
sending them air-mail) and the article itself. I had to
rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Rob-
ert Melville thinks I may not get a proof as time is
so short. So I think I better send the corrections to
them with 'biographical material' which they have
asked for. Gimpel fils & Robert Melville have been
especially helpful with photographs - but so have
the individual sculptors. I have seen Robert sev-
eral times lately & you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lectures every day of the
week next week.
I have several poems in process at the moment.
It seems easier to write verse again than it
has been lately - & this feels good. You know
from your painting just how good. Thanks to a
chance remark of Connie's when we were at Chelt-
WINNER - 72755153 - Eloquens
15 v. 1953
My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb sending them air-mail) and the article itself. I had to rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Robert Melville thinks I may not get a proof as time is so short. So I think I better send the corrections to them with 'biographical material' which they have asked for. Limpid fils & Robert Melville have been especially helpful with photographs - but so have the individual developers. I have seen Robert sev- eral times lately & you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lectures every day of the week next week.
I have several poems n process at the moment. It seems easier to write verse again than it has been lately - & this feels good. You know from your painting just how good. Thanks to a chance remark of Connie's when we were at Chelt-
73592161 - hoskinml
15 v. 1953My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb sending them air-mail) and the article itself. I had to rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Rob-ert Melville thinks I may not get a proof as time is so short. So I think I better send the corrections to them with 'biographical material' which they have asked for. Gimpel fils & Robert Melville have been especially helpful with photographs - but so have the individual sculptors. I have seen Robert sev-eral times lately & you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lectures every day of the week next week.
I have several poems in process at the moment. It seems easier to write verse again than it has been lately - & this feels good. You know from your painting just how good. Thanks to a chance remark of Connie's when we were at Chelt-
73599571 - darryluk
Whitehall 7618The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London. WC 2
My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb sending them air-mail) and the article itself. I had to rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Rabent Melville thinks I may not get a proof as time is so short. I think I better the corrections to them with 'biographical material' which they have asked for. Jimpel Fils & Roland Melville &
you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lectures every day of the week next week.
I have several poems in process at the moment. It seems eerie to write nerve again than it has been lately - & this feels good. You know from your painting just how good. Thanks to a chance remark of Connie's when we were at Cheltenham
73689652 - Molly_Carr
Whitchhall 7618The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London. W.C 2
My dearest Sylvia:
I have now got off all the photographs (it cost a bomb sending them air-mail) and the astide itself. I had to rush it & I have a few improvements to make, but Robert Melville thinks I may not get a moof as time is so short. So I think I better send the conections to them with 'biographical material' which they have asked for. Simple fils & Robert Melville have been especially helpful with photographs - but so have the individuals sculptors. I have seen Robert several times lately & you know how I value that.
Now that rush is over I have lectures every day of the week next week.
I have several poems in process at the moment. It seems easier to write verse again then it has been lately - & this feels good. You know from your painting just how good. Thanks to a chance remark of Connie's when we were at Chelt-