- Max. dissimilarity: 0.254
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.136
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 71994290 - the3esses
- 72377463 - Infinicorn
- 72508100 - jesseytucker
- 72692264 - jf225037
- 73346371 - KJHedglen
- 73459725 - Preacher357

WINNER - 71994290 - the3esses
19 v 1953Dearest Sylvia:
Today's lecture was well attended, 40-45 people for Monet. I was pleased by that.
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the Henry Moore exh. at ICA and ended up with it and the Sutherland exh. at the Tate, as well - 1000 words. I am madly busy & Christ knows how I shall meet a Friday morning deadline but I accepted.
I must find a title for my article: something like 'Up from the Country' or 'Back to the Land' or 'The town mouse as country mouse', &c.
The Sutherland exh. looks better than I expected - with some unfamiliar works and some of this year's paintings. Charles gave me lunch today; asked me to pay for myself but when I told him I couldn't he was very nice about it, really rather sweet the way he handled it. He can be nice as you say.
72377463 - Infinicorn
19 v 1953Dearest Sylvia:
Today's lecture was well attended, 40 -
45 people for Manet. I was pleased by
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the
Henry Moor exb. at ICA and ended
up with it and the sutherland exb. at
the Tate, as well - 1000 words. I
am madly busy and Christ knows how
I shall meet a Friday morning
deadline but I accepted.
The Sutherland exb. looks better than
I expected - with some unfamiliar
works and some of this year's paintings.
Charles gave me lunch today; asked
me to pay for myself but when I told
him I couldn't, he was very nice about
it, really rather sweet the way he
handled it. He can be nice, as you
I must find a title for my article:
something like 'Up From the Country'
or 'Back to the Land' or 'the Townmouse as country mouse', &c.
72508100 - jesseytucker
19 v 1953Dearest Sylvia:
Today's lecture was well attended, 40 -
45 people for Manet. I was pleased by
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the
Henry Moor exch at ICA and ended
up with it and the Sutherland exch at
the Tate, as well--1000 words. I
am madly busy and Christ knows how
I shall meet a Friday morning
deadline but I accepted.
The Sutherland exch. looks better than
I expected--with some unfamiliar
works and some of this year's paintings.
Charles gave me lunch today; asked
me to pay for myself but when I told
him I couldn't he was very nice about
ti, really rather sweet the way he
handled it. He can be nice, as you
I must find a title for my article:
something like 'Up From the Country'
or 'Back to the Land' or 'The Town
Mouse as Country Mouse', etc.
72692264 - jf225037
19 v 1953Dearest Sylvia:
Today's leidune was well attended, 40-45 people for Manet. I was pleased by that.
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the Henry Moore ech. at ICA and ended up with it and the Sutherlaw ech. at the Take, as well- 1000 words. I am madly busy & Christ from how I shall meet a Friday morning deadline but I accepted.
[annotations go here according to arrow]
The Sutherlaw ech.
looks better than I expected- with some unfamiliar works and some of this year's paintings- Charles gave me lunch today; asked me to pay for myself but when I told him I couldn't, he was very nice about it, really rather sweet the way he handled it. He can be nice, as you say.
[I must send the title of my article: something like 'I Up From the Country' or ' Back to the Land' or 'the Cornmouse as country mouse', sc
73346371 - KJHedglen
19 v 1953Dearest Sylvia:
Today's lecture was well attended, 40-45 people for Manet. I was pleased by that.
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the Henry Moore exh. at ICA and ended up with it and the Sutherland exh. at the take, as well - 1000 words. I am madly busy & Christ knows how I shall meet a Friday morning deadline but I accepted. I must find a title for my article: something like 'Up From the Country' or 'Back to the Land' or 'The Town mouse as country mouse', SC
The Sutherland exh. looks better than I expected - with some unfamiliar works and some of this year's painting. Charles gave me lunch today; asked me to pay for myself but when I told him I couldn't he was very nice about it, really rather sweet the way he handled it. He can be nice, as you say.
73459725 - Preacher357
19 v 1953 Dearest Sylvia:Today's lecture was well attended, 40-
45 people for Monet. I was pleased by
I rang up ART NEWS to ask for the
Henry Moore exh. at ICA and ended
up with it and the Sutherland exh. at
the Tate, as well - 1000 words. I
am madly busy & Christ knows how
I shall meet a Friday morning
deadline, but I accepted.
I must find a title for my article:
something like 'Up From The Country'
or Back to the Land' or 'The Town
Mouse as County Mouse', &c.
The Sutherland exh. looks better than
I expected - with some unfamilar
works and some of this year's paintings -
Charles gave me lunch today; asked
me to pay for myself but when I told
him I couldn't, he was very nice about
it, really rather sweet the way he
handled it. He can be nice, as you