- Max. dissimilarity: 0.14
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.098
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72651727 - Chris5420
- 72678915 - Zooniverse2017
- 72688573 - darryluk
- WINNER - 73061363 - wrightj2h
- 73809512 - Nutwood
- 73885521 - jsprake

72651727 - Chris5420
Dearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magdas' on Monday and I am relieved to say that the reaction like yours was favourable. Carter thought his idea really amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticised particular lines but implicit in what he said was the willigness to set it to music. Magda liked it; John said 'excellent' twice. Your critic-ism of my feeble sense of plot must have impressed me, because I took trouble here and everybody liked its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. I finish the script and that is what it is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and Carter's reputation. Frank is willing to work with me on pro-jects for sound, too. I have one idea for this - and I propose work-ing out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the chance of writing this kind of thing. IC confirms our theory of adaptability of craftmanship and it may tap my low side. However, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope, reassure you with a new poem (a real one). Do not think there is iconoclasm in it, tho' it is called Against Pygmalion. Pygmalian is the dead work of art the artist wishes alive; Frank-enstein is the work of art alive with base energies the artist wishes dead.
When the rain comes, when the new slain
take life from somewhere unsupposed
and threatens with its life my room,
my habits in a word, I can run
past early refugees to peace
in silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl in the paged plinth.
Dislocate the springs of my bed:
rest your fertile arms in my hair;
but only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,
72678915 - Zooniverse2017
BlackheathDearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magda's on Monday and I am relieved to say that the
reaction like yours was favorable. Carter thought his idea really
amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticized particular
lines but implicit in what he said was the willingness to set it to
music. Magda liked it; John said 'excellent' twice. Your critic-
ism of my feeble sense of plot must have impressed me, because I
took trouble here and everybody liked its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. i finish the script
and that is what it is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and
Carter's negotiation. Frank is willing to work with me on pro-
jects for sound, too. I have one idea for this - and I propose work-
ing out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the
chance of writing this kind of thing. It confirms our theory of
adaptability of craftsmanship and it may tap my low side.
However, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope,
reassure you with a new poem (a real one). Do not think
there is iconoclasm in it, tho' it is called Against Pygmalion.
Pygmalion is the dead work of art the artist wishes alive; Frank-
enstein is the work of art alive with base energies the artist
wishes dead.
When the rain comes, when the new slain
takes life from somewhere unsupposed
and threaten with its life my room,
my habits in a word, I can run
past early refugees to peace
in silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl on the paged prints.
Dislocate are springs of my bed:
rest your fertile arms in my hair;
but only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,
72688573 - darryluk
Dearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magda's on Monday and I am relieved to say that the reaction like yours was favourable. Carter thought his idea neatly amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticised particular lines but implicit in what he said was the willingness to set it to music. Magda liked it, John said 'excellent' twice. Your criticism of my feeble sense of plot must have impressed me, because I took trouble here and everybody liked its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. I finish the script and that is what it is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and Carter's reputation. Frank is willing to work with me on projects for sound, too. I have one idea for this and I pICropose working out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the chance of writing this kind of thing. IC confirms our theory of adaptability of craftsmanship and it may tap my low side. However, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope, reassure you with a new poem ( a real one ). Do not claim there is iconoclasm in it, as it is called Against Pygmalion. Pygmalion is the dead work of art the artist wishes alive; Frankenstein is the work of art alive with energies the artist wishes dead.
When the rain comes, when the new slain
take life from somewhere unsupposed
and threatens with its life my room,
my habits in a word, I can seen
past early refugees to peace
in silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl on the poged plinth.
Dislocate the springs of my bed:
rest your fertile arms in my hair;
but only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,
WINNER - 73061363 - wrightj2h
Dearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magda's on Monday and I am relieved to say that the reaction like yours was favourable. Carter thought his idea really amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticised particular lines but implicit in what he said was the willingness to set it to music. Magda liked it; John said 'excellent' twice. Your criticism of my feeble sense of plot must have impressed me, because I took trouble here and everybody liked its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. I finish the script and that is what it is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and Carter's reputation. Frank is willing to work with me on projects for sound, too. I have one idea for this - and I propose working out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the chance of writing this kind of thing. It confirms our theory of adaptability of craftsmanship and it may tap my low side. However, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope, reassure you with a new poem (a real one). Do not think there is iconoclasm in it, tho' it is called Against Pygmalion. Pygmalion is the dead work of art the artist wishes alive; Frankenstein is the work of art alive with base energy the artist wishes dead.
When the rain comes, when the new skin
Takes life from somewhere unsupposed
And threatens with its life my room,
my habits in a word, I can run
past early refugees to peace
In silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl on the posed plinths.
Dislocate the springs of my bed;
Rest your fertile arms in my hair;
But only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,
73809512 - Nutwood
Dearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magda's on Monday and I am relieved to say that the reaction like yours was favourable. Carter thought his idea really amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticised particular lines but implicit in what he said was the willingness to set it to music. Magda liked it; John said 'excellent' twice. Your criticism of my feeble sense of plot must have impressed me, because I took trouble here and everybody liked its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. I finish the script and is what is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and Carter's reputation. Frank is willing to work with me on projects for sound too. I have one idea for this- and I propose working out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the chance of writing this kind of thing. It confirms our theory of adaptability of craftsmanship and it may tap my low side. Heavens, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope, reassure you with a new poem ( a real one). Do not think there is iconoclasm in it, tho' it is called Against Pygmalion. Pygmalion is the dead work of art the artist wished alive; Frankenstein is the work of art alive with base energies the artist wishes dead.
When the rain comes, when the new skin
take life from somewhere unsupposed
and threatens it with its life my room,
my habits in a world, I can run
past early refugees to peace
in silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl on the poged/unclear]plinths.
Dislocate the springs of my bed:
rest your fertile arms in my hair;
but only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,
73885521 - jsprake
Dearest Sylvia
I read the play at Magda's on Monday and I am relieved to say that the reaction like yours was favorable. Carter thought his idea really amounted to something in my treatment. Frank criticized particular lines but implicit in what he said was the willingness to set it to music. Magda liked it; John said "excellent" twice. Your criticism of my feable sense of plot must have impressed me, because I took trouble here and everybody like its shape.
So that's it. It remains to get TV to accept it. I finish the script and that is what it is sold on (if it is sold) along with Frank's and Carter's reputation. Frank is willing to work with me on projects for sound, too. I have one idea for this - and I propose working out several rough treatments. I am pleased to have the chance of writing this kind of thing. It confirms our theory of adaptability of craftsmanship and it may tap my low side. However, I can imagine your reaction to this so let me, I hope, reassure you with a new poem (a real one). Do not think this is in it, tho it is called Against Pygmalion. Pygmalion is the dead work of art the artist wishes alive; Frankenstein is the work of art alive with base energies the artist wished dead.
When the rain comes, when the new
take life from somewhere unsupposed
and threatens until its life my room,
my habits in a word, I can run
past early refugees to place
in silence and disgust. Remain
locked up girl on the .
Dislocate the springs of my bed:
rest your fertile arms in my hair;
but only be a muse and not
the poem escaping from me,