- Max. dissimilarity: 0.094
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.056
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71889499 - gaart2
- 72501144 - Zooniverse2017
- 72507266 - not-logged-in-c1a674219a5154eed7c4
- WINNER - 72559916 - hoskinml
- 73087981 - jozee
- 73177647 - marcinj

71889499 - gaart2
FiveKING: You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink -
It doesn't go on the Queen's new wink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens,
We have developed secret weapons.
New armor without a chink,
A boat that nothing can sink,
For messages, invisible ink.
(triumphantly) To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis (The PEOPLE gasp)
SCENE: Laboratory. Scientists at work: weird machines, jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step. The KING RELAXES back in the palace: MESSENGER enters. KING takes the message languidly; reads it; jumps to his feet; collapses, and groans:
KING: This means war!
GRAND BALLET: Recruiting; spiv, inn-keeper, &c. drop their individualistic occupations and do a unified puppet like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically. SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armor, winged arrows &c. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-crossed with Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines of defence &c.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the Palace where the KING (tin hat and binoculars on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER. He reads the dispatches, takes off his tin hat, puts on his crown.
KING (into microphone): His Majesty of Nosdar graciously consents to meet Our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
Kinf walks to one side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Two soldiers with MP bands on their arms guard the place. Both KINGS sit at table with maps, books, &c.
OTHER KING: Let's try to end the war at last.
We are getting nowhere but fast.
KING OF NOSDAR: We'll put our cards on the table,
If your Royal Highness is able.
OTHER KING: Let's leave out words like aggression
And study to mend -
KING OF NOSDAR: - your Transgression.
72501144 - Zooniverse2017
fiveKING: You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink -
It doesn't go on the Queen's new wink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens,
We have developed secret weapons.
We armor without a chink.
A boat that nothing can sink.
For messages, invisible ink.
(triumphantly) To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis. (The PEOPLE
SCENE: Laboratory. Scientist at work: weird machines,
jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a
sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step.
The KING RELAXES back in the palace: MESSENGER enters.
KING takes the message languidly: reads it; jumps to
his feet; collapses, and groans:
KING: This means war!
GRAND BALLET: Recruiting; spiv. innkeeper, &c. drop
their individualistic occupations and do a unified puppet
like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically.
SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armor, winged
arrows, &c. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-cross-
ed with Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines
of defence, &c.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the Palace where the KING (tin hat and binnoculare
on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER.
He reads the dispatches, takes off his tin hat, puts on
his crown.
KING (into microphone): His majesty of Nosdar graciously
consents to meet Our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
KING walks to the side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised
notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Two sol-
diers with MP bands on their arms guard the place. Both
KINGS sit at table with maps, books, &c.
OTHER KING: Let's try to end the war at last.
We're getting nowhere but fast.
KING OF NOSDAR: We'll put our cards on the table,
If your Royal Highness is able.
OTHER KING: Let's leave out words like aggression
And study how to mend -
KING OF NOSDAR: - your Transgression.
72507266 - not-logged-in-c1a674219a5154eed7c4
You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink -
It doesn't go on the Queen's new mink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens.
We have developed secret weapons.
New armour without a chink.
A boat that nothing can sink.
For messages, invisible ink.
To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis.
(The PEOPLE gasp.)
Laboratory. Scientists at work: weird machines, jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step.
The KING RELAXES back in the palace: MESSENGER enters. KING takes the message languidly; reads it; jumps to his feet; collapses and groans:
This means war!
GRAND BAILET: Recruiting; spiv, inn-keeper, etc drop their individualistic occupations and do a unified puppet-like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically. SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armour, winged arrows etc. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-crossed with Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines of defence etc.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the palace where the KING (tin hat and binoculars on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER. He reads the dispatches, takes off his tin hat, puts on his crown.
(into microphone)
His majesty of Nosdar graciously consents to meet our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
KING walks to one side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Two soldiers with MP bands on their arms guard the place. Both KINGS sit at table with maps, books, etc.
Let's try to end the war at last.
We are getting nowhere but fast.
We'll put our cards on the table,
If your royal highness is able.
Let's leave out words like aggression
And study how to mend -
- your Transgression
WINNER - 72559916 - hoskinml
You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink -
It doesn't go on the Queen's new wink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens,
We have developed secret weapons.
New armor without a chink,
A boat that nothing can sink,
For messages, invisible ink.
To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis. (The PEOPLE gasp.)
SCENE: Laboratory. Scientists at work: weird machines, jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step. The KING RELAXES back in the palace: MESSENGER enters. KING takes the message languidly; reads it; jumps to his feet: collapses, and groans:
KING: This means war!
GRAND BALLET: Recruiting; spiv, inn-keeper, &c. drop their individualistic occupations and do a unified puppet like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically. SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armor, winged arrows, &c. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-cross-ed with Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines of defence, &c.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the Palace where the KING (tin hat and binoculars on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER. He reads the dispatches, takes off his tin hat, puts on his crown.
KING (into microphone): His Majesty of Nosdar graciously consents to meet Our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
KING walks to one side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Two sol-diers with MP ands on their arms guard the place. Both KINGS sit at table with maps, books &c.
OTHER KING: Let's try to end the war at last.
We are getting nowhere but fast.
We'll put our cards on the table,
If your Royal Highness is able.
Let's leave out words like aggression
And study how to mend -
KING OF NOSDAR: - your Transgression.
73087981 - jozee
fiveKING: You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink-
it doesn't go on the Queen's new wink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens,
We have developed secret weapons.
New armor without a chink,
A boat that nothing can sink,
For messages, invisible ink.
(triumphantly) To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis. (The PEOPLE gasp.)
SCENE: Laboratory. Scientists at work: wierd machines, jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step. The KING RELAXES back in the palaces: MESSENGER enters. KING takes the message languidly; reads it; jumps to his feet: collapses, and groans:
KING: This means war!
GRAND BAILET: Recruiting; spiv, inn-keeper &c. drop their individualistic occupations to do a unified puppet like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically. SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armor, winged arrows, ^c. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-cross-ed with the Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines of defence, &c.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the Palace where the KING (tin hat and binnoculars on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER. He reads the dispatches, takes off his tin hat, puts on his crown.
KING (into microphone): His Majesty of Nosdar graciously consents to meet Our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
KING walks to one side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Two sol-diers with MP bands on their arms guard the place. Both KINGS sit at table with maps, books, &c.
OTHER KING: Let's try to end the war at last.
We are getting nowhere but fast.
KING OF NOSDAR: We'll put our cards on the table,
If your Royal Highness is able.
OTHER KING: Let's leave out words like aggression
And study how to mend -
KING OF NOSDAR: - your Transgression.
73177647 - marcinj
fiveKING: You wonder how the tax is spent.
You've no right to grumble, or wink-
It doesn't go on the Queen's new wink.
We're using it for defence.
We're safe now, whatever happens,
We have developed secret weapons.
New armor without a chink,
A boat that nothing can sink,
For messages, invisible ink.
(triumphantly) To say nothing of an arrow-proof portcullis. (The
PEOPLE gasp.)
SCENE: Laboratory. Scientists at work: wierd machines,
jerky movements. The already sympathetic people have a
sight of this, are inspired, and go off in a military step.
KING takes the message languidly; reads it; jumps to
his feet: collapses, and groans:
KING: This means war!
GRAND BALLET: Recruiting; spiv, inn-keeper, &c. drop
thier individualistic occupations and do a unified puppet
like dance. Sergeant-major's voice used rhythmically.
SCIENTISTS fit out the soldiers with odd armor, winged
arrows, &c. Machines of war. Cuts of maps criss-cross-
ed with Klee-like patterns of arrows, spearheads, lines
of defence, &c.
Scenes of the war itself: ballet purely, no words.
Fade to the Palace where the KING (tin hat and binnoculars
on a strap added to his royal clothes) receives MESSENGER.
He reads the dispatched, takes off his tin hat, puts on
his crown.
KING (into microphone): His majesty of Nosdar graciously
consents to meet Our Regal enemy to talk of Peace.
KING walks to one side to PEACE VILLAGE, as an improvised
notice calls it. The other KING is waiting. Twi sol-
diers with MP bands on their arms guard the place. Both
KINGS sit at table with maps, books, &c.
OTHER KING: Let's try to end the war at last.
We are getting nowhere but fast.
KING OF NOSDAR: We'll put or cards on the table,
If your Royal Highness is able.
OTHER KING: Let's leave out words like aggression
And study how to mend-
KING OF NOSDAR: - your Transgression.