- Max. dissimilarity: 0.273
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.151
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72302262 - Molly_Carr
- 72696966 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72939604 - racjohn
- 72995661 - hoskinml
- 73558038 - Zooniverse2017
- 73563475 - ChaoticK

72302262 - Molly_Carr
Monday 22-6-53Dearest Sylvia,
I do hope that you enjoyed your weekend with the greenwoods. Not only Piers Plowman but a fais as well; it sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and povided only that you can afford it I will indeed come. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have to come on 7th tomoror - or else late on the 6th - assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
The W.I. sounds "lot of fun". ( I remember I was ecpected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. There was a vallet illdevor based on Utullo, Toulouse - lanier, % Henri Rousseau - and ( I think) Berman. I had to stand through most of it with an umbrella & an awfull of roaks unfortunately.
This week is rather busy with lectures, pullie and school ones. I got quite a lot of work done on the weekend and started an article (a chapter) on the late wor of ginger Rogers, Claudette Calhent, Ruth Hussey, Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis - cfd. with the new generation of actresses.
72696966 - Preacher357
[22-6-53] Monday Dearest SylviaI do hope you enjoyed your weekend with the Green -
woods. Not only Piers Plowman, but a fair as well: it
sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and provided
only that you can afrord it, I will indeed come. Thank
you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have
to come on 7th however - or else late on the 6th -
assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
The W. I. sounds a lot of fun. (I remember I was ex-
pected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. There was
a ballet with decor based on Utullo, Toulaure-Lan-
liec, & Henri Rousseau - and (I think) Berman. I
had to stand through most of it with an umbrella &
an armful of books unfortunately.
This week is rather busy with lectures - public and
school ones. I got quite a lot of work done over
the weekend and started an article (or chapter)
on the later work of Ginger Rogers, Claudette Cal-
bert, Ruth Hussey, Barbara Stanwych, Bette
Davis - ctd. with the new generation of actresses.
WINNER - 72939604 - racjohn
Dearest Sylvia
I do hope that you enjoyed your weekend with the Green-
woods. Not only Piers Plowman but a fair as well: it
sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and provided
only that you can afford it I will indeed come. Thank
you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have
to come on 7th however - or else late on the 6th -
assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
the W.I. sounds a lot of fun. (I remember I was ex-
pected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. there was
a ballet with Decors based on Utrillo, Toulouse-Lou-
trec, & Henri Rousseau - and (I think) Berman. I
had to stand through most of it with an umbrella &
an armful of books unfortunately.
This week is rather busy with lectures - public and
school ones. I got quite a lot of work done over
the weekend and started an article (or chapter)
on the later work of Ginger Rogers, Claudette Col-
bert, Ruth Hussey, Barbara Stanwyck, Better
Davis - cfd. with the new generation of actresses.
72995661 - hoskinml
MondayDearest Sylvia
I do hope that you enjoyed your weekend with the Green-woods. Not only Piers Plowman but a fair as well: it sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and provided only that you can afford it I will indeed come. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have to come on 7th however - or else late on the 6th - assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
The W. I. sounds a lot of fun. (I remember I was ex-pected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. There was a ballet with decor based on Utrillo, Toulouse-Lau-trec, & Henri Rousseau - and (I think) Berman. I had to stand through most of it with an umbrella & an armful of books unfortunately.
This week is rather busy with lectures - public and school ones. I got quite a lot of work done over the weekend and started an article (or chapter) on the later work of Ginger Rogers, Claudette Col-bert, Ruth Hussey, Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis - cfd. with the new generation of actresses.
73558038 - Zooniverse2017
MondayDearest Sylvia
I do hope that you enjoyed your weekend with the Green-
woods. Not only Piers Plowman but a fair as well; it
sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and provided
only that you can afford it will indeed come. Thank
you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have
to come on 7th however - or else late on the 6th -
assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
The W.I. sounds a lot of fun. (I remember I was ex-
pected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. There was
a ballet with decors based on Iltullo. Toulouse-Lan-
ctec & Henri Rousseau - and (I think) Berman. I
had to stay through worst of it with an umbrella &
an armful of books unfortunately.
The week is rather busy with lectures - public and
school ones. I got quite a lot of work done over
the weekend and started an article (or chapter)
on the later works of Ginger Rogers, Claudette Cal-
bert, Ruth Mussey, Barlow Stanwyck, Bette
Davis - cfd. with the new generation of actresses.
73563475 - ChaoticK
Dearest Sylvia
I do hop that you enjoyed your weekend with the Greenwoods. Not only Piers Plowman but a fair as well: it sounds delightful. I hope John G. was in good spirits.
Darling I should adore to come to Wales and provided only that you can afford it I will indeed come. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea. I shall have to come on the 7th however - or else late on the 6th - assuming the afternoon goes well.
So glad the Woods are nice.
The W.I. sounds a lot of fun. (I remember I was expected to judge flowers after a lecture, once.)
American in Paris was very enjoyable. There was a ballet with decors based on Utrillo, Touloure-Lanlier. & Henri Rousseau - and (I think) Berman. I had to stand through most of it with an umbrella & an armfull of books unfortunately.
This week is rather busy with lectures - public and school ones. I got quite a lot of work done over the weekend and started an article (or chapter) on the later work of Ginger Rogers, Claudette Col-bert, Ruth Hussey, Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis - ctd. with the new generation of actresses.