- Max. dissimilarity: 0.276
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.174
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72223680 - ethomson
- WINNER - 72765825 - racjohn
- 73074216 - jesseytucker
- 73257030 - CaptCyber
- 73627048 - Zooniverse2017
- 73659665 - the3esses

72223680 - ethomson
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Sylvia:
Thank you for your letter and the pros-
pectus of the Bron Orme h^otel (what
a curious name). I am looking for-
ward very much indeed to our holiday,
more than I can say. It is not too long
to wait, either, I'm glad to say. How
charming that your aunt is willing
for me to come too: that is sweet of
I shall not be able to catch the 1.30
train (that's when I must be in court).
If there is one between 6.00-6.50 I could
catch that and reach Llandudno before
midnight, anyway. Or would it be
better to come as early as possible on
I envy you a swim with Beryl. I hope
that we can have some bathing at llan-
I'm glad you read 'Farewell, my lonely':
I think it is excellent. I agree with what you
say about Marlowe's inviolability.
(He's lucky to be.)
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant
time with E L T Mesens & Robert Melville.
I as (na"ively) flattered by Mesens saying -
WINNER - 72765825 - racjohn
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Sylvia:
Thank you for your letter and the pros-
pectus of the Bron Orme Hotel (what
a curious name). I am looking for-
ward very much indeed to our holiday,
more than I can say. It is not too long
to wait, either, I'm glad to say. How
charming that your aunt is willing
for me to come to: that is sweet of
I shall not be able to catch the 1.30
train (that's when I must be in court).
If there is one between 4.00 - 6.00 I could
catch that and reach Llandudno before
midnight, anyway. Or would it be
better to come as early as possible on
I envy you a swim with Beryl. I hopw
that we can have some bathing at Llan
I'm glad you read 'Farewell, my Lovely':
I think it is excellent. I agree with what you
say about Marlowe's inviolability.
(He's lucky to be.)
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant
time with ELT Mesens & Robert Melville.
I was (naively) flattered by Mesens saying -
73074216 - jesseytucker
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Sylvia:
Thank you for your letter and the pro-
pectus of the Bron Orine hotel (what
a curious name). I am looking for-
ward very much indeed to our holiday,
more than I can say. It is not too long
to wait, little, I'm glad to say. How
charming that your aunt is willing
for me to come to: that is sweet of
I shall not be able to catch the 1.30
train (that's when I must be in court).
If ther eis one between 6,00--6.00 I could
catch that and read Lardudro before
midnight, any way. Or would it be
better to come as early as possible on
I envy you a swim with Begla. I hope
that we can have some bathing at clan0
I'm gla dyou read "Farewell with Land":
I think it is excellent. I agree with what you
say about Marlowe's innialahility.
(He's lucky to be).
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant
time with ELT Mesens and Robert Melville.
I was (vainly) flattered and Mesens saying
73257030 - CaptCyber
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Eylnia:
Thank you for your letter an the *mos-ectus* of the Bron Orme hotel (what a curious name). I am looking for-ward very much indeed to our holiday, more than I can say. It is not too long to wait, little, I'm glad to say. How charming that your aunt is willing for me to come to : that this sweet of her.
I shall not be able to catch the 1:30 train (that's when I must be in court). If there is one between 6:00 - 6:00 I could catch that and reach *landduro* before midnight, anyway. On *woned* it be better to come as early as possible on Tuesday?
I envy you a swim with *Belgium*. I hope that we can have some *batty* at *lan-dudro*.
I'm glad you read 'Farewell, my lovely': I think it is excellent. I agree with that you say about Marlowes' immovability. (He's lucky to be.)
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant time with ELT Mesens & Robert Melville. I was (naive) flatterd & Mesens enjoy-
73627048 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Sylvia:
Thank you for your letter and the pros-
pectus of the Bron Orme hotel (what
a curious name). I am looking for-
ward very much indeed to our holiday,
more than I can say. It is not too long
to wait, either, I'm glad to say. How
charming that your aunt is willing
for me to come to: that is sweet of
I shall not be able to catch the 1.30
train (that's when I must be in court).
If there is one between 4.00-6.00 I could
catch that and reach Llandudno before
midnight, anyway. Or would it be
better to come as early as possible on
I envy you a swim with Beyla. I hope
that we can have some bathing at Llan-
I'm glad you read 'Farewell, my lovely':
I think it is excellent, I agree with what you
say about Marlowe's inviolability.
(He's lucky to be.)
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant
time with ELT Mesens & Robert Melville.
I was (naively) flattered by Mesens saying -
73659665 - the3esses
Blackheath23 June
Dearest Sylvia:
Thank you for your letter and the prospectus of the Peron Orme hotel (what a curious name). I am looking forward very much indeed to our holiday, more than I can say. It is not too long to wait, either, I'm glad to say. How charming that you aunt is willing for me to come to: that is sweet of her.
I shall not be able to catch the 1.30 train (that's when I must be in court). If there is one between 4.00-6.00 I could catch that and reach Llandudno before midnight, anyway. Or would it be better to come as early as possible on Tuesday?
I envy you a swim with Beryl. I hope that we can have some bathing at Llandudno
I'm glad you read 'Farewell m my lovely': I think it is excellent. I agree with what you say about Marlowe's inviolability. (He's lucky to be.)
Monday afternoon I had a very pleasant time with ELT Mesens & Robert Melville. I was (vainely) flattered by Mesens saying -