- Max. dissimilarity: 0.868
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.38
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72431532 - Thindyn
- 72588058 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72664484 - Zooniverse2017
- 72819908 - k8mielke
- 72858255 - RommelC
- 73640676 - jesseytucker

72431532 - Thindyn
Dearest Sylvia:
I suppose that you do not have much chance to paint into the fete and your
72588058 - Preacher357
[26-6-53] Friday Blackheath Dearest Sylvia:I suppose that you do not have much
chance to paint with the Fete and your
rehearlals, but do let me know
any work you do, no matter how
small. I look forward to hear-
ing, too, how the Fete turn out. To-
day the weather is what I call divine.
Maybe Tiny was right about the
rain - getting it over I mean.
My lectures are going well and last
night's discussion at the ICA seemed
to me about the last I've been in or
heard. David Sylveste & Patrick
Heron were excellent. (Both David &
Robert Nelville said how much they liked my
Sutherland piece in Art News, which was
nice of them.)
Pasmore has lent me a great number
of photographs to enable me to get
on with my articles on him. He should
WINNER - 72664484 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest Sylvia:
I suppose that you do not have much
chance to paint with the f^ete and your
rehearsals, but do let me know
any work you do, no matter how
small. I look forward to hear-
ing, too, how the fete turns out: to-
day the weather is what I call divine.
Maybe Tiny was right about the
rain - getting it over I mean.
My lectures are going well and last
night's discussion at the ICA seemed
to me about the best I've been in or
heard. David Sylvester & Patrick
Meron were excellent. (Both David &
Rolent Melville said how much they liked my
Sutherland piece in Art News, which was
nice of them.)
Pasmore has sent me a great number
of photographs to enable me to get
on with my articles on him. He should
72819908 - k8mielke
Dearest Sylvia:
I supposed that you do not have much chance to paint with the fete and your rehearsals, but do let me know any work you do, no matter how small. I look forward to hearing, to, how the fete turns out: today the weather is what I call divine. Maybe Tiny was right about the rain - getting it over I mean.
My lectures are going well and last nights' discussion at the ICA seemed to me about the best I've been in or heard. David Sylvester & Patrick Heron were excellent. (Both David & Robert Nivelle said how much they liked my Sutherland piece in Art News, which was nice of them.)
Password has lent me a great number of photographs to enable me to get on with my articles on him. He showed
72858255 - RommelC
Blackheath 26.6.53Friday
Dearest Sylvia:
I suppose that you do not have much chance to paint with the fete and your rehearsals, but do let me know any work you do, no matter how small. I look forward to hearing, too, how the fete turns out: today the weather is what I call divine. Maybe Tiny was right about the rain- getting it over I mean.
My lectures are going well and last night's discussion at the ICA seemed to me about the best I've been in and heard. David Sylveste & Patrick Heron were excellent. (Both David and Robert Melville said how much they like my Sutherland piece in 'Art News', which was nice of them.)
Pasmore has sent me a great number of photographs to enable me to get on with my articles on him. He showed
73640676 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia:
I suppose that you do not have much
chance to paint with the Fete and your
rehearsals, but do let me know
any work you do, no matter how
small. I look forward to hear-
ing, too, how the Fete turns out: to-
day the weather is what I call divine.
Maybe Tiny was right about the
rain--getting it over I mean.
My lecture are going well and last
night's discussion at the ICA seemed
to me about the least I've been in or
heard. David Sylvester and Patrick
Heron were excellent. (Both David and
Robert Melville said how much they liked my
Sutherland piece in Art News, which was
nice of them.)
Pasmoe has lent me a great number
of photographs to enable me to get
on with my articles on him. He shaved