- Max. dissimilarity: 0.216
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.165
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71766044 - Zooniverse2017
- 71795866 - Preacher357
- 71986858 - Eboo
- WINNER - 72406441 - Infinicorn
- 73641624 - jesseytucker
- 73823453 - Nutwood

71766044 - Zooniverse2017
most warmly. They gave me a lonelymeal - fried chicken - heaps of wine.
Frank's had a small nervous collapse -
but is better now. They like the Trav-
el Agent a lot. There are also plans
for art films and institutional films,
to be made & Frank, John, and me.
(That is one reason why I don't think
I'll even apply for S. Africa).
I have to get on entirely new lecture
ready on T.S. Recent Acquisitions
for the afternoon: Mansu, Bacon,
Allen Reynolds... (I must - as you say - fly.)
I love you, my darling. I long
for Saturday. See you ltr.
I adore you
71795866 - Preacher357
most warmly. They have me a lovelymeal - fried chicken - heaps of wine.
Frank's had a small nervous collapse -
but is better now. They like the Trav-
el Agent a lot. There are also plans
for art films and instructional films,
to be made & Frank, John, and me.
(That is one reason only I don't think
I'll even apply for S. Africa.)
I have to get an entirely new lecture
ready on T.G. Recent Acquisition
for this afternoon: Mangu, Bacon,
Allen Reynolds... (I must - as you say - fly.)
I love you, my darling. I long
for Saturday. See you then.
I adore you
71986858 - Eboo
most warmly. They gave me a lonelymeal - fried chicken - heaps of wine.
Frank's had a small nervous collapse -
but is better now. They like the Trail-
ed Agent a lot. There are also plans
for art films and instructions films
to he made Frank, John, and me
(That is one reason why I don't think
I'll even apply for S. Africa.)
I have to get an entirely new lecture
ready on T. G Recent Acquisitions
for this afternoon: Mangu, Bacon,
Helen Reynolds... (I must as you say fly)
I love you, my darling. I long
for Saturday. See you then.
adore you
WINNER - 72406441 - Infinicorn
most warmly. They gave me a lovelymeal - fried chicken - heaps of wine.
Frank's had a small nervous collapse =
but is better now. They like the Trav-
el Agent a lot. There are also plans
for art films and instructional films,
to be made by Frank, John, and me.
(That is one reason why I don't think
I'll even apply for S. Africa.)
I have to get an entirely new lecture
ready on T.S. Recent Acquisition
for this afternoon : Mangu, Bacon,
Allen Reynolds... (I must - as you say - fly.)
I love you, my darling. I long
for Saturday. See you then.
adore you
73641624 - jesseytucker
most warmly. They gave me a lovelymeal--fried chicken--heaps of wine.
Frank's had a small nervous collapse--
but is better now. They like the Trav-
el Agent a lot. There are also plans
for art films and instructional films,
to be made and Frank, Joh, and me.
(That is one reason why I don't think
I'll even apply for S. Africa.)
I have to get on entirely new lecture
ready on TS Recent Acquistions
for this afternoon: Mangu, Bacon,
Allen Reynolds...(I must--as you say--fly.)
I love you, my darling. I long
for Saturday. See you then.
I adore you
73823453 - Nutwood
most warmly. They gave me a lovely meal - fried chicken - heaps of wine. Franks had a small nervous collapse - but is better now. They like the Trois el Agent a lot. There are also plans for art films and instructional films, to be made by Frank, John, and me. (That is one reason why I don't think I'll even apply for S. Africa.)I have to get an entirely knew lecture ready on T.S. Recent Acquisitions for this afternoon: Mangu, Bacon, Allen Reynolds. (I must - as you say - fly)
I love you my darling. I long for Saturday. See you then.
adore you