- Max. dissimilarity: 0.178
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.115
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71834768 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72499534 - Zooniverse2017
- 72712948 - Eloquens
- 72821899 - mcathzoo
- 72979271 - myardley
- 73081214 - GeorgeMoseley

71834768 - Preacher357
[26-7-53] Tuesday Blackheath My dearest SylviaThank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex-
pected at Pett, after all. What a subtle cat you are,
to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri-
day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my
next letter the time of the train. I can stay until
Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That
will give us 3 clear days, 4 full nights, as well
as a bit each end.
This means that I shall be able to see all your new
paintings. I look forward to going to Rye, too,
very much. (Tell me how the private view went.)
I have the B'ham application forms: they came this
Magda sent her love and hopes to see you again soon.
The Enclopedia Britannica have asked me to
contribute to their year book. I am to cover
painting & sculpture for 1953 and art exhibitions:
3 articles in all.
I must rush & get ready my Expressionism lecture.
I adore you
WINNER - 72499534 - Zooniverse2017
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex-
pected at Pett, after all. What a subtle cat you are,
to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri-
day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my
next letter the time of the train. I can stay until
Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That
will give us 3 clear days, 4 full nights, as well
as a bit each end.
This means that I shall be able to see all your new
paintings. I look forward to going to Rye, too,
very much. (Tell me how the private view went.)
I have the B'ham application forms: they came this
Magda sent her love & hopes to see you again soon.
The Encyclopaedic Britannica have asked me to
contribute to their year book. I am to cover painting & sculpture for 1953 and art exhibitions:
3 articles in all.
I must rush & get ready my Expressionism lecture.
I adore you
72712948 - Eloquens
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex- pected at Pett, after all. What a subtle cat you are, to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri- day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my next letter the time of the train. I can stay until Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That will give us 3 clear days, 4 full nights, as well as a bit each end.
This means that I shall be able to see all your new paintings. I look forward to going to Rye, too, very much. (Tell me how the private view went.)
I have the B'ham application forms: they came this morning.
Magda sent her love hopes to see you again soon.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica have asked me to contribute to their year book. I am to cover painting sculpture for 1953 and art exhibitions: 3 articles in all.
I must rush to get ready my Expressionism lecture.
Adore you
72821899 - mcathzoo
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex-
pected at Pett , after all. What a subtle cat you are,
to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri-
day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my
next letter the time of the train. I can stat until
Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That
will give us 3 dear days, 4 full nights, as well
as a bit each evd .
This mearn that I shall be able to see all your new
paintings. I look forwards to going to Rye, too,
very much. (Tell me how the private view went.)
I have the B'ham application forms : the come this
Magda sent her love & hopes to see you again soon.
The Encyclopaedic Britannica have asked me to
contribute to this year book book. I am to cover
painting & sculpture for 1953 and art exhibitions:
3 articles in all.
I must rush & get ready my Expressionism ledine
adore you
72979271 - myardley
My dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex-pected at Pett, after all. What a subtle cat you are, to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri-day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my next letter the time of the train. I can stay until Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That will give us 3 clear days, 4 full nights, as well as a bit each end.
This means that I shall be able to see all your new paintings. I look forward to going to Rye, too, very much. (Tell me how the private view went.) I have the B'ham application terms: they came this morning.
Magda sent her love & hopes to see you again soon.
The Encyclopedia Britannica have asked me to contribute to this year book. I am to cover painting & sculpture for 1953 and our exhibitions: 3 articles in all.
I must rush & get ready my Expressionism bedtime.
I adore you.
73081214 - GeorgeMoseley
My dearest Eylxia
Thank you for such pleasing news - about my being ex-
pected at Pett, after all. What a subtle cat you are,
to have pulled this off. I will travel down on Fri-
day, late in the afternoon. I will tell you in my
next letter the time of the train. I can stay until
Tuesday morning, when I have a lecture. That
will give us 3 clear days, 4 full nights, as well
as a bit each end.
This means that I shall be able to see all your new
paintings. I look forward to going to Rye, too,
very much. (Tell me how the private view went.)
I have the B'ham application forms: they came this
Magda sent her love and hopes to see you again soon.
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- have asked me to
contribute to this year book. I am to cover
painting & sculpture for 1953 and art exhibitions:
3 articles in all.
I must rush & get ready my Expressionism lecture.
Adore you