- Max. dissimilarity: 0.964
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.364
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 71796808 - RommelC
- 72477489 - hoskinml
- 72668590 - darryluk
- 72807425 - not-logged-in-0f8587867d7943281650
- 73559772 - Zooniverse2017
- 73635216 - jesseytucker

WINNER - 71796808 - RommelC
Blackheath 28-7-53Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
How lucky you are to be able to swim. On the other hand how unlucky you are in your father: it really is too bad that he should persecute you by mail now. Never mind: forget it- he is not worth attention. He only seems to amount to- say- a subsidiary character in a John O'Hara short story.
You are kind enough to ask about the ICA discussion. The best thing I can do, I think, is send you the typescript of my opening remarks- which I read. (let me have it back sometime, if you would.)
I can see that Chandler is a 'sadistic homosexual'. Why is he 'strongly puritan'? Because Marlowe doesn't fuck everybody he could? I should have thought his abstinence had something to do with the final moral effect of Chandler.
I do hope that your nightmares concerning Michael have abated now and that you are sleeping better.
I am waiting impatiently to hear all about the fete. I hope that your plays went well- I am certain that they did: tell me all.
I am glad you like the DAWN poem. Encouraged
72477489 - hoskinml
Blackheath [28-7-53]Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
How lucky you are to be able to swim. On the other hand how unlucky you are in your father : it really is too bad that he should persecute you by mail - now. Never mind : forget it - he is not worth at-tention. He only seems to amount to - say - a sub-sidiary character in a John O'Hara short story.
You are kind enough to ask about the ICA dicus-sion. The best thing I can do, I think, is send you the typescript of my opening remarks - which I read. (Let me have it back sometime, if you would.)
I can see that Chandler is a 'sadistic homosexual'. why is he 'strongly puritan'? Because Marlowe doesn't fuck everybody he could? I should have thought his abstinence had something to do with the final moral effect of Chandler.
I do hope that your nightmares concerning Michael have abated now and that you are sleeping better.
I am waiting impatiently to hear all about the fete. I hope that your plays went well - I am certain that they did : tell me all.
I am glad you like the DAWN poem. Encouraged
72668590 - darryluk
Dearest Sylvia
How lucky you are to be able to swim. On the other hand how unlucky you are in your father: it really is too bad that he should persecute you by mail now. Never mind, forget it - he is not worth attention. He only seems to amount to - say - a subsidiary character in a John O'Hara short story.
You are kind enough to ask about the LCA discussion. The last thing I can do, I think, is send you the typescript of my opening remarks - which I read. (let me have it back sometime, if you would).
I can see that Chandler is a 'sadistic homosexual'. Why is he 'strongly puritan'? because Marlowe doesn't fuck everybody he could? I should have thought his abstinence had something to do with the final moral effect of Chandler.
I do hope that your nightmares concerning Michael have abated now and that you are sleeping better.
I am waiting impatiently to hear all about the fete. I hope that your plays went well - I am certain that they did: tell me all.
I am glad you like the DAWN poem. Encouraged
72807425 - not-logged-in-0f8587867d7943281650
Dearest Sylvia,
How lucky you are
73559772 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest Sylvia
How lucky you are to be able to swim. On the other
hand how unlucky you are in your father: it really
is too bad that he should persecute you by mail -
wow. Never mind, forget it - he is not worth at-
tention. He only seems to amount to - say - a sub-
sidiary character in a John O'Hara short story.
You are kind enough to ask about the ICA discus-
sion. The best thing I can do, I think, is send you
the typescript of my opening reworks - which I
read. (Let me have it back sometime, if you
I can see that Chandler is a 'sadistic homosexual'.
Why is he 'strongly puritan'? Because Marlowe
doesn't fuck everybody he caved? I should have
thought his abstinence had something to do with the
final moral effect of Chandler.
I do hope that your nightmares concerning Michael
have elated now and that you are sleeping better.
I am waiting impatiently to hear all about the fete.
I hope that your plays went well - I am certain
that they did: tell me all.
I am glad you like the DAWN poem. Encouraged
73635216 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia
How lucky you are to be able to swim. On the other
hand how unlucky you are in your tarte: it really
is too bad that he shoved persecute you by mail-
now. Never mind: forget it--he is not worth at-
tention. He only seems to amount to--say--a sub-
sidiary character in a John O'Hara short story.
You are kind enough to ask about the ICA discus-
sion. The best thing I can do, I think, is send you
the typescript of my opening remarks--which I
read. (et me have it back sometime, if you
I can see that Chandler is a 'sadistic homosexual'.
Why is he 'strongly puritan'? Because Marlowe
doesn't fuck everybody he could? I should have
thought his abstinence had something to do with the
final moaral effect of Chandler.
I do hope that your nightmares concerning Michael
have abated now and that you are sleeping better.
I am waiting impatiently to hear all about the fete.
I hope that your plays went well--I am certain
that they did: tell me all.
I am glad you like the DAWN poem. Encouraged