- Max. dissimilarity: 0.192
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.113
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72013285 - Preacher357
- 72809092 - Eboo
- 73310005 - saffyre13
- 73632780 - tmeconverse
- 73651006 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 73716982 - glt

72013285 - Preacher357
[23-8-53] Sunday Blackheath Dearest SylviaThank you for your letter & thank you for getting it to me so quick.
I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it
came) because I have felt very low since you went: depressed
by day and sleepness by night. I am glad that you slept pretty
well - I hope you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's injuries are comparitively light. I
adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed
out loud when I read it. (It still wakes me chuckle as I re-read
How is MM's Zulieka Dolson treatment? Have you read it -
are you ecpected to? I hope you have time for a few conver-
sations with him. MM makes me think of the movies & that
reminds me I couldn't book for The General tonight so M
& I will have to queue for 45 minutes or so to see it. I
expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I found some useful lit. at the ICA - including a
fascinating paper (about the size of an entire VOGUE) on
the museum at Sao Paulo. I hope to finish the syllabar
this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lunch and told me about his trip. he seems
to have worked hard tho' he neglected (according to my
standards) the Mandrians at Otterlo. On the other hand
he looked at Dutch architecture in some detail (he
had some Dutch contacts who showed him around). He
has lent me the Venetian & Van Gogh exhibition cala-
logues which are useful to me as you know.
72809092 - Eboo
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter and thank you for getting it to me so quick.
I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it
came) because I have felt very low since you went: depressed
in day and sleepless by night. I am glad that you slept pretty
well. I hope you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's injuries are comparatively slight. I
adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed
out loud when I read it. (It still makes me chuckle as I re-read
How is MM's Zulieka Dobson treatment? Have you read it -
are you expected to? I hope you have time for a few conver-
sations with him. MM makes me think of the movies that
reminds me I couldn't book for The General tonight so M
I will have to queue for 45 minutes as so to see it. I
expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I fond some useful lit at the ICA - including a
fascinating paper (about the size of an entire VOGUE) on
the museum at Sa Paulo. I hope to finalise the syllabus
this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lurch and told me about his trip. He seems
to have worked hard tho he neglected (according to my
standards) the Mondrians at attends. On the other hand
he looked at Dutch architecture in some detail (he had some Dutch contacts who showed him round). He
has sent me the Venetian Van Gogh exhibitions cata-
logues which are useful to me as you know.
73310005 - saffyre13
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter & thank you for getting it to me so quick.
I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it
came) because I have felt very low since you went: depressed
by day and sleepless by night. I am glad that you slept pretty
well - I hope you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's injuries are comparatively slight. I
adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed
out loud when I read it. (It still makes me chuckle as I re-read it.)
How is MM's Zubieta Dobson treament? Have you read it -
are you expected to? I hope you have time for a few conver-
sations with him. MM makes me think of the movies & that
reminds me I couldn't book for The General tonight so M
& I will have to queue for 45 minutes or so to see it. I
expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I found some useful lit. at the ICA - including a
fascinating paper (about the size of an entire VOGUE) on
the museum at Sao Paulo. I hope to finish the syllabus
this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lunch and told me about his trip. He seems
to have worked hard tho he neglected (according to my
standards) the Mondrians at Otterlo. On the other hand
he looked at Dutch architecture in some detail (he
had some Dutch contacts who showed him round). He
has lent me the Venetian & Van Gough exhibitions cata-
logues which are useful to me as you know.
73632780 - tmeconverse
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter & thank you for getting it to me so quick.
I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it
came) because I have felt very low since you went: depressed
by day and sleepless by night. I am glad that you slept pretty
well - I hope you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's injuries are comparatively slight. I
adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed
out loud when I read it. (It still makes me chuckle as I re-read
How is MM's Zuleika Dobson treatment? Have you read it -
are you expected to? I hope you have time for a few conver-
sations with him. MM makes me think of the movies & that
reminds me I couldn't book for the General tonight so M
& I will have to queue for 45 minutes or so to see it. I
expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I found some useful lit. at the ICA - including a
fascinating paper (about the size of an entire Vogue) on
the museum at Sao Paulo. I hope to finish the syllabus
this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lunch and told me about his trip. he seems
to have worked hard tho he neglected (according to my
standards) the Mondrians at Otterlo. On the other hand
he looked at Dutch architecture in some detail (he
had some Dutch contacts who showed him around). He
has lent me the Venetian & Van Gogh exhibitions cata-
logues which are useful to me as you know.
73651006 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter and thank you for getting it to me so quick.
I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it
came) because I have felt very low since you want: depressed
by day and sleepless by night. I am glad that you slept pretty
well--I love you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's imagines are comparatively slight. I
adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed
out loud when I read it. (It still makes me chuckle as I re-read
How is MM's Zulieka Dolson treatment? Have you read it.
Are you expected to? I hope you have time fo a few conver-
sations with him. MM makes me think of the movies and that
reminds me I couldn't book for The General tonight so M
and I will have to grew for 45 minutes or so to ssee it. I
expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I found some useful lit. at the ICA--includign a
fascinating paper (about the size of an entire VOGUE) on
the museum at Sao Paulo. I hope to finish the syllabus
this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lunch and told me about his trip. He seems
to have worked hard tho he neglected (according to my
standards0 the Mandrian at others. On the other hand
he looked at Duch architecture in some detail (he
had some Dutch conforts who showed him round). He
has lent me the Venetian and Van Gogh exhibitions cata-
logues which are useful to me as you know.
WINNER - 73716982 - glt
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter thank you for getting it to me so quick. I was so pleased to hear from you so soon (Saturday evening it came) because I have felt very low since you went: depressed by day and sleepless by night. I am glad that you slept pretty well - I hope you may continue to do so.
I am reassured that C's injuries are comparatively slight. I adore your story about him in the wheel chair. I laughed out loud when I read it. (It still makes me chuckle as I re-read it.)
How is MM's Zulieka Dobson treatment? Have you read it - are you expected to? I hope you have time for a few conversations with him. MM makes me think of the movies that reminds me I couldn't book for The General tonight so M I will have to queue for 45 minutes or so to see it. I expect he will be willing to.
Delighted to hear that Pett is receiving its share of rain.
Yes, I found some useful lit at the ICA - including a fascinating paper (about the size of an entire VOGUE) on the museum at Sao Paulo. I hope to finish the syllabus this morning in time for M's comments.
CJ gave me lunch and told me about his trip. He seems to have worked hard tho he neglected (according to my standards) the Mondrians at . On the other hand he looked at Dutch architecture in some detail (he had some Dutch contacts who showed him round). He has sent me the Venetian Van Gogh exhibitions catalogues which are useful to me as you know.