- Max. dissimilarity: 0.168
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.106
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 71997440 - racjohn
- 72557808 - Sticker88
- 72584054 - Zooniverse2017
- 73041280 - Salwell
- 73255197 - jesseytucker
- 73452029 - the3esses

WINNER - 71997440 - racjohn
Dearest SylviaI do hope that you are well, not anxious.
Have you heard from M? Even if he is
upset it won't be forever. Let me know
your news.
Peter Banham has given me a lecture
which he can't manage on Modern Sculpture
at Dulwich (NOT, I think, in the Gallery).
It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I
shall be able to settle with the milkman and
we shall be solid and undisturbed during
your visit.
I am busy getting autumn lectures ready.
My course requires a great amount of work.
Toni del Renzio has resigned (after a dispute)
from the ICA exhibitions sub-committee, I
had a letter from Penrose this morning
inviting me on in his place: he, Peter Watson,
Melville are the others.
See you very soon.
Love you
72557808 - Sticker88
Dearest SylviaI do hope that you are well, not anxious.
Have you heard from M? Even if he is
upset it won't be forever. Let me know
your news.
Peter Banham has given me a lecture
which he can't manage on Modern Sculpture
at Dulwich (NOT, I think, in the gallery).
It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I
shall be able to settle with the and
we shall be solid and undisturbed during
your visit.
I am busy getting autumn lectures ready,
my course requires a great amount of work.
Toni del Renzio has resigned (after a dispute)
from the ICA exhibition sub-committee, I
had a lecture from Penrose this morning
inviting me on in his place, he, Peter Watson,
Melville are the others.
See you very soon. I love you
72584054 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest SylviaI do hope you are well, not anxious.
Have you heard from M? Even if he is
upset it won't be forever. Let me know
your news.
Peter Banham has given me a lecture
which he can't manage on Modern Sculpture
at Dulwich (NOT, I think, in the Gallery).
It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I
shall be able to settle with the mitzvah and
we shall be solid and undisturbed during
your visit.
I am busy getting Autumn lectures ready.
My course requires a great amount of work.
Toni DelRensio has resigned (after a dispute)
from the ICA exhibition sub-committee. I
had a letter from Penmore this morning
inviting me on in his place: he, Peter Watson,
Melville are the alters.
See you very soon.
Love you
73041280 - Salwell
Dearest SylviaI do hope that you are well, not anxious.
Have you heard from M? Even if he is
upset it won't be forever. let me know
your news.
Peter Banlam has given me a lecture
which he can't manage on Modern Sculptures
at Dulwich (NOT, I think, in the galery).
It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I
shall be able to settle with the Milran and
we shall be solid and undisturbed during
your visit.
I am busy getting autumn lectures ready,
my course requires a great amount of work.
Toni del Renzio has resigned (after a dispute)
from the ICA exhibitions sub-committee. I
had a letter from Penrose this morning
inviting me on in his place: he, Peter Watson,
Melville are the others
See you very soon
Love you
73255197 - jesseytucker
Dearest SylviaI do hope that you are well, not anxious.
Have you heard from M? Even if he is
upset it won't be forever. Let me know
your news.
Peter Banham has given me a lecture
which he can't maroge on Modern Sculpture
at Dulwick (not, I think, in the Gallery),
It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I
shall be able to settle with the Milram and
we shall e solid and undisturbed during
your visit.
I am busy getting autumn lectures ready,
my course requires a great amount of work.
Toni del Renzco has resigned (after a dispute)
from the ICA exhibtions sub-committee) I
had a letter from Penrose this morning
inviting me on in his Place, he, Peter Watson,
Melville are flex alters.
See you very soon. I love you
73452029 - the3esses
Dearest SylviaI do hope that you are well, not anxious. Have you heard from M? Even if he is upset it won't be forever. Let me know your news.
Peter Banlam has given me a lecture which he can't manage on Modern Sculpture at Dulwich (NOT, I think, in the Gallery). It pays 7 guineas I am glad to say: I shall be able to settle with the milkman and we shall be solid and undisturbed during your visit.
I am busy getting autumn lectures ready. My course requires a great amount of work.
Toni del Renjco has resigned (after a dispute) from the ICA exhibitions sub-committee. I had a letter from Penrose this morning inviting me on in his place: he, Peter Watson Melville are the others.
See you very soon.
Love you