- Max. dissimilarity: 0.155
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.108
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72217093 - Sticker88
- 72415813 - altheist
- 72598030 - JohnDM
- 73414648 - wrightj2h
- 73551938 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 73558781 - darryluk

72217093 - Sticker88
30 XDearest Sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I
had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon
and I think it went well. It was not the art school.
But the annual show of the art club of the student teach-
ers. Nothing outstanding, but a good level of plea-
sant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended
others and was relieved to hear my taste co-incided with
the teachers' views (on the whole). Was interested to
meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy, blonde,
a bit aggressive. (gave him a prize.)
As they paid me there and then here I am in the gaurant
restaurant, lewisham eating supper. Alas, no sound of the
film (White Witch Pocters). It is oddly peaceful here: pad-
ded couch, hardly any customers, renate traffic sounds,
and the modernistic '30-ish design. I know it is hideous
but it has a tiny accent of poiquarcy and pure history
already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having
refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells I am on my
way home to continue with the Italian article. It is like
the post-man: not come yet - but, als, that heavy
Met Mansbridge & Godwin at Goldsmiths, of course.
I do like them. Miss Cowell and Can Mochergie - Ken
appeared again, too.
More later. Goodnight darling, I love you.
72415813 - altheist
30 XDearest Sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon and I think it went well. It was not the art school. But the annual show of the art club of the student-teachers. Nothing outstanding, but a good level of pleasant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended others and was relieved to hear my taste coincides with the teacher's views (on the whole). Was interested to meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy, blonde, a bit aggressive. (game him a prize.)
As they paid me there and then here I am in the Gallmont Restaurant Lewislan eating supper. Alas, no sound of the film (White Witch Doctor). it is oddly peaceful here: padded couch, hardly any customers, remote traffic sounds, and the modernistic 30-ish design. I know it is hideous but it has a tiny accent of poingency and pure history already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells I am on my way home to continue with the Italian article. It is like the post-man: not come yet - but, oh, that heavy beathing.
Met Mambridge & Godwin at Golsmiths, of course. I so like them. Miss Lowell and Ian Machergie-Ken appeared again, too.
More later. Goodnight darling. I love you.
72598030 - JohnDM
30 XDearest Sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon and I think it went well. It was not the art school but the annual show of the art club of the student-teachers. Nothing outstanding, but a good level of pleasant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended others and was relieved to hear my taste co-incided with the teachers' views (on the whole). Was interested to meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy, blonde, but a bit aggressive. (Gave him a prize.)
As they paid me there and then here I am at the Gaumont Restaurant, Lewisham, eating supper. Alas, no sound of the film (White Witch Doctor). It is oddly peaceful here: padded couch, hardly any customers, remote traffic sounds, and the modernistic '30-ish design. I know it is hideous but it had a tiny accent of poignancy and pure history already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells. I am on the way home to continue with the Italian artists. It is like the post-war: not come yet - but, oh, that heavy breathing.
Met Mambridge & Godwin at Goldsmiths, of course. I do like them. Miss Lowell and Ian Machergis. Ken appeared again, too.
More later. good night darling. I love you.
73414648 - wrightj2h
30XDearest sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon and I think it went well. It was not the art school but the annual show of the art club of the student-leaders. Nothing outstanding, but a good level of pleasant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended others and was relieved to hear my taste coincided with the teacher's views (on the whole). Was interested to meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy, blonde, a bit aggressive. (Gave him a prize.)
As they paid me there and then I am in the Gaumont Restaurant, Lewisham eating supper. Alas, no sound of the film (White Witch Doctor). It is oddly peaceful here: padded couch, hardly any customers, remote traffic sounds, and the modernistic '30-ish design. I know it is hideous but it has a tiny accent of poignancy and pure history already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells I am on my way home to continue with the Italian article. It is like the postman: not come yet - but, oh, that heavy breathing.
Met Mambridge & Godwin at Goldsmiths, of course. I do like them. Miss Cowell and Ian Machergie-Kerr appeared again, too.
More later. Goodnight darling. I love you.
73551938 - Zooniverse2017
30 XDearest Sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I
had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon
and I think it went well. It was not the art school -
but the annual show of the art club of the student-teach-
ers. Nothing outstanding, but a good level of plea-
sant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended
others and was relieved to hear my taste co-incided with
the teachers' views (on the whole). Was interested to
meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy, blonde,
a bit aggressive. (Gave him a prize.)
As they paid me there and then here I am in the Gaumont
Restaurant, Lewisham eating supper. Alas, no sound of the
film (White With Doctor). It is oddly peaceful here: pad-
ded couch, hardly any customers, remote traffic sounds,
and the modernistic 30-ish design. I know it is hideous
but it has a tiny accent of poignancy and pure history
already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having
refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells I am on my
way home to continue with the italian article. It is like
the post-war: not come yet -but, ah, that heavy
Met Manbridge & Godwin at Goldsmiths, of course.
I do like them. Miss Lowell and Ian Machevzie-Kern
apprared again, too.
More later. Good night darling. I love you.
WINNER - 73558781 - darryluk
30 XDearest Sylvia
I was nervous of lecturing at Goldsmiths on work I had never seen before: however, I had all afternoon and I think it went well. It was not the art school, but the annual show of the art club of the student-teachers. Nothing outstanding: but a good level of pleasant feeling: you know. I awarded prizes, commended others and was relieved to hear my taste coincided with the teachers' views (on the whole). Was interested to meet myself in miniature: young, unshaven, shy blonde, a bit aggressive. (Gave him a prize).
As they paid me there and then here I am in the Gaumont restaurant, Lewisham eating supper. Alas, no sound of the film (White Witch Doctor). It is oddly peaceful here: padded couch, hardly any customers, remote traffic sounds, and the modernistic 30-ish design. I know it is hideous but it has a tiny account of poignancy and pure history already. I am not going to the film afterwards: having refused to go to Intolerance with the Cordells I am on my way home to continue with the Italian article. It is like the post-war: not come yet - but, oh, that heavy breathing.
Met Manbridge & Godwin at Goldsmiths, of course. I do like them. Miss Cowell and Ian Machergie-Kerr appeared again, too.
More later. Goodnight darling. I love you.