- Max. dissimilarity: 0.109
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.068
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72714660 - Eloquens
- 73012103 - not-logged-in-400ba5d464904d527730
- 73332225 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 73672049 - racjohn
- 73979104 - darryluk
- 74001697 - saffyre13

72714660 - Eloquens
I have just learned that Park Nelsons has already contacted Foster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to discuss a lower price than 2 400 because I had no way of know-ing what South (and you?) had said. So the whole meeting was inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from South. I don't see what I can do now.I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I can : so let me know the next move. I am afraid have achieved nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I am writing about Pazuore and about Paolozzi. Two weeks and I must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside 2 weeks. Stephen Spender is interested in my Paul Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book. I have started collecting stills for it, by the way.
I am glad the Saroges & Diana (and her boys) are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly
M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you agree really - But I love you so.
Love you
PS I enclose South's letter. L
73012103 - not-logged-in-400ba5d464904d527730
I have just learned that Park Nelsons has already contacted Foster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to discuss a lower price than 2400 because I had no way of knowing what South (and you?) had said. So the whole meeting was inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from South. I don't see what I can do now.I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I can: so let me know the next move. I am afraid I have achieved nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I am writing about Pasmore and about Poologgi. Two weeks and I must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside 2 weeks Stephen Spender is interested in my Paul Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book. I have started collecting stills for it, by the way.
I am glad the Savages & Diana (and her boys) are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you agree really. But I love you so.
Love you
PS I enclose South's letter. L
73332225 - Zooniverse2017
I have just learned that Paul Nelson has already contactedFoster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with
them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do
it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are
doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to
discuss a lower price than 2400 because I had no way of know-
ing what South (and you?) had said. So the real meeting was
inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from
South. I don't see what I can do now.
I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I
can: so let me know the next move. I am afraid I have achieved
nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I
am writing about Passmore and about Paolozzi. Two weeks and I
must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside
2 weeks Stephen Spader is interested in my Paul Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book.
I have started collecting stills for it, by the way.
i am glad the Savages & Diana (and her boys)
are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly
M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you argue really.
But I love you so.
love you
P.S. I enclose South's letter. L
WINNER - 73672049 - racjohn
I have just learned that Paul Nelsons has already contactedfoster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with
them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do
it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are
doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to
discuss a lower price than 2400 because I had no way of know-
ing what South (and you?) had said. So the whole meeting was
inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from
South. I don't see what I can do now.
I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I
can: so let me know the next move. I am afraid I have achieved
nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I
am writing about Pasmore and about Paolozzi. Two weeks and I
must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside
2 weeks. Stephen Spender is interested in my Paul Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book.
I have started collecting stills for it, by the way.
I am glad the Savages & Diana (and her boys)
are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly
M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you agree really.
But I love you so.
Love you
PS I enclose South's letter. L
73979104 - darryluk
I have just learned that Park Nelsons has already contacted Foster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to discuss a lower price than 2400 because I had no way of knowing what South (and you?) had said. So the whole meeting was inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from South. I don't see what I can do now.: inside 2 weeks
I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I can: so let me know the next move. I am afraid I have achieved nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I am writing about Pasmore and about Paolozzi. Two weeks and I must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside 2 weeks Stephen Spender is interested in my Pavo Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book. I have started collecting stills for it, by the way.
I am glad the Savages & Diana (and her boys) are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you agree really.
But I love you so.
I love you
ps i enclose South's letter.
74001697 - saffyre13
I have just learned that Park Nelsons has already contactedFoster and Foster about the things I was supposed to discuss with
them this morning. Why have me go in if South was going to do
it? I cannot help the deal if I do not know what you are
doing. I was immediately at a disadvantage when I tried to
discuss a lower price than 2400 because I have no way of know-
ing what South (and you?) had said. So the whole meeting was
inconclusive. I suppose you will hear the next news from
South. I don't see what I can do now.
I appreciate the need for speed, of course, and I will do all I
can: so let me know the next move. I am afraid I have ocleined
nothing this morning.
Still I am very busy: a lecture every day and I
am writing about Passmore and about Poolozzi. Two weeks and I
must have sent off another report from London to Art News: inside
2 weeks. Stephen Sperder is interested in my Pave Klee article, too.
When I have a minute I have many film ideas for my book.
I have started collecting still for it, by the way.
I am glad the Savages & Diana (and her boys)
are so nice.
I don't think you should stay with me until you know certainly
M is not co-operating - much as I want you. Don't you argue really.
But I love you so.
I love you
PS I enclose South's letter. L