- Max. dissimilarity: 0.243
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.144
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71878598 - EricSaberhagen
- 72035476 - the3esses
- WINNER - 73342298 - hoskinml
- 73448123 - altheist
- 73569714 - ChaoticK
- 73792255 - Carriechelle

71878598 - EricSaberhagen
Blackheath26 Nov
Dearest Sylvia
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M is doing. Did
South contact him? What was the result? On that, of course,
depends where you should stay when you come for the 10th. If
there is a chance of M behaving properly it would be wiser to
go to Dave's, as you suggest. I want to be with you very badly
but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon
& it would be bad if a Queen's Procter did happen around.
Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea.
I will make you a precis. I was always commended at
school for my precis work, I remember: one of the few things I
could do in those inhibited days. If you come up to check
details in the house we must meet and if possible have the
day together: but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your sweet letter and try to rest be-
tween work. I am busy - but between times I will relax. (I have
not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diana paint - and paint
large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write
to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Melville's feat for a drink. It
is in a meus behind Bedford Square. Too intricate & busy
for me but with nice pictures (small) - Matta, Picasso, Ma-
gritte, &c. (Too many up at once - I thought.)
Ok drist: I must go to town. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my
Klee piece was for the ICA & for encounter.)
I'll let you know as soon as I hear from Danialt
Love you
72035476 - the3esses
Blackheath26 Nov
Dearest Sylvia
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M is doing. Did South contact him? What was the result? On that I of course, depends where you should stay when you come for the 10th. If there is a chance of M behaving properly it would be wise to go to Dore's, as you suggest. I want to be with you very badly but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon & it would be bad if a Queen's Procter did happen around. Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea. I will make you a precis I was always commended at school for my precis work, I remember: one of the few things I could do in those inhibited days. If you come up to check details in the house we must meet and if possible have the day together: but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your sweet letter and try to rest between work. I am busy - but between times I will relax. ( I have not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diana paint - and paint large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Melville's flat for a drink. It is in a mews behind Bedford Square. Too intricate & busy for me but with nice pictures (small) - Matte, Picasso, Mc.gritte, & c. (Too many up at once - I thought.)
Oh Christ: i must go to town. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my Klee piece was for the ICA & for [/unclear
I'll let you know soon as I hear from Dormalt.
Love you
WINNER - 73342298 - hoskinml
Blackheath26 Nov
Dearest Sylvia
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M is doing. Did South contact him? What was the result? On that, of course, depends where you should stay when you come for the 10th. If there is a chance of M behaving properly it would be wiser to go to Doe's, as you suggest. I want to be with you very badly but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon & it would be bad if a Queen's Procter did happen around. Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea. I will make you a precis. I was always commended at school for my precis work, I remember : one of the few things I could do in those inhibited days. If you come up to check details in the house we must meet and if possible have the day together : but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your sweet letter and try to rest be-tween work. I am busy- but between times I will relax. (I have not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diana paint - and paint large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Melville's feat for a drink. IC is in a mews behind Bedford Square. Too intricate & busy for me but with nice pictures (small) - Matta, Picasso, Ma-gritte, &c. (too many up at once - I thought.)
Oh Christ : I must go to town. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my Klee piece was for the ICA & for Encounter.)
I'll let you know soon as I hear from Donnatt
love you
73448123 - altheist
Blackheath26 Nov.
Dearest Sylvia
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M. is doing. Did South contact him? What was the results? On that 14 hours, depends on where you should stay when you came for the 10th. If there is a chance of M. behaving properly it would be wise to go to Doe's. or you suggest. I want to be with you very badly but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon & it would be bad if a Queen's Proctor did happen around. Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea. I will make you a pricre. I was always commended at school for my pricre work, I remember: one of the few things I could do in those inhibited days. If you come up to check details in the house we must meet and if possible have the day together: but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your sweet letter and try to rest between work. I am busy - but retinea times I will relax. (I have not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diarn paint - and paint large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Melnille's flat for a dinner. It is in a mews behind Bedford Square. Too intricate & busy for me but with nice picture (small) - Matta, Picasso, Mavitte, & C. (Too many up at once - I thought.)
Oh Christ: I must go to town. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my Klee piece was for the I.C.A. & for Encounter.)
I'll let you know soon as I hear from Damatt
I Love you
73569714 - ChaoticK
Blackheath26 Nov
Dearest Slyvia
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M is doing. Did South contact him? What was the result? On that, of course, depends where you should stay when you come for the 10th. If there is a chance of M behaving properly it would be wiser to go to Doe's, as you suggest. I want to be with you very badly but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon & it would be bad if a Queen's Proctor did happen around. Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea. I will make you a preus. I was always commended at school for my preus work, I remember: one of the few things I could do in those inhibited days. If you come up to check details in the house we must meet and if possible have the day together: but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your sweet letter and try to rest between work. I am busy - but between times I will relax. (I have not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diana paint - and paint large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Meville's flat for a drink. It is in a mews behind Bedford Square. Too intricate & busy for me but with nice pictures (small) - Matte, Picasso, Magritte, & c. (too many up at once - I thought.)
Oh Christ: I must go to town. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my Klee piece was for the ICA & for Encounter.) I'll let you know soon as I hear from Donialt. I love you Lawrence
73792255 - Carriechelle
Blackheart26 Nov
Dearest Sylvia,
I am sorry to hear you do not yet know what M is doing. Did
South contact him? What was the result? On that, of course,
depends where you should stay when you come for the 10th. If
there is a chance of M ??? properly it would be wise to
go to D??'s, on your suggest. I want to be with you very badly
but if the house survey is positive we will be together very soon
as itw ould be best if a Queen's Procter did happen around.
Still we can see.
What you say about sending South the report is a good idea.
I will make you a piece. I was always commended at
school for my piece work, I remember: one of the few things I
could do in those inhilite days. If you come up to check
details in the house we must meet and if possible have the
day together: but I may not be free all day, as you know.
I will do as you say in your secret letter and try to rest be-
tween work. I am busy - but between times I will relax. (I have not been to the cinema for ages.)
Good for you that you can make Diana paint - and paint large pictures, too. What is the subject? (I must write
to her.)
Finally got invited to Robert Melville's jeal? for a drink. It
is in a mens behind Bradford Square. Too intricate and busy
for me but with nice pictures (small) - Matta, Picasso, Mc-
nitte, and C (too many up at once - I thought.)
Oh Christ: I must go to tour. C.O.I.D. this time. (Yes, my
Klee piece was for the ICA and for Encounter.)
I'll let you know soon as I hear from Dawalt
Love you