- Max. dissimilarity: 0.199
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.154
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72231209 - altheist
- 72862036 - Preacher357
- 73017193 - myardley
- WINNER - 73166492 - ethomson
- 73556216 - glt
- 73863802 - k8mielke

72231209 - altheist
Elizabeth Luttyres (you know - film music & 12-tone serious composer). We travelled home together & I had Ovaltine her & husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a manic, sledge hammer fashion. (I put down my headache this morning more to her than to work.)How is Mrs. Hake? She knows, I supposed, that you, like the Woods, are leaving the district - even if the full details are withheld. Does you portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to COID, N.G., and V.A.M. for slides. What a BORE - especially as it is rather foggy. I am going to stay in Wimbledon tonight after Barnstead - so if you should need to reach me on Thursday morning you could ring me before 10:00.
Take care of yourself my darling,
Love you
72862036 - Preacher357
Elizabeth Luttyns (you know - film music & 12-tone ser-ious composer). We travelled home together & I had ovaltine
with her & husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a
manic, sledge hammer fashion. (I put down my my headache this
morning more to her tea to work.)
How is Mrs Hake? She knows, I suppose, that you, like
the Woods, are leaving the district - even if the full
details are withheld. Does your portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to C or D, NG, and VAM for slides.
What a BORE - expecially as it is rather foggy.
I am going to stay at Wimbledon tonight after Ban-
stead - so if you should need to reach me on
Thursday morning you could ring me before 10:00.
Take care of yourself my darling.
I love you
73017193 - myardley
Elizabeth luttings (you know -film ____ & 12-time ser-ious composer). we travelled home together & I had ovaltine with her & husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a manic, sledge hammer fashion. (I put down my headache this morning more to her than to work.)How is Mrs. Hale? She knows, I suppose, that you, like the Woods, are leaning like district -- even if the full details are withheld. Does your portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to CORD, NG, and VAM for slides. What a BORE - especially as it is rather foggy. I am going to stay at Wimbledon Tariger after Ban-stead -- so if you should need to reach me on Thursday morning you could ring me before 10.00.
Take care of yourself my darling.
Love you
WINNER - 73166492 - ethomson
Elizabeth Lutyens (you know - film music & 12-tone ser-ious composer). We travelled home together & I had ovaltine
with her & husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a
manic, sledge hammer fashion. (I put down my headache this
morning more to her than to work.)
How is Mrs. Hake? She knows, I suppose, that you, like
the Woods, are leaving the district - even if the full
details are withheld. Does your portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to COID, NG, and VAM for slides.
What a BORE - especially as it is rather foggy.
I am going to stay at Wimbeldon tonight after Ban-
stead - so if you should need to reach me on
Thursday morning you could ring me before 10.00.
Take care of yourself my darling.
love you
73556216 - glt
Elisabeth Lutyens (you know - film music and 12-tone serious composer). We travelled home together and I had ovaltine with her and her husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a manic, sledge hammer fashion. (I put down my headache this morning more to her than to work.)How is Mrs Hake? She knows, I suppose, that you, like the Woods, are leaving the district - even if the full details are withheld. Does your portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to COID, NG and VAM for slides. What a BORE - especially as it is rather foggy. I am going to stay at Wimbledon tonight after Banstead - so if you should need to reach me on Thursday morning you could ring me before 10.00.
Take care of yourself my darling.
Love you
73863802 - k8mielke
Elizabeth Luttings (you know - film maurice & 12-tone serious composer). We travelled home together & I had ovaltine with her & husband Edward Clark. She is very nice in a manic, sledge hammer tarhia. (I put down my headache this morning more to her than to work.)How is Mrs. Hake? She brown, I suppose that you, like the Woods, are leaving the district - even is the full details are withheld. Does your portrait of her go well?
Today I have to go to COLD, NG, and VAM for slides. What a BORE - especially as it is rather foggy.
I am going to stay at Wimbledon tonight after Banstead - so if you should need to reach me on Thursday morning you could ring me before 10.00.
Take care of yourself my darling.
Love you