- Max. dissimilarity: 0.271
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.132
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72385532 - Zooniverse2017
- 72730056 - CMcP
- 73073119 - jesseytucker
- 73256451 - aayer25
- WINNER - 73715308 - glt
- 73914238 - Twakky
- 74258392 - southsidesunny

72385532 - Zooniverse2017
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that
you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope
that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When
we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed
for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at
Victoria on schedule tho' there was a fog service in London
itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jacobsen's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks,
one especially with a Bourbon base was good, Architectural
students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went
well, too: Anthony Hill & Patrick Heron were there and so
was Prunella Lloughs, who I was interested to meet for, as you
know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Magda.
I spent Saturday night at Magda, waking at noon - refreshed
and in good health - ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I
have to get my Harpeidon lecture ready. What a lore.
Tomorrow Pasmore & Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am
going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas Eve, staying
until about Monday, I think.
Tho' I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I am
saving it to read over X'mas. It requires an effort of
iron will but as it is a X'mas present I want to keep it
till then.
72730056 - CMcP
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your patron Friday? I wish I could have stayed for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at Victoria on schedule tho there was a fog service in London itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jacobsen's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks, one especially with a bourbon base was good. Architectural students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went well, too: Anthony Hill & Patrick Heron was there and so was Prunella Clough, who I was interested to meet for, as you know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Mogda.
I spent Saturday night at Mogda, working at noon - refreshed and in good health - ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I have to get my Harpenden lecture ready. What a bore. tomorrow Patricia and Peter Kinley are coming for coffee. I am going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas Eve, staying until about Monday, I think.
Tho I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I am saving it to read over Xmas. It requires an effort of will but as it is a Xmas present I want to keep it till then.
73073119 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that
you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope
that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When
we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed
for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at
Victoria on schedule tho there was a fog service in London
itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jacobsen's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks,
one especially with a Bourbon base was good, Architetural
students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went
well, too: Anthony Hill and Patrick Heron were there and so
was Prunella though, who I was interested to meet for, as you
know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Moyda.
I spent Saturday night at Magda, working at noon--refreshed
and in good health--ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I
have to get my Harpenden lecture ready. What a bore.
Tomorrow Pasmore ad Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am
going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas Eve, staying
until about Monday, I think.
Tho I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I am
saving it to read over X'mas. It requires an effort of
iron will but as it is a X'mas present I want to keep it
till then.
73256451 - aayer25
Dearest Sylvia
I love every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubt. When we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at Victoria on schedule as there was a fog service in London itself. Tell me about your party.
TG Jacobzen's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks, one especially with a bourbon base was good. Architectural students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went well, too. Anthony Hill and Patrick Herem were there and so was Prunella Clough, who I was interested to meet for, as you know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Mogda.
I spent saturday night at Mogda, working at noon - refreshed and in good health - ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I have to get my Karpenden lecture ready. What a bore.
Tomorrow Parivere and Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas eve, staying until monday, I think.
WINNER - 73715308 - glt
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at Victoria on schedule tho there was a fog service in London itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jacobsen's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks, one especially with a Bourbon base was good. Architectural students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went well, too: Anthony Hill Patrick Heron were there and so was Prunella Clough, who I was interested to meet for, as you know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Magda.
I spent Saturday night at Magda, waking at noon - refreshed and in good health - ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I have to get my Harpenden lecture ready. What a bore.
Tomorrow Pasmore Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas Eve, staying until about Monday, I think.
Tho I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I am saving it to read over X'mas. It requires an effort of iron will but as it is a x/mas present I want to keep it till then.
73914238 - Twakky
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that you love me and I know that I love you completely. I hope that you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at Victoria on schedule tho There was a fog service in London itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jackson's party was pleasant with some very nice drinks, one especially with a Bourbon base was good. Architectural students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went well, too: Anthony Hill & Patrick heron were there and so was Prunella Clough, who I was interested to meet for, as you know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Magda.
I spent Saturday night at Magda, working at noon - refreshed and in good health - ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I have to get my Harpenden lecture ready. What a bore.
Tomorrow Passmore & Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Question time, staying until about Monday, I think.
Tho I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I'm saving it to read over x'mas. It requires an effort of iron will But as it is an x'mas present I want to keep it till then.
74258392 - southsidesunny
Dearest Sylvia
I loved every minute of Friday. Oh I have no doubt that
you feel this with me, and do not feel doubts. When
we are together our life will be wonderful. Soon now, soon.
How was your party on Friday? I wish I could have stayed
for some of it, at least. My train incidentally arrived at
Victoria on schedule tho there was a fog service in London
itself. Tell me about your party.
The Jacobsens' party was pleasant with some very nice drinks,
one especially with a Bourbon base was good. Architectural
students and Americans mainly. Adrian Heath's party went
well, too: Anthony Hill & Patrick Heron were there and so
was Prunella Clough, who I was interested to meet for, as you
know, I quite like her work. She was very lesbian with Magda.
I spent Saturday night at Magda, waking at noon -- refreshed
and in good health -- ready for my afternoon lecture. Today I
have to get my Harpenden lecture ready. What a bore
Tomorrow Pasmore & Peter Kinley are coming to coffee. I am
going to Wimbledon on Thursday, Christmas Eve, staying
until about Monday, I think.
Tho I have been tempted I have not read Chandler. I am
saving it to read over X'mas. It requires an effort of
iron will but as it is a X'mas present I want to keep it
till then.