- Max. dissimilarity: 0.176
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.12
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72289955 - darryluk
- 72571748 - jesseytucker
- 73143067 - Chris5420
- WINNER - 73812478 - tmeconverse
- 73874351 - Zooniverse2017
- 73898021 - Twakky

72289955 - darryluk
2My cold seemed quescent and I thought I was mistaken but directly I left the warm studio to go to bed - I didn't hang about.Faykindly did my hot-water etc. - I start to cough and sneeze - so I'm staying in bed today. I shall finish Blackber read the Burlington and collect up the Christmas cards. I have been reading the article by Gowing on Vauxhall - and i think it very good - but what do you think of the light and shadow on the arm that holds the lantern having " a profound quality of genuineness which carries conviction" something for your fallacys of height I should think! Have you heard any more of the magazine?
Now what I am writing about is dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets
72571748 - jesseytucker
2 my cold seemed quescent and I thoughtI was mistaken but directly I left
the wam studio to go to bed. I
didn't hang about Tiny kindly did
my hot water etc. I start to
cough and sneeze, so I'm staying
in bed today. I shall finish
Blacker read the Burlington and
correct up the Christmas cards.
I have been reading the article by
Gowing on Vauxhall and I think it
very good, but what do you think
of the light and shadow on the arm
that holds the lantern having "a
profound quality of genuineness which
carries conviction" something for your
fallacy of height I should think!
Have you heard any more of the mag-
How what I"m really writing about
to dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from
Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets
73143067 - Chris5420
My cold seemed quiescent and I thought I was mistaken but directly I left the warm studio to go to bed - I didn't hang about Tiny Kindly did my hot-water etc. - I start to cough and sneeze - So I'm staying in bed to-day. I shall finish Blaeber read the Brilington and collect up the Christmas cards. I have been reading the article by Gowing on Vauxhall - and I think it very good - but what do you think of the light and shadow on the arm that holds the lantern having "a profound quality of genuineness which carries conviction " something for your fallacy of height I should think! Have you heard any more of the mag-azine?
Now what I'm really writing about is dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets
WINNER - 73812478 - tmeconverse
2My cold seemed quiescent and I thought
I was mistaken but directly I left
the warm studio to go to bed - I
didn't hang about Tiny kindly did
my hot-water etc. - I start to
cough and sneeze - So - I'm staying
in bed today. I shall finish
Blacker read the Burlington and
cossect up the Christmas cards.
I have been reading the article by
Gouring on Vauxhall - and I think it
very good - but what do you think
of the light and shadow on the arm
that holds the lantern having "a
profound quality of genuineness which
carries conviction" Something for your
fallacy of height I should think!
Have you heard any more of the mag-
Now what I'm really writing about
is dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from
Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets
73874351 - Zooniverse2017
2 my cold seemed quiescent and I thoughtI was mistaken but directly I left
the warm studio to go to bed - I
didn't hang-about Tiny kindly did
my hot-water etc. - Instant to
cough and sneeze - so I'm staying
in bed today. I shall finish
Blacker read the Burlington and
correct up the Christmas cards.
I have been reading the article by
Gowing on Vauxhall - and I think it
very good - but what do you think
of the light and shadow on the arm
that holds the lantern having "a
profound quality of genuineness which
carries convention." Something for your
fallacy of height I should think!
Have you heard any more of the mag-
Now what I'm really writing about
is dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from
Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets
73898021 - Twakky
2 My cold seemed quiescent and I thought I was mistaken but directly I left the warm studio to go to bed - I didn't hang about Jnykindly did my hot water etc. - I started to cough and sneeze - so I'm staying in bed today. I shall finish Blacke2 read the Burlington and collect up the Christmas cards.I have been reading the article by Goneing on Vauxhall - and I think it very good - but what do you think of the light and shadow on the a that hotel the lantern having "a profound quality of genuineness which carries conviction" Something for you fallacy of height I should think! Have you heard any more of this magazine?
Now what I'm really writing about is dates! I shall catch the 10.10 from Cambridge on Monday 9th which gets