- Max. dissimilarity: 0.228
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.129
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71751050 - Zooniverse2017
- 71941877 - LMP9527
- 72836782 - landfordjohnmartin
- 73059012 - wrightj2h
- WINNER - 73598040 - darryluk
- 73616205 - Preacher357

71751050 - Zooniverse2017
4 as I ought to see Georgie onthe 24th and it will be a nice
excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news
from Gainsborough - at worst I hope
he will let you review the show.
If you think of any further names
for cards do jot them down I think
this is vitally important. I have
addressed a further 50 envelopes,
including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all your news and
how your lectures went and the discuss-
ion was like. We have your chair
in the studio we all declare it to
be both elegant and comfortable!
Directly I have get my pictures done
I will get to work on it!
Tiny and I hope to go to "Intimate
Relations" on Wednesday matinee. The
snaps are ready tomorrow. The winding has
blown part of the wall down at the corner
of Panel Lane - We are very sad about it.
I love you
71941877 - LMP9527
& as I ought to see Georgia onThe 24th, and it will be a nice
Excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news
from Gainesborough- at least I hope
he will let you review the show.
If you think of any further names
for cards, do you then doubt that this
Is vitally important. I have
Addressed a further 50 envelopes,
including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all of your news and
How your lectures went and the discussion
Was like. We have your chair
In the studies, we all declare it to
be both elegant and comfortable.
Weekly I have got my pictures done.
I will get to work on it!
Tiny and I hope to go to "zikunate
Relations" on Wednesday matinee. The
Snaps are ready tomorrow. The wind has
Blown part of the wall down at the corner
of Panel jane- we are very sad about it.
72836782 - landfordjohnmartin
4as I ought to see George on the 24th and it will be a nice excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news from Gainsborough - at worse I hope he will let you review the show. If you think of any further names for cards do jot them down, I think this is vitally important. I have addressed a further 50 envelopes, including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all your news and how your lectures went and the discussion was like. We have your chair - the stuelis we all declare it to be both elegant and comfortable!
Directly I have got my pictures done I will get to work on it!
Tony and I hope to go to "Intimate Relations" on Wednesday Matinee. The snaps are ready tomorrow. The wind has blown part of the wall down at the corner of Panel Lane. We are very sad about it.
I love you, Sylvia
73059012 - wrightj2h
4As I ought to see George on the 24th and it will be a nice excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news from Gainborough - at worst I hope he will let you review the show. If you think of any further names for cards do jot them down I think this is vitally important. I have addressed a further 50 envelopes, including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all your news and how your lectures went and the discussion was like. We have your chair - at the studio we all declare it to be both elegant and comfortable!
Directly I have got my pictures done I will get to work on it!
Tiny and I hope to go to "Intimate Relations" on Wednesday Matinee. The snaps are ready tomorrow. The wind has blown part of the wall down at the corner of Pond Lane - we are very sad about it,
WINNER - 73598040 - darryluk
4as I ought to see George on the 24th and it will be a nice excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news from Gainsborough - at worst I hope he will let you review the show. If you think of any further names for cards do jot them down I think this is vitally important. I have addressed a further 50 envelopes, including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all your news and how your lectures went and the discussion was like. We have your chair in the studio we all declare it to be both elegant and comfortable! Directly I have got my pictures done I will get to work on it!
Tiny and I hope to go to "Intimate Relations" on Wednesday matinee. The snaps are ready tomorrow.Lane - The wind has blown part of the wall down at the corner of Panel Lane. We are very sad about it.
I love you
73616205 - Preacher357
4 as I ought to see Georgie onthe 24th and it will be a nice
excuse to be with you!
I wonder if there is any news
from Gainsborough - I hope
he will let you review the show.
If you think of any further names
for cards do jot them down, I think
this is vitally important. I have
addressed a further 50 envelopes,
including one to each of the galleries.
Do tell me all your news and
how your lectures went and the discuss-
ion was like. We have your chair -
in the studio, we all declare it to
be both elegant and comfortable!
directly I have got my pictures done
I will get to work on it!
Tiny and I hope to go to "Intamate
Relation's" on Wednesday Matinee. The
snaps are ready tomorrow. The windy has
blown part of the wall down at the corner
of Panel Lane - we are very sad about it.
I Love You