- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.38
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72544678 - Chris5420
- 72653154 - not-logged-in-3ad1e8de046843f2af07
- 72710151 - Preacher357
- 72840772 - landfordjohnmartin
- 73253078 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 73307799 - racjohn
- 73509019 - wrightj2h

72544678 - Chris5420
3 There was an advertisement for the Curatorship (for assistant Curatorship) of the Geoffrye Museum in London - I will enclose it if I can - it was Wednesdays' "Times"I think I shall write to the curator of the Maritime Museum - should I address thus? Have you found names and address of Contempory Arts People? Do you know Patrick Heron's address? If I don't get the portrait of the Artist' you will get Gainsborough to let you do a review, won't you?
I'm oiling and framing as much as I can under the circumstances - but I haven't much strength. I'm hoping to be quite recovered on Monday.
I think considering the size etc the still life with Chianti should be only 8 gms as it is about the same size as the still-life with a blue bowl & chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem - technically brilliant I think, and with
72653154 - not-logged-in-3ad1e8de046843f2af07
72710151 - Preacher357
3 There was an advertisement for theCreatorship (or Assistan Curatorship)
of the Geoffrye Museum in London -
I will enclose it if I can - it was
Wednesday's "Times".
I think I shall write to the curator
of the Maritime Museum - should I
address him thus? Have you found names
and addresses of Comtempory Arts People?
Do yo know Patrick Hessin's address?
If I don't get the portrait of the Action,
you will get Gainsborough to let you
do a review, won't you?
I'm oiling and framing as much as I
can under the circumstances - but I
haven't much strength. I'm hoping to
be quite recovered on Monday.
I think considering the size etc
the still life with Chranti should
be only signs as it is about the
size as the still-life with
a blue bowl & chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem -
technically brilliant I think and with
72840772 - landfordjohnmartin
3there was an advertisement for the curatorship (or assistant curatorship) of the Geffrye Museum in London - I will enclose it if I can - it was Wednesday's "Times".
I think I shall write to the curator of the Maritime Museum - should I address him thus & have you found names and addresses of Contemporary Arts people? Do you know Patrick Hessn's address and if I don't get the portrait of the Artist, you will get Gainsborough to let you do a review, won't you?
I'm diling and framing as much as I can under the circumstances - but I haven't much strength. I'm hoping to be quite recovered on Monday.
I think considering the size etc the still life with Chianti should be only 8? as it is about the same size as the still life with a blue bowl and chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem - technically brilliant I think, and with
73253078 - jesseytucker
3 there was an advertiement for theCreatorship (or assistnat Curatorship)
of the Geoffrey Museum in London--
I will enclose it if I can--it was
Wednesday's "Times".
I think I shall write to the curator
of the Maritime Museum--should I
address him thus? Have you found names
and address of Contemporary Arts people?
Do you know Patrick Henson's address?
If I don't get the portrait of the Artists
you will get Gainsborough to let you
do a review,wont you?
I'm oiling and framing as much as I
can under the circumstances--but I
haven't much strength. I'm hoping to
be quite recovered on Monday.
I think considering the size etc
the still life with Chianti should
be only signs, as it si about the
same size as the still life with
a blue bowl and chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem--
technically brilliant I think and with
WINNER - 73307799 - racjohn
3 There was an advertisement of theCuratorship (or assistant curatorship)
of the Geoffrye museum in London.
I will enclose it if I can. It was
Wednesday's "Times".
I think I shall write to the curator
of the Maritime Museum - should I
address him thus? Have you found names
and address of Contemporary Arts People?
Do you know Patrick Heron's address?
If I don't get 'the Portrait of the Artist',
you will get Gainsborough to let you
do a review, won't you?
I'm oiling and framing as much as I
can under the circumstances - but I
haven't much strength. I'm hoping to
be quite recovered on Monday.
I think considering the size etc
the still life with Chianti should
be only 8 as it is about the
same size as the still life with
a blue bowl & chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem -
technically brilliant I think, and with
73509019 - wrightj2h
3There was an advertisement for the Curatorship (or Assistant Curatorship) of the Geffrye Museum in London - I will enclose it if I can - it was Wednesday's "Times".
I think I shall write to the curator of the Maritime Museum - should I address him thus? Have you found names and addresses of Contemporary Arts People? Do you know Patrick Hesson's address? If I don't get the Portrait of the Artist we will get Gainsborough to let you do a review, won't you?
I'm oiling and framing as much as I can under the circumstances - but I haven't much strength. I'm hoping to be quite recovered on Monday!
I think considering the size etc the still life with Chianti should be only signe, as it is about the same size as the still-life with a blue bowl and chestnuts.
Thank you for the poem - technically brilliant I think, and with