- Max. dissimilarity: 0.267
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.153
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 72554002 - hoskinml
- 72641754 - saffyre13
- 72990636 - myardley
- 73043329 - Salwell
- 73077766 - wrightj2h
- 73593228 - Preacher357

WINNER - 72554002 - hoskinml
4 is you for I feel so very depressed, and in spite of your kind letters not entirely reassured - but that is the unreason of bad health. Tiny is very nice and extremely kind, but I don't think she likes me much at the moment.I'm glad you are interested in the Geoffrey it doesn't sound quite your cup of tea - but I don't really know anything about it - it may well be. I think it would be an interesting job - anyway most con-venient! and you could do some lecturing too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a p.v. card - or rather give me his address and I will for I will make a "beau geste" he can do as he likes! Don't you think? Are you sending to Paul Southey? I haven't his address. I hope Michael will send you envelopes soon, I am so anxious to have everything out on time it is so important otherwise people have other engagements and can't come. You don't say anything about Gainsborough do be sure to get the review at least/ don't leave it to the week before. And please let me have the Vogue letter as soon as you reasonably can because I want to send it off as soon as
72641754 - saffyre13
4 is you for I feel so very depressed, andin spite of your kind letters not entirely
reassured - but that is the unreason of
bad health. Tiny is very nice and
extremely kind, but I don't think she
like me much at the moment.
I'm glad you are interested in Geoffrey
it doesn't sound quite your cup of tea -
but I don't really know anything about it -
it may well be. I think it would be
an interesting job - anyway most esn-
rement! and you could do some lecturing
too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a P.V. card -
or rather give me his address and
I will for I will make a "beau geste"
he can do as he likes! Don't you
think? Are you sending to Paul Doulthey?
I haven't his address. I hope Michael
will send you envelopes soon, I am
so anxious to have everything out on time
it is so important otherwise people
have other engagements and can't come.
You don't say anything about Gainsborough
do be sure to get the review at least,
don't leave it to the week before. And
please let me have the Vogue letter as
soon as you reasonably can because
I want to sent it off as soon as
72990636 - myardley
I go for I feel so very depressed, and in spite of your kind letters not entirely reassured -- but that is the unreason of bad health. Ying is very nice and extremely kind, but I don't think she likes me much at the moment.I'm glad you are interested in the Geoffrye it doesn't sound quite your cup of tea -- but I don't really know anything about it -- it may well be. I think it would be an interesting job -- anyway most em-bark! and you could do some leeting too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a P.V. card -- or rather give me his address and I will for D will make a "bean geste" he can do as he likes! Don't you think? Are you sending to Paul don't they? I haven't his address. I hope Michael will send you envelopes soon, I am so anxious to have everything out on time it is so important otherwise people have other engagements and can't come. You don't say anything about Gainsborough do be sure to get the sevein at least. Don't leave it to the week before. And please let me have the rogue letter as soon as you reasonable can because I want to send it out as soon as
73043329 - Salwell
4 is you for I feel so very depressed, andin spite of your kind letters not entirely
reassured - but that is the unreason of
bad health. Tiny is very nice and
extremely kind, but I don't think she
likes me much in the moment.
I'm glad you are interested in the Geoffoye
it doesn't sound quite your cup of tea -
but I don't really know anything about it -
it may well be. I think it would be
an interesting job - anyway most ?n-
remert! and you should do some lecturing
too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a P.V. card-
or rather give me his address and
I will for I will make "bean gieste"
he can do as he likes! Don't you
think? Are you sending to Paul Sonthey?
I haven't his address. I hope Michael
will send you envelopes soon, I am
so anxious to have everything about Gainsborough
do be sure to get the review at least,
don't leave it to the week before. And
please let me have the Vogue letter as
soon as you reasonably can because
I want to send it off as soon as
73077766 - wrightj2h
4as you for I feel so very depressed, and in spite of your kind letter not entirely reassured - but that is the unreason of bad health. Tiny is very nice and extremely kind, but I don't think she likes me much at the moment.
I'm glad you are interested in the Geoffrey it doesn't sound quite your cup of tea - but I don't really know anything about it - it may well be. I think it would be an interesting job - anyway most enrement! And you could do some lecturing too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a P.V. card - or rather give me his address and I will or D will make a "beau geste" he can do as he likes! Don't you think? Are you sending to Paul Southey? I haven't his address. I hope Michael will send you envelopes soon, I am so anxious to have everything out in time it is so important otherwise people have other engagements and can't come. You don't say anything about Gainsborough do be sure to get the Review at least - don't leave it to the week before. And please let me have the Vogue letter as soon as you reasonably can because I want to send it off a s soon as
73593228 - Preacher357
4 is you for I feel so very depressed, andin spite of your kind letters not entirely
reassured - but that is the unreason of
bad health. Tiny is very nice and
extremly kind, but I don't think she
likes me much at the moment.
I'm glad you are interested in the Geoffrye,
it doesn't seem quite your cup of tea -
but I don't really know anything about it -
it may well be. I think it would be
an interesting job - anyway most con-
venent! and you could do some lecturing
too if you wanted no doubt.
Do send Paul H. a P.V. card -
or rather give me his address and
I will for I will make a "bean seste,
he can do as he likes! Don't you
think? Are you sending to Paul Sonthey?
I haven't his address. I hope Michael
will send you envelopes soon. I am
so anxious to have everything out on time
it is so important other what people
have other engagements and can't come.
You don't say anything about Gainsborough,
do be sure to get the review at least,
don't leave it to the week before. And
please let me have the Vogue letter as
soon as you reasonably can because
I want to send it off as soon as