- Max. dissimilarity: 0.166
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.09
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71774627 - Zooniverse2017
- 72294497 - racjohn
- 72725679 - Merlotmateus
- 72850429 - RommelC
- 72872474 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 73055103 - jesseytucker

71774627 - Zooniverse2017
Pett 18.2.53Dearest Lawrence,
Would you mind sticking on
the enclosed labels before I pick
up the pictures in question - which
won't be all those I have included
labels for...
Thank you so much for ringing
up Chase - I don't know if he told
you his news - that the cards weren't
printed and that I will not now
be able to have green hammered card.
He is putting through some kind of "rush
order" and I suppose I will get them
on Monday - I told him to send 50
straight to you; I wrote him two
letters the 18th saying I would fetch them
on Monday 9th and a second one
on the Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday the 4th
saying as I could not come - being
ill would he please send them as soon
as possible. Realising he had his private
news I didn't write again but having
nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I
72294497 - racjohn
Pett 13.2.53Dearest Lawrence,
Would you mind sticking on
the enclosed labels before I pick
up the pictures in question - which
won't be all those I have included
labels for.
Thank you so much for ringing
up Chase. I don't know if he told
you his news - that the cards weren't
printed and that I will not now
be able to have green hammered card.
He is putting through some kind of "rush
order" and I suppose I will get them
on Monday. I told him to send 50
straight to you; I wrote him two
letters the 1st saying I would fetch them
on Monday 9th and a second one on the Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday the 4th
saying as I could not come - being
ill would he please send them as soon
as possible. Realising he had his private
views I didn't write again but having
nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I
72725679 - Merlotmateus
Dearest Lawrence,
Would you mind sticking on the enclosed labels before I pack up the pictures in questions - which won't be all those I have included labels for.
Thanks you so much for ringing up Chase - I don't know if he told you his news - that the cards weren't printed and that I will not now be able to have greed hammered card.
He is putting through some kind of "rush order" and I suppose I will get them on Monday - I told him to send 60 straight to you; I wrote him two letters the 18th saying I would fetch them on Monday 9th and a second one on the Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday the 4th saying as I could not come - being ill would he please send them as soon as possible. Realizing he had his private news I didn't write again but having nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I
72850429 - RommelC
Pett 13.2.53Dearest Lawrence,
Would you mind Sticky on the enclosed labels before I pick up the pictures in question- which won't be all those I have included labels for.
Thank you so much for ringing up Chase- I don't know if he told you his news- that the cards weren't printed and that I will not now be able to have green hammered card. He is putting through some kind of "rush order" and I suppose I will get them on Monday. I told him to send 50 straight to you; I wrote him two letters the 1st saying I would fetch them on Monday 9th and a second one saying as I could not come- being ill would he please send them as soon as possible. Realizing he had his private news I didn't write again but having nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I
72872474 - Preacher357
13-2-53 Pett Dearest Lawrence,Would you mind sticking on
the enclosed labels before I pick
up the pictures in question - which
won't be all those I have included
labels for.
Thank you so much for ringing
up Chase - I don't know if he told
you his news - that the cards weren't
printed and that I will not now
be able to have green hammered card.
He is putting through some kind of "rush
order" and I suppose I will get them
on Monday - I told him to send 50
straight to you; I wrote him two
letters the 18th saying I would fetch them
on Monday 9th and a second one
on the Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday the 4th
saying as I could not come - being
ill would he please send them as soon
as possible. Realizing he had his private
news I didn't write again, but having
nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I
WINNER - 73055103 - jesseytucker
Dearest Lawrence,
Would you mind sticky on
the enclosed labels before I pick
up the pictures in question--which
won't be all those I have included
labels for.
Thank you so much for ranging
up Chase. I don't know if he told
you his news--that the cards weren't
printed and that I will not now
be able to have green hammered card
He is putting through some kind of "rush
order" and I suppose I will get them
on Monday--I told him to send 50
straight to you; I wrote him two
letters the 1st saying I would fetch them
on Monday 9th and a second one
on the Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday the 4th
saying as I could not come--being
ill would he please send them as soon
as possible. Realizing he had his private
views I didn't write again but having
nothing this morning on Tiny's advice I