- Max. dissimilarity: 0.167
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.104
- Image votes: 0.0
- 72069263 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72372398 - ethomson
- 72492190 - jesseytucker
- 72590560 - wrightj2h
- 73013747 - melissaagill
- 73037242 - calculatedFlame

72069263 - Preacher357
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letters -I can't thank you enough for all your
kindness to me. I do appreciate it,
expecially as I know you I so busy.
I enclose another 25 envelopes -
you shall have more if you need
them, also some stamps - you shall
have more of those too if you let me
know. I think "Modern Woman" a wonder-
ful idea - I can't think what to say
to "Homes and Gardens" But I will think
of something over the week-end. I
will write to Iris.
Thank you so much for ringing
Chase and for ringing again to-day.
I told him to send you 50 cards direct.
I will tell him to send 75. I
realize that we are not so rushed as
I thought - but I'm rather glad I thought
so for I think as Mrs Burrell would
say Chase to rather "an afternoon customer".
Thank you for the dates - I will
make arrangements accordingly. I
am longing to see you. Thank you so
much for getting my Pengilly's picture.
WINNER - 72372398 - ethomson
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letter,I can't thank you enough for all your
kindness to me. I do appreciate it,
especially as I know you I so busy.
I enclose another 25 envelopes -
you shall have more if you need
them, also some stamps - you shall
have more of those too if you let me
know. I think "Modern Women" a wonder-
ful idea - I can't think what to say
to "Homes and Gardens" But I will think
of something over the week-end. I
will write to Iris.
Thank you so much for ringing
Chase; and for ringing again to-day.
I told him to send you 50 cards direct.
I will tell him to send 75. I
realize that we are not so rushed as
I thought - but I'm rather glad I thought
so for I think as Mrs. Burrell would
say Chase is rather "an afternoon customer"
Thank you for the dates - of course
make arrangements accordingly. I
am longing to see you. Thank you so
much for getting my Pengilly's picture.
72492190 - jesseytucker
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letter.I can't thank you enough for all your
kindness to me. I do appreciate it,
especially as I know you I so busy.
I enclose another 2 to envelopes.
You shall have more if you need
them, also some stamps, you shall
have more of those too if you let me
know. I think "Modern Woman" a wonder-
ful idea. I can't think what to say
to "Homes and Gardens" but I will think
of something over the weekend. I
will write to Iris.
Thank you so much for ringing
Chase and for ringing again today.
I told him to send you 50 cards direct.
I will tell him to send 75. I
realize that we are not so rushed as
I thought--but I'm rather glad I thought
so for I think as Mrs. Burrell would
say Chase is rather "an afternoon customer".
Thank you for the dates--I could
make arrangements accordingly. I
am longing to see you. Thank you so
much for getting my Pengilly's picture.
72590560 - wrightj2h
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letter - I can't thank you enough for all your kindness to me. I do appreciate it, especially as I know you are so busy.I enclose another 25 envelopes - you shall have more if you need them, also some stamps - you shall have more of those too if you let me know. I think "Modern Women" a wonderful idea - I can't think what to say to "Women and Gardens". But I will think of something over the week-end. I will write to Iris.
Thank you so much for ringing Chase and for ringing again today. I told him to send you 50 cards direct. I will tell him to send 75. I realise that we are not so rushed as I thought - but I'm rather glad I thought so for I think as Mrs Burrell would say Chase is rather "an afternoon customer".
Thank you for the dates - I will make arrangements accordingly. I am longing to see you. Thank you so much for getting Mr Pengilly's picture.
73013747 - melissaagill
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letter,I can't thank you enough for all your
kindness to me. I do appreciate it,
especially as I know you I so busy.
I enclose another 25 envelopes -
You shall have more if you need
them, also some stamps. You shall
have more of those too if you let me
know. I think "Modern Women" a wonder
ful idea - I can't think what to say
to "Women and Gardens" But I will think
of something over the week-end. I
will write to Iris.
Thank you so much for ringing
Chase. and for ringing again to-day
I told him to send you 50 cards direct.
I will tell him to send 75 I
realize that we are not so rushed as
I thought - but I'm rather glad I thought
so for I think as me Burrell would
say Chase is rather "an afternoon customer"
Thank you for the dates - I could
make arrangements according by. I
am longing to see you: Thank you so
much for getting my Pengilly's picture.
73037242 - calculatedFlame
3. Saturday. Thank you for your dear letter,I can't thank you enough for all your
kindness to me. I do appreciate it,
especially as I know you I so busy.
I enclose another 25 envelopes-
You shall have more if you need
them, also some stamps- You shall
have more of those too if you let me
know: I think "Modern Women" a wonder
ful idea - I can't think what to say
to "Homes and Gardens" But I will think
of something over the week-end. I
will write to Iris
Thank you so much for ringing
Chase. and for ringing again to-day.
I told him to send you 50 cards direct.
I will tell him to send 75. I
realize that we are not so rushed as
I thought- but I'm rather glad I thought
so for I think as nive Bussell would
say chase to rather "an afternoon customer"
Thank you for the dates - I could
make adjustments accordingly. I
am longing to see you. Thank you so much for getting my Pengly's Picture.