- Max. dissimilarity: 0.193
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.127
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 71763961 - ethomson
- 71891945 - gaart2
- 72581991 - Preacher357
- 72586697 - Salwell
- 73048919 - calculatedFlame
- 73059061 - jesseytucker

WINNER - 71763961 - ethomson
Pett (22. Hills Road Cambridge) Midnight 19.2.53Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I
have had the most awful rush-
and have just finished but all
is ready for the morrow - up at 6!
I am so sorry that I cannot
come in on my way to-morrow-
a glimpse of you would have been
so pleasant as I am so near-
I enclose the pound and hope that
my not coming did not inconvenience
you. You see I think it most un-
likely that we shall be able
to get in another picture! In fact I
shall breathe a sigh of relief if we
can get them all in. I gather
also that it would have cost me
a good deal more as it is a large
detour from the Kensington route which
I did not realize. So I think
it would be best if I get Chase
71891945 - gaart2
Pett(22 Hills Road
Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I have had the most awful rush - and have just finished ...... to ready for its ..... - up at 6!
I am so sorry that I cannot come in on my way to-morrow - a glimpse of you would have been so pleasant as I am so near - I enclose the pound and hope that my not coming did no inconvenience you. You see I think it most unlikely that we shall be able to get to another picture! In fact I shall breathe a sigh of relief if we can get them all in. I gather also that it would have cost me a good deal more as it is a large detour from the Kensington route which I did not realize. So I think it would it would be best if I get chase
72581991 - Preacher357
19-2-53 Midnight Pett (22 Hills Road Cambridge)Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I
have had the most awful rush -
and have just finished but all
is ready for the morrow - up at 6!
I am so sorry that I cannot
come in on my way to-morrow -
a glimpse of you would have been
so pleasent as I am so near -
I enclose the pound and hope that
my not coming did not inconvience
you. You see I think it most un-
likely that we shall be able
to get in another picture! In fact I
shall breathe a sigh of relief if we
can get them all in. I gather
also that it would have cost me
a good deal more as it is a larger
detour from the Kensington route which
I did not realize. So I think
it would be best if I get Chase
72586697 - Salwell
Pett (22. Hills Road, Cambridge) Midnight 19.2.53Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I
have had the most awful rash -
had have just finished but all
to ready for the morrow - up at 6!
I am so sorry that i cannot
come in on my way to-morrow -
a glimpse of you would have been
so pleasant as I am so near -
I enclose the pound and hope that
my not coming did not inconvenience
you. You see I think it most un-
likely that we shall be able
to get to another picture! In fact I
shall breathe a sigh of relief if we
can get them all in. I gather
also that it would have cost me
a good deal more as it is a large
detour from the Kensington route which
I did not realize. So I think
it would be best if I get Chase
73048919 - calculatedFlame
Pelt (22. Hills Road Cambridge) Midnight19.2.53
Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I
have had the most awful rash-
and have just finished but all
5 ready for its reasons - up at 6!
I am so sorry that I cannot
come in on my way to-morrow-
a glimpse of you would have been
so pleasant as I am so near-
I enclose the bound and hope that
my not coming did not inconvenience
you. You see I think it most un-
likely that we shall be able
to get T another picture! In fact I
shall breathe a sigh of relief if we
can get them all in. I gather
also that it would have cost me
a good deal more as if 5 a large
detour from the Kensington route which
I did not realize. So I think
it would be best if I get Chase
73059061 - jesseytucker
22 Hills RoadCambridge
Dearest Lawrence,
Owing to my vile illness I
have had the most awful rash--
and have just finished but all
is ready for the morrow--up at 6!
I am so sorry that I cannot
come in on my way tomorrow and
a glimpse of you would have been
so pleasant as I am so near.
I enclose the pound and hope that
my not coming did not inconvenience
you. You see I think it most u-
likely that we shall be able
to get in another picture! In fact I
shall breathe a sigh of relief if we
can get them all in. I gather
also that it would have cost me
a good deal more as it is a longer
detour from the Kensington route which
I did not realize. So I think
it would be best if I get Chase