- Max. dissimilarity: 0.111
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.059
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65463139 - amcorbin
- 65471450 - reikikat
- 65525388 - altheist
- 65589051 - SilverSeadog
- 65634571 - WiltedLotus
- WINNER - 65663436 - reddder
- 65834023 - Dune_Daniels

65463139 - amcorbin
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning
by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with
your laterns! However, from my knowledge of you,
and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own
words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy.
Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very
pleasant to be influencing people in the right dir-
ection once more. Accept this lion's congratulations
and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustra-
tions you had planned for lionel and me to see. If
no one asked questions it is, of ourse, because you
had answered all objections in your talk.
The slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I
am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen
Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David him-
self... I have been preparing the lecture all after-
noon. For no reason I can think of they put in a
Rembrandt Flight Into Egypt to make up for all they
left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt
will find an unexpected Wright of Derby...
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called
The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be
applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new
aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a
proto-romantic mood at the end.
Tell Tiny to send me details about the length of the
material damaged, the extent of the harm, &c. as Hinds
have promised a credit note if it is spoiled. Tell
me how much is ruined. let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as
I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the
material for Hetty. L.
65471450 - reikikat
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning
by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with
your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you,
and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own
words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy.
Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very
pleasant to be influencing people in the right dir-ection once more. Accept this lion's congratulations
and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustra-tions you had planned for Lionel and me to see. If
no one asked questions it is, of course, because you
had answered all objections in your talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I
am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen
Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David him-
self... I have been preparing the lecture all after-
noon. For no reason I can think of they put in a
Rembrandt Flight Into Egypt to make up for all they
left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt
will find an unexpected Wright of Derby...
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called
The Bathes. A few finishing touche remain to be
applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new
aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a
proto-romantic need at the end.
Tell Tiny to send me the details about the length of the
material damaged, the extent of the harm, &c. Tell
me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as
I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the
material for Hetty.
65525388 - altheist
Blackheath7 XI 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you, and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy. Once you had "warmed up" I'm sure you found it very pleasant to be influencing people in the right direction once more. Do save this lion's congratulations and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustrations you had planned for Lionel and for me to see. If no one asked questions it is, of course, because you had answered all objections in your talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I am hoping at borrow some more from Charles and Helen. Rosenau: At the moment I have eight by David himself... I have been preparing the lecture all afternoon. P.S. Send me carefully worded instruction about the material for meeting. For no reason I can think of they put in a Rembrandt Flight into Egypt to makeup for all they left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt will find an unexpected Wright of Derby...
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a proto romantic mood at the end.
Tell Tiny to send me details about the length of the material damaged the extent of the harm & C. as Hinds have promised a credit note if it is spoiled. Tell me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must go to the post and then continue with my work as I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
65589051 - SilverSeadog
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you, and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy. Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very pleasant to be influencing people in the right direction once more. Accept this lion's congratulations and admiration. Do save the sequence of Illustrations you had planned for Lionel and me to see. If no one asked questions it is, of course, because you had answered all objections in your talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David himself... I have been preparing the lecture all afternoon. For no reason I can think of they put in a Rembrandt Flight into Egypt to make up for all they left out. I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt will find an unexpected Wright of Derby...
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be applied of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a proto-romantic mood at the end.
Tell Tiny to send me details about the length of the material damaged, the extent of the harm, &c. as Hinds have promised a credit note if it is spoilt. Tell me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the material for Hetty.
65634571 - WiltedLotus
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you, and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy. Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very pleasant to be influencing people in the right dir-ection once more. Accept this lion's congratulations and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustra-tions you had planned for Lionel and me to see. If no one asked questions it is, of course, because you had answered all objections in your talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David him-self. . . I have been preparing the lecture all after-noon. For no reason I can think of they pt in a Rembrandt Flight Into Egypt to make up for all they left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt will find an unexpected Wright of Derby . . . Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a proto-romantic mood at the end.
Tell Tiny to send me details about the length of the material damaged, the extent of the harm &c. as Hinds have promised a credit note it it is spoiled. Tell me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the material for Hetty. L
WINNER - 65663436 - reddder
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning by the first post. Oh, are you not unfortunate with your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you, and of the lecture you prepared, and from your own words, I am sure it was a success. I am so happy. Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very pleasant to be influencing people in the right direction once more. Accept this lion's congratulations and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustrations you had planned for Lionel and me to see. If no one asked questions it is, of course, because you had answered all objections in your talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David himself . . . I have been preparing the lecture all afternoon. For no reason I can think of they out in a Rembrandt Flight Into Egypt to make up for all they left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt will find an unexpected Wright of Derby . . .
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no one but he has a proto-romantic mood at the end.
Tell Tinyto send me details about the length of the material damaged, the extent of the harm, &c. as Hinds have promised a credit note if it is spoiled. Tell me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart, Lawrence.
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the material for Hetty.
65834023 - Dune_Daniels
Blackheath7 xi 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, thank you darling, your letter came this morning
by the first post. Oh are you not unfortunate with
your lanterns! However, from my knowledge of you,
and the lecture you prepared, and from your own
words, I am sure it was a succes. I am so happy.
Once you had 'warmed up' I'm sure you found it very
pleasant to be influencing people in the right dir-
ection once more. Accept this lion's congratulations
and admiration. Do save the sequence of illustra-
tions you had planned for Lionel and me to see. If
no one asked questions it is, of course, because you
had answered all objections in you talk.
My slides have come for the Birmingham lecture. I
am hoping to borrow some more from Charles and Helen
Rosenau: at the moment I have eight by David him-
self... I have been preparing the lecture all after-
noon. For no reason I can think of they put in a
Rembrandt Flight Into Egypt to make up for all they
left out: I expect somebody lecturing on Rembrandt
will find an unexpected Wright of Derby...
Yesterday I finished almost all my long chapter called
The Bathos. A few finishing touches remain to be
applied, that's all. I have discovered a whole new
aspect of Hogarth's work: tell no-one but he has a
prote-romantic mood at the end.
Tell tiny to send me details about the length of the
material damaged, the extent of the harm, c. as Hinds
have promised a credit note if it is spoiled. Tell
me how much is ruined. Let Tiny write herself.
I must to the post and then continue with my work as
I am most busy.
Dearest lover, sweetheart, I adore you with all my heart,
P.S. Send me carefully worded instructions about the
material for Hetty.