- Max. dissimilarity: 0.811
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.256
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65498274 - JET315
- 65546371 - reddder
- WINNER - 65574262 - not-logged-in-ba73792368fe13275efe
- 65590017 - Peeriemoot
- 65603676 - Rille54
- 65620092 - MGB1
- 65625706 - snikdekl

65498274 - JET315
-2-The Arts Council and Joan Rodgers, John tells me, seems to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his punishment now,' she said after John told her about St. Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if I may be back in favour soon.
My project for 'Pictures & Picture Making' has to be approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether he accepts it or not, though there is more money if he likes it, of course.
I have been looking at your self-portrait and I admire it very much. Though it is not a happy pic-ture it is, I consider, a good one, well-drawn and dar-ingly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in bus, train, and at home which I am gradually sorting out, so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted. I should finish The Third Man this week. I will let you have a copy, of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Mon-day's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got a lantern I'm glad to say): then, this evening, you may remember, I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love & adore you
65546371 - reddder
-2-the Arts Council and Joan Rodgers, John tells me, seems to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his punishment now', she said after John told her about St. Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if I may be back in farow soon.
My project for 'Pictures & Picture making' has to be approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether he accepts it or not, thought there is more money if he likes it, of course.
I have been looking at your self-portrait and I admire it very much. Though it is not a happy picture it is, I consider, a good one, well-drawn and daringly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in 'bus, train and at home which I am gradually sorting out, so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted. I should finish The Third Man this week. I will let you have a copy, of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Monday's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got a lantern I'm glad to say): then, this evening, you may remember, I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love & adore you.
WINNER - 65574262 - not-logged-in-ba73792368fe13275efe
-2-the Arts Council and Joan Rodgers, John tells me, seems to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his punishment now,' she said after John told her about St. Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if I may be back in favour soon.
My project for 'Pictures & Picture Making' has to be approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether he accepts it or not, though there is more money if he likes it, of course.
I have been looking at your self-portrait and I admire it very much. Though it is not a happy picture it is, I consider, a good one, well-drawn and daringly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in 'bus and train, and at home which I am gradually sorting out so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted. I should finish The Third Man this week. I will let you have a copy of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Monday's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got a lantern I'm glad to say): then, this evening, you may remember, I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love and adore you
65590017 - Peeriemoot
-2-the Arts Council and Joan Rodgers, John tells me, seems to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his punishment now', she said after John told her about St.Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if I may be back in favour soon.
My project for 'Pictures & Picture Making' has to be approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether he accepts it or not, though there is more money if he likes it, of course.
I have been looking at your self-portrait and I admire it very much. Though it is not a happy picture it is, I consider, a good one, well-drawn and daringly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in 'bus and train, and at home which I am gradually sorting out, so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted. I should finished The Third Man this week. I will let you have a copy, of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Monday's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got a lantern I'm glad to say); then, this evening, you may remember,I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love & adore you
65603676 - Rille54
the Arts Council and Ioan Rodgers, John tells me , seems to approve of my employment. "He has worked out his punishment now; she said after John told her about St. Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if I may be back in favour soon.My maject for 'Pictures & Picture washing has to be approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether he accepts it or not, though there is more money if he likes it, of course.
I have been looking at you self- portrait and I admire it very much. Though it is not a happy picture it is, I consider, a good one, well drawn and daringly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in bus , train, and at home which I am gradually sorting out, so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted. I should finish The Third Man this week. I will let you have a copy, of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Monday's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got a lantern i'm glad to say) : then, this evening, you may remember, I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love and adore you
65620092 - MGB1
-2-the Ants Council and Ioan Rodgers, Joh tells me, seems
to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his
punishment now', she said after John tols her about St. Albans. I am furius with her still but it looks as if
65625706 - snikdekl
2the Arts Council and Joan Rodgers, John tells me, seems
to approve of my employment. 'He has worked out his
punishment now', she said after John told her about St.
Albans. I am furious with her still but it looks as if
I may be back in favour soon.
My project for 'Pictures & Picture Making' has to be
approved by Gabriel White but I shall get paid whether
he accepts it or not, though there is more money if he
likes it, of course.
I have been looking at your self-portrait and I
admire it very much. Though it is not a happy pic-
ture it is, I consider, a good one, well-drawn and dar-
ingly composed.
I have notes for several poems scribbled in 'bus,
train, and at home which I am graduallly sorting out,
so my frustrated afternoon the other day has not lasted.
I should finish The Third Man this week. I will let
you have a copy, of course.
This morning I have to see about slides for Mon-
day's lecture and my next Banstead one (they have got
a lantern I'm glad to say), then, this evening, you may
rememember, I am seeing Paul.
I love you, my darling Sylvia, love & adore you