- Max. dissimilarity: 0.171
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.093
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65464951 - not-logged-in-7edf31c3ee0aa3374d9b
- 65474791 - CTidwell3
- 65514464 - not-logged-in-a6a505334838e3c20a2a
- WINNER - 65673189 - Boghrati
- 65746499 - kecharaan
- 65855401 - Preacher357

65464951 - not-logged-in-7edf31c3ee0aa3374d9b
In Burlington HouseDearest Sylvia - my dear love,
How happy you make me. Your letter this morning - a pleasure I had not dared hope for - says exactly those things which I feel. Holly is already practising the pose you want for her next portrait. I love you, my darling, and am so happy that I make you as happy as you make me. As you say in your letter, parting, for a short time, is lers sad when we are so confident of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a Merry Jamesian telegram of well-wishes for your lecture but Dandy thought that arrival of a yellow envelope might, however momentary, discompose you. So he contents himself with hoping that you will enjoy the lecture as much as your audience certainly will. I love to hear your account of it.
Soon I shall hear you lecture again - and how I long to!
65474791 - CTidwell3
4 XI 1949In Burlington House
Dearest Eylnia - my deal love,
How happy you make me. Your letter this morning - a pleasure I had not dared hope for - says exactly those things which I feel. Hetty is already practicing the pose you want for her next portrait. I love you, my darling, and am so happy that i make you as happy as you make me. As your say in your letter, parting for a short time is less sad when we are so confident of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a Henry Jamesion telegram of well-wishes for your lecture but Dandy thought the arrival of a yellow envelope might, however momentarily, discompose you. So he contents himself with hoping that you will enjoy the lecture as much as your audience certainly will. I long to hear your account of it. Soon I shall hear you lecture again - a how I long to!
65514464 - not-logged-in-a6a505334838e3c20a2a
4 x1 1949In Bundington House
Dearest Sylvia - my dear love,
How happy you make me. Your letter this morning - a pleasure I had not dared hope for - says exactly those things which I feel. Hetty is already practicing the pose you want for her next portrait. I love you, my darling, and am so happy that I make you as happy as you make me. As you say in your letter, parting, for a short time, is less sad when we are so confident of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a Henry Jamesion telegram of well-wishes for your lecture but Dandy thought the animal of a yellow envelope might, however momentously, discompose you. So he contents himself with hoping that you will enjoy the lecture as much as your audience certainly will. I long to hear your account of it. Soon I shall hear you lecture again - and how I long to!
WINNER - 65673189 - Boghrati
4 X1 1949In Burlington House
Dearest Sylvia - my dear love,
How happy you make me. Your
letter this morning - a pleasure I
had not dared hope for - says ex-
actly those things which I feel.
Hetty is already practising the pose
you want for her next portrait.
I love you my darling, and am so
happy that I make you as happy as
you make me. As you say in your
letter, parting, for a short time, is
less sad when we are so confident
of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a
Henry Jamesian telegram of well-
wishes for your lecture but Dandy
thought the arrival of a yellow
envelope might, however moment-
arily, discompose you. So he con-
tents himself with hoping that you
will enjoy the lecture as much
as your audience certainly will.
I long to hear your account of it.
soon I shall hear you lecture
again - and how I long to!
65746499 - kecharaan
4 XI 1949In Burlington House
Dearest Sylvia- my dear love,
How happy you make me. Your
letter this morning- a pleasure I
had not dared hope for- says ex-
actly those things which I feel.
Hetty is already practising the pose
you want for her next portrait.
I love you, my darling, and am so
happy that I make you as happy as
you make me. As you say in your
letter, parting, for a short time, is
less sad when we are so confident
of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a
Henry Jamesian telegram of well-
wishes for your lecture but Dandy
thought the arrival of a yellow
envelope might, however moment-
arily, discompose you. So he con-
tents himself with hoping that you
will enjoy the lecture as much
as your audience certainly will.
I long to hear your account of it.
Soon I shall hear you lecture
again- and how I long to!
65855401 - Preacher357
4 XI 1949In Burlington House
Dearest Sylvia, my dear love,
How happy you make me. Your
letter this morning, a pleasure I
had not dared hope for, says ex-
actly those things which I feel.
Hetty is already practising the pose
you want for her next portrait.
I love you, my darling, and am so
happy that I make you as happy as
you make me. As you say in your
letter, parting, for a short time, is
hers sad when we are so confident
of our love.
Lionel was about to send you a
Henry Jamesion telegram of well-
wishes for your lecture, but Dandy
thought the arrival of a yellow
envelope might, however moment-
airly, discompose you. So he con-
tents himself with hoping that you
will enjoy the lecture as much
as your audience certainly will.
I long to hear your account of it.
Soon I shall hear you lecture
again, and how I long to!