- Max. dissimilarity: 0.417
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.321
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65930928 - NVarellas
- 65989354 - wickerwood
- WINNER - 65991288 - JanetCormack
- 66061873 - Preacher357
- 66416060 - _secunda
- 66819991 - SailorVal

65930928 - NVarellas
Over-Due BooksLeft Dandy paying his fine at the library tomorrow. I am sure this is how you conceive of libraries.
Dandy with the alabastive
Dandy liking your pictures E the RBA on Tuesday.
65989354 - wickerwood
LEFTDandy paying his fine at the library tomorrow. I am sure this is how you conceive of libraries..
Dandy with thealabantine
Tardy liking your tedious E. Ele R B A on tuesday.
WINNER - 65991288 - JanetCormack
LEFTDandy paying his fine at the library tomorrow. I am sure this is how you conceive of libraries ...
Dandy with the alabastine
Dandy taking your pictures to the RBA on Tuesday
66061873 - Preacher357
Dandy paying his fine at the library
tomorrow. I am sure this is how
you conceive of libraries...
Dandy with the ...
Tardy taking
your pictures
to the R B A
on Tuesday.
66416060 - _secunda
LEFTDandy paying her fine at the library tomorrow. I am sure this is how you conceive of libraries...
Dandy with the ababartine...
Dandy taking your painting E the RBA on Tuesday
66819991 - SailorVal
LEFTDandy paying his fines at the library
tomorrow. I am sure this is how
you conceive of librarians.
Dandy with the alabastrine...
Dandy taking
your pictures
to the R B A
on Tuesday.