- Max. dissimilarity: 0.151
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.114
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65786861 - samurai13
- 66083512 - JanetCormack
- 66496131 - evanstonsherry
- 66506375 - not-logged-in-4197df25e8f32229a7ed
- WINNER - 67077083 - BevB56
- 67971258 - claundici

65786861 - samurai13
Paris 17 7 50Dearest Sylvia
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have so spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to hear you were tired & that the weather has frustrated your creative efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester Galleries not to make your landscapes centre-pieces for the 1st show, at the very least! I anticipate seeing your new works, even the unfinished ones, with excitement & desire.
Last night I saw les Enfants Terribles - written but not directed with Cocteau. It is interesting but less well acted than Orphee & shows signs of having been adapted from a novel. Death and love and adolescence occur in a fascinating tangle but without making the impact of Orphee & lacking too its delicacy.
Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem about Paris:
As the Summer turns green above the night ferry
Winds unmask its calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
A rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an insect I have killed
As the rocks melt above les
The daylight collapses voluptuously
Silver skewers ravish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of the aubade
The birds are terrible to the night
66083512 - JanetCormack
17 7 50Paris
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have so spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to hear you were tired& that the weather has frustrated you creative efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester Galleries silly not to make your landscapes centre-piece for the 1st show, at the very least! I anticipate seeing your new works, even the unfinished ones, with excitement and desire.
Last night I saw Les Efants Terribles - written but not directed with Cocteau. It is interesting but less well acted than Orphee & shows signs of having been adapted from a novel. Death and love and adolescence occurs in a fascinating tangle but without making the impact of Orphee & lacking too its delicacy.
Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem about Paris:
As the Summer turns green alone the night ferry
Winds unmask the calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
A rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an insect I have killed
As the rocks melt above les Halles
The daylight collapses volupturously
Silnes skewers vanish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of aubade
The birds are terrible to the night
66496131 - evanstonsherry
Paris17 7 50
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have so
spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to
hear you were tired & that the weather has frustrated your creat-
ive efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester galleries silly
not to make your landscapes centre-pieces for the 1st show,
at the very least! I anticipate weeing your new works, even
the unfinished ones, with excitement & desire.
Last night I saw Les Enfants Terribles - written but not dir-
ected with Cocteau. It is interesting but less well acted than
Orphee & shows signs of having been adapted from a novel.
Death and love and adolescence occur in a fascinating tang-
le but without making the impact of Orphee & lacking too its delicacy.
Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem
about Paris:
As the summer turns green above the night - ferry
Winds unmask its calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
A rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an inset I have killed
As the rocks melt above Les Malles
The daylight collapses voluptuously
Silver skewers ravish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of the aubade
The birds are terrible to the night
66506375 - not-logged-in-4197df25e8f32229a7ed
Paris 17 7 50Dearest Sylvia,
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to hear you were tired and that the weather has frustrated your creative efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester Galleries silly - not to make your landscapes centre-pieces for the 1st show, at least! I anticipate seeing your new works, even the unfinished ones, with excitement and desire.
Last night I saw Les Enfants Terribles - written but not directed with Cocteau. It is interesting but less well acted than and shows signs of having been adapted from a novel. Death and love and adolescence occur in a fascinating tangle but without making the impact of and lacking too its delicacy.Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem about Paris:
As the Summer turns green above the night-ferry
Winds unmask the calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
W rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an insect I have killed
As the rocks melt above Les Halles
The daylight collapses voluptuously
showers nourish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of the aubrade
The birds are terrible to the night
WINNER - 67077083 - BevB56
Paris 17 7 50Dearest Sylvia
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have so spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to hear you were tired & that the weather has frustrated your creative efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester Galleries silly - not to make your landscapes centre-piece for the 1st show, at the very least! I anticipate seeing your new works, even the unfinished ones, with excitement & desire.
Last night I saw Les Enfants Terribles - written but not directed with Cocteau. It is interesting but less well acted than Orph'ee & shows signs of having been adapted from a novel. Death and love and adolescence occur in a fascinating tangle but without making the impact of Orph'ee & lacking too its delicacy.
Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem about Paris:
As the Summer turns green above the night-ferry
Winds unmask the calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
A rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an insect I have killed
As the rocks melt above Les Halles
The daylight collapses voluptuously
Silver skewers varnish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of the anbade
The blinds are terrible to the night
67971258 - claundici
17 7 50Paris
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter today pleases me and makes me happy to have so
spirited a communication from my love though I am sorry to
hear you were tired and that the weather has frustrated your creat-
ive efforts to some extent. Aren't the Leicester Galleries silly -
not to make your landscapes centre-piece for the 1st show,
at the very leaste! I anticipate seeing your new works, even
the unfinished ones, with excitement and desire.
Last night I saw Les Enfants Terribles - written but not dir-
ected with Cocteau. It is interesting, but less well acted than
Orph'ee and shows signs of having been adapted from a novel.
Death and love and adolescence across in a fascinating tang-
le but without making the impact of Orph'ee and lacking too its delicacy.
Here is the second section of a fairly surrealistic poem
about Paris:
As the Summer truns green above the night-ferry
Words unmask the calm of the spider's web
Spun by the afternoon across the city
A rain drop splinters on my wrist
Damp as an insect I have lulled
As the rocks melt above les Halles
The daylight collapses voluptuously
Silver skewers ravish the trays of fruit
Statues of Paris in the green evening
Secure the heritage of the aubade
The birds are terrible to the night