- Max. dissimilarity: 0.1
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.062
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71948231 - LMP9527
- 72581539 - tmeconverse
- 72598407 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 72668010 - TonyJay
- 72804813 - Jathom72
- 72813616 - RedShoeShuffle

71948231 - LMP9527
Blackheath TuesdayDearest Sylvia
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they
Arrive safely in my parcel...
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of
Plays from the bookshop in Blackheath. I had no
Money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them on my account! Opened yesterday, of course. They are madly cheap. 2s. 6d. Each. In one is Dryden's Oedipius, and play about Charles I, which I got especially to read to you. In another there is a play about Hogarth's friend Dr. Broadly which I read last night: it is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next letter I will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin books. I shall tell them my ideas, though I doubt anything concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again- with what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your Venus when I had to stop and examine the delicious, sensuous, felicitious brush work. It is divine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter Joh says that next year there are several lectures in a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are interested. We ought to be able to move further north to the Georgione's and the other things we want to see. A large percentage of the fares would be paid.
I love you, my darling, love and adore you.
72581539 - tmeconverse
Blackheath Tuesday.Dearest Sylvia,
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they
arrive safely in my parcel . . .
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of
plays from the bookshop in Blackheath. I had no
money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them
on my account? Opened yesterday of course. They are
madly cheap. 2s. 6d. each. In one is Dryden's Oedip-
ius, and a play about Charles I which I got especially
to read to you. In another there is a play by Horarth' s
friend Dr Hoadly which I read last night: It is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next leeter I
will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin
books. I shall tell them my ideas thought I doubt any-
thing concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again - with
what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your
Venus when I simply had to stop and examine the deli-
cious, sensuous, felicitous brush-work. It is divine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter.
John says that next year there are several lectures in a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are int-
erested. We ought to be able to more further North
to the Giorgione's and the other things we want to see.
A large percentage of the fae would be paid.
I love you, my darling, love and adore you.
72598407 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia,
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they
arrive safely in my parcel...
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of
plays from the bookshop in Blackheath. I had no
money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them
on m account! Opened yesterday of course. They are
madly cheap. 2s. 6d. each. In one is Dryden's Oedip-
ius, and a play about Charles I which I got especially
to read to you. In another there is aplay by Hogarth's
friend Dr. Hoadly which I read last night: it is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next letter I
will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin
books. I shall tell them my ideas thought I doubt any-
thing concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again--with
what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your
Venus when I simply had to stop and examine the deli-
cious, sensuous, felicitious brush-work. It is divine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter.
John says that next year there are several lectures in
a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are int-
erested. We ought to be able to move further North
to the Giorgione's and the other things we want to see.
A large percentage of the fares would be paid.
I love you, my darling, love and adore you.
WINNER - 72668010 - TonyJay
Blackheath Tuesday.Dearest Sylvia,
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they arrive safely in my parcel...
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of
plays from the bookshop in Blackheath. I had no money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them on my account! Opened yesterday of course. They are madly cheap. 2s. 6d. each. In one is Dryden's Cedip-
ius, and a play about Charles I which I got especially
to read to you. In another there is a play by Hogarth's friend Dr Hoadly which I read last night: it is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next letter I
will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin books. I shall tell them my ideas though I doubt any-
thing concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again - with
what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your Venus when I simply had to stop and examine the deli-
cious, sensuous, felicitous brush-work. It is divine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter.
John says that next year there are several lectures in a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are int-
erested. We ought to be able to move further North
to the Giorgione's and the other things we want to see.
A large percentage of the fares would be paid.
I love you, my darling, love and adore you.
72804813 - Jathom72
Dearest Sylvia,
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they arrive safely in my parcel...
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of plays from the bookshop in Blackheath. I had no money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them on my account! Opened yesterday of course. They are madly cheap. 2s. 6d. each. In one is Dryden's Oedipus, and a play about Charles I which I got especially to read to you. In another there is a play by Hogarth's friend Dr. Hoadly which I read last night: it is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next letter I will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin books. I shall tell them my ideas though I doubt anything concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again - with what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your Venus when I simply had to stop and examine the delicious, sensuous, felicitous brush-work. It is divine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter. John says that next year there are several lectures in a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are interested. We ought to be able to move further North to the Giorgione's and the other things we want to see. A large percentage of the fares would be paid.
I love you , my darling, love and adore you.
72813616 - RedShoeShuffle
Dearest Sylvia,
Here are the two books and the pen. I hope they
arrive safely in my parcel...
Yesterday I got four 18th century collections of
plays from the bookshop in Blackheath, I had no
money so, since the man was friendly, I have put them
on my account! Opened yesterday of course. They are
madly cheap. 2s. 6d. each In one is Dryden's Oepid-
ius, and a play about Charles which I got especially
to read to you. In another thre is a play by Hogarth's
friend Dr Hoadly which I read last night: it is admirable.
Today I am going to see Molly so in my next letter I
will tell you if they are interested in the sideboard.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Penguin
books. I shall tell them my ideas though I doubt any-
thing concrete will transpire immediately.
I have been looking at your paintings again - with
what pleasure I need not tell you. I was passing your
Venus when I simply had to stop and examine the deli-
cious, sensuous, felicitious brush-wrok. It is deivine.
By the way, I forgot to tell you in my last letter.
John says that next year there are several lectures in
a coast town in Yorkshire. I've told him we are int-
erested. We ought to be able to move further North
to Giorgione's and the other things we want to see.
A large persentage of the fares would be paid.
I love you, my darling, love and adore you.