- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.705
- Image votes: 1.0
- WINNER - 65326148 - DanSomeone
- 65332457 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
- 65340359 - Malina-B
- 65392431 - not-logged-in-7f2560b2e20cd2a50056
- 65414437 - Channy58
- 65670906 - Bill_Peschel
- 66034205 - not-logged-in-a12bdfd582a70c5ab1f0
- 66051910 - datastruth
- 67354717 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
- 69313976 - JanetCormack
- 70034822 - Chris5420

WINNER - 65326148 - DanSomeone
VIshall write about it in a later letter
you may be sure I admire it so much.
Dandylion borrowed Ricky's bicycle
recently and the silly vain creature in-
sists that I let you know that he can
ride 'NO HANDS.' Look -
'Is nothing' he says modestly.
Dearest I love you.
Only four days.
I adore you.
Not a martyrdom but a line
from Dandylion
65332457 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
65340359 - Malina-B
65392431 - not-logged-in-7f2560b2e20cd2a50056
65414437 - Channy58
shall write about it in a later letter you be sure. I admire it so much.borrowed biscycle recently and the rain creatures in a that I bet you know that he can ride "no Ha look -
"it's nothing he says modestly dearest I love you
I adore you
65670906 - Bill_Peschel
VIwall until about it in a later letter you may be sure I admire it so much.
Dandy lion borrowed Andy's bicycle recently and the silly rain realttup in which that I bet you know that he can ride. "NO HANDS! Look --
'It's nothing,' he says modestly.
Dearest I love you.
Only four days.
I adore you.
Not a martyrdom but, I'm your Darling.
66034205 - not-logged-in-a12bdfd582a70c5ab1f0
VIshall write about it in a later letter you may be sure. I admire it so much.
Dandylion borrowed Ricky's bicycle recently and the silly vain creature is a ? tent. I let you know that he can ride 'NO HANDS' look - 'Is nothing', he says modestly.
Dearest I love you.
Only four days.
I adore you.
Not a martyrdom but a lion. Love, Dandylion
66051910 - datastruth
67354717 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
shall write about it in a later letter you may be sure. I admire it so much.Dandylion borrowed Hedy's bicycle recently and the silly vain creature insists that I bet you know that he can ride. No Happy look --
'It's nothing' he says modestly.
Dearest I love you.
Only four days.
I adore you.
Not a martyrdom but a lion
from Dandylion
69313976 - JanetCormack
VIshall write about it in a later letter you may be sure I admire it so much.
Dandylion borrowed Ricky's bicycle recently and the silly vain creature in a city that I let you know that he can ride ' NO HANDY' look'
'Is nothing' he says modestly.
Dearest I love you
Only four days
I adore you
Not a martyrdom but a him from Dandylion
70034822 - Chris5420
VIshall write about it in a later letter
you may be sure I admire it so much.
Dandylion borrowed Nicky's bicycle
recently and the silly vain creature in-
sists that I let you know that he can
ride 'NO HANDS'. Look -
'Is nothing' he says modestly,
Dearest I love you.
Only four days.
I adore you
Not a martydom but is him
your Dandylion