- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.507
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65309199 - not-logged-in-e37cb43883aa169a5878
- 65354028 - not-logged-in-ec606542514f3c985b7b
- 65434618 - Ellie_R
- WINNER - 65435340 - not-logged-in-d6d2371f4e6a12810027
- 65453659 - JennyLWren

65309199 - not-logged-in-e37cb43883aa169a5878
by no means unpleasurable to prune away the thorns which so many writers were compelled to put about their roses. For example, on (18th lyric, typical of scores I have read: -"Bright to the sun expand, the normal rose excellent in subject and in the verb which is at once welcoming and ripe, receiving and generous. But almost at once -
'Sudden impetuous whirlwind, survey the sky.
They [the rose, and the lily] shed their fragrance,
bloom the head, and die.'
What I want to add to our share of petals is that first line. The rest I bequeath to the wretched little members of the multitude, so dominated by guilt and stirrings of death that this state of affairs has not only gone unopposed, but practically un-remarked. The
65354028 - not-logged-in-ec606542514f3c985b7b
Lay no means unpleasurable to prune away the thorns undid so many writers were compelled to put about their roses. For example, on (1811 lyric, typical of scares i have read:- "Bright to the sun expands, the normal rose excellent in subject and in the ?which is at once welcoming and ripe, receiving and generous. But almost at once -- ' Sudden impetuous whirlwinds, sway the sky. They (the rose and the lily) shed their fragrance, droop the head, and die!What I want to add to our store of petals is that first line. The rest I bequeath to the wretched little members of the multitude, so dominated by guilt and stirrings of death that this state of affairs has not only gone unopposed, but practically un-rewarded. The
65434618 - Ellie_R
WINNER - 65435340 - not-logged-in-d6d2371f4e6a12810027
by no means unpleasurable to prune away the thorns which so many writers were compelled to put about their roses. For example at C18th lyric, typical of scores I have read: -"Bright to the sun expands the vernal rose'
Excellent in subject and in the verb which is at once welcoming and ripe, receiving and generous. But almost at one -
'Sudden impetuous whirlwinds swirll the sky.
The [the nose, and the lily} shed their fragrance, droop the head, and die.'
What I want to add to our store of petals is that first line. The rest I bequeath to the wretched little members of the multitude, so dominated by guilt and stirrings of death that this state of affairs has not only gone unopposed but practically un-remarked. The
65453659 - JennyLWren
by no means unpleasurable to pull me away to Quann which so many writers were compelled to put about their noses. For example, on (18th lyric, typical of scores i have read:- "Bright to the sun expands the neural nose" Excellent in subjects and in the rest which is at once welcoming and ripe , receiving and generous. But almost at once -'Sudden impetuous whirlwinds sully the sky.
They [the nose and the lily] shed their fragrance, droop the head, and die.'
What I want to add to our store of petals is that first line. The rest I bequeath to the wretched little memories of the multitude, so dominated by guilt and stirrings of death that this state of affairs has not only gone unopposed, but practically un-remarked. The