- Max. dissimilarity: 0.242
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.155
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65311089 - cshepherd
- 65324052 - not-logged-in-c26b9f8ccc1be0740496
- 65335407 - not-logged-in-dcca659fa7e31a22c410
- 65404701 - shocko61
- 65407044 - not-logged-in-a034a27517d6e7e4794b

WINNER - 65311089 - cshepherd
rose has become a temporal image. Inmy own poetry at least it is, again,
a sensual symbol, undying and
un-threatened, its victory ensured
through renewal. It is red. It is a
flower. 'My luv is like a red red rose'.
These are perhaps self evident things
to assert; ought to be, but there is
material for a manifesto in them.
Death is cultivated by so many; pes
simism is banal and promiscuous,
shared as the basis of Sartre's system is
by the miras poets of 400 years, and by
the guarded, libido-constipated bour-
geois. How indignant I am. But
as you see I have learnt your lesson
very well and have even tried to add
an original variation to the theme you
showed me. Nobody seems to have re-
cognised this symptomatic and systemative abuse of
a key image.
65324052 - not-logged-in-c26b9f8ccc1be0740496
rose has become a temporal image. I am my own poetry at least it is, again, sensual, symbol, undying and - threatened, its victory ensured through renewal. It is red. It is a flower. My luv is like a red red rose? There are perhaps self evident things to assert; ought to be, but there is material for a manifesto in them. Death is cultivated by so many; pessimism is banal and promiscuous, shared as the basis of Sartre's system is by the minor poets of 400 years, and by the guarded, libido - constipated gourgeois. How indignant I am. But as you see I have learnt your lesson very well and have even tried to add an original variation to the theme you showed me. Nobody seems to have recognised this symptomatic abuse of a image. and systematic65335407 - not-logged-in-dcca659fa7e31a22c410
rose has become a temporal image. Inmy own poetry at least it is, again,
sensual,symbol,undying and
unthreatened, its victory ensued
through renewal. It is red. It is a
flower. 'My luv is like a red red rose'.
These are perhaps self evident unclear]things
to assent; aught to be, but there is
material for a manifesto in them.
Death is cultivated by so many; pes-
simism is banal and promiscuous,
shared as the basis of Sartre's system is
by the minor poets of 400 years, and by
the guarded, libido - constipated bour-
geois. How indignant I am. But
as you see I have learnt your lesson
very well and have even tried to add
an original variation to the theme you
showed me. Nobody seems to have re-
cognised this symptomatic and systematic abuse of
a key image.
65404701 - shocko61
rose has become a temporal image , I am my own poetry at least it is , again a sensual symbol , undying and in -threatened , its victory ensured through renewal . It is red. It is a flower . My love is like a red red rose. There are perhaps self evident things to assert ; aught to be , but there is material for a manifesto in them . Death is cultivated by so many ; pesrimism is banal and momentorious , shared as the basis of sartres system is by the miras poets of 400 years , and by the guarded , libido - constipated bousreois . How indignant I am . But as you see I have learnt your lesson very well and have even tried to add an original variation to the theme you spared me. nobody seems to have recognised this symptomatic and symptomatic of a grey image.65407044 - not-logged-in-a034a27517d6e7e4794b
rose has become a temporal image. In my own poetry at least it is, again, a sensual symbol, undying and in-threatened, its victory ensured through renewal. It is red. It is a flower. ' My love is like a red red rose?These are perhaps self evident things in assent: ought to be, but there is material for a manifesto in them.
Death is cultivated by so many; pes-simism is banal and promiscuous, shared as the basis of Sartre's system is by the minor poets of 400 years, and by the guarded, libido-constipated bour-geois. How indignant I am. But as you can see I have learnt your lesson very well and have even tried to add an original variation to the theme you showed me. Nobody seems to have re-cognised this symptomatic and systematic abuse of a key image.