- Max. dissimilarity: 0.134
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.092
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65321412 - cshepherd
- 65343294 - hcable49
- 65352551 - Woodanemone
- 65378030 - JET315
- 65378973 - PenguinCo.

WINNER - 65321412 - cshepherd
WIMbledon 196711 MANSEL ROAD,
11. VI. 1948
My dearest Sylvia
You must not be worried about
your big letter with the drawings as
you seemed to be in the letter which
followed it. It was a lovely letter
and though you seem to feel that it
falls short of an ideal I did not feel
it, as it lined up, totally, to my ideal.
I agree with your discussion of love
and Sartre and agree, too, with your in-
vocation of Russell as an antidote to
Existentialism. I imagine what some
people dislike in Russell is the predom-
inately critical approach of much of his
work and they prefer the 'creative' non-
sense of existentialism, alas!
'Fall Guy': a fall guy is somebody
who is 'framed' for a crime he doesn't
commit. Evidence is faked to point to
an innocent party as the guilty one -
O'Hara in The Lady From Shanghai, for
example. He was to take the Fall for
somebody else, somebody, in fact,
'who had an edge'.
65343294 - hcable49
WIMbledon 196711 MANSEL ROAD,
2. 6.1948
My dearest Sylvia
You must not be worried about
your big letter with the drawings as
you seemed to be in the letter which
followed it. It was a lonely letter
and thought you seem to feel that it
falls short of an ideal I did not feel
it, as it lived up, totally, to my ideal.
I agree until your discussion of love
and Sartre and agree, too, until your in-
vocation of Russell as an antidote to
existentialism. I imagine what some
people dislike in Russell is the predom-
inately critical approach of much of his
work and they prefer the 'creative' non-
sense of existentialism, alas!
'Fall Guy': a fall guy is somebody
who is 'framed' for a crime he doesn't
commit. Evidence is faked to point to
an innocent party as the guilty one -
O'Hara in The Lady From Shanghai, for
example. He was to take the fall for somebody else, somebody, in fact,
'who had an edge.'
65352551 - Woodanemone
WIMbledon 1967 11 Mansel Road, Wimbledon11.VI. 1948
My dearest Sylvia
You must not be worried about your big letter with the drawings as you seemed to be in the letter which followed it. It was a lovely letter and though you seem to feel that it falls short of an ideal I did not feel it, as it lined up, totally, to my ideal.
I agree with your discursion of love and Sartre and agree, too, with your invocation of Russell as an antidote to existentialism. I imagine what some people dislike in Russell is the predominantly critical approach of much of his work and they prefer the 'creative' nonsense of existentialism, alas!
'Fall Guy' : a fall guy is somebody who is 'framed' for a crime he doesn't commit. Evidence is faked to point to an innocent party as the guilty one - O' Hara in The Lady From Shanghi, for example. He was to take the Fall for somebody else, somebody, in fact, 'who had an edge'
65378030 - JET315
II. VI. 1948
My dearest Sylvia
You must not be worried about your big letter with the drawings as you seemed to be in the letter which followed it. It was a lovely letter and though you seem to feel that it falls short of an ideal I did not feel it, as it lined up, totally, to my ideal.
I agree with your discussion of love and Sartre and agree, too, with your in-vocation of Russell as an antidote to existentialism. I imagine what some people dislike in Russell is the predom-inately critical approach of much of his work and they prefer the 'creative' non-sense of existentialism, alas!
'Fall Guy': a fall guy is somebody who is 'framed' for a crime he doesn't commit. Evidence is faked to point to an innocent party as the guilty one - O'Hara in The body from Shanghi, for example. He was to take the Fall for somebody else, somebody, in fact, 'who had an edge'.
65378973 - PenguinCo.
WIMbledon 1967 11 MANSEL ROAD, WIMBLEDON.11.VI.1948
my dearest Sylvia
You must not be worried about your big letter with the drawings as you seemed to be in the letter which followed it. It was a lovely letter and though you seem to feel that it falls short of an ideal I did not feel it, as it lived up, totally, to my ideal.
I agree until your discussion of love and sarive and agree, too, until your invocation of Russell as an antidote to existentialism. I imagine what some people believe in Russell is the unfortunately critical approach of much of his work and they prefer the 'creative' nonsense of existentialism, alas!
'Fall guy': a fall guy is somebody who is 'framed' for a crime he doesn't commit. Evidence is faked to point to an innocent party as the guilty one - O'Hara in The Lady From Shanghi, for example. He was to take the Fall for somebody else, somebody, in fact, 'who had an edge'.