- Max. dissimilarity: 0.248
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.145
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65314324 - not-logged-in-764611f648145d6df370
- WINNER - 65333996 - not-logged-in-e17b4267ca24e7c6e71a
- 65350388 - not-logged-in-748bda247aa174458757
- 65369562 - not-logged-in-aee81eeb2b15dc24d978
- 65401353 - Astro_scoutleader

65314324 - not-logged-in-764611f648145d6df370
[9-7-48] 11 Mansel RoadThursday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters irh ics reached me today. I think I will rest all the mosaic matters first; I ordered your tea this afternoon and they will send it to you and I have already dispatched your nation books. It was most kind of you to send the cranmalade to mother, she is very pleased with it, as a gift and for its taste. Thank you too for my slippers and the comb. But what about the comb: mine turned up at home (in my dressing gown pocket) so have you sent me Michaels'? I am very happy that you are to have extra time in Italy. You can still come to Wimbledon on your return, I hope. I now have three lectures at the N.G., all before you return: Dutch genre (bugger), V elas, wez and Zurbaran, and Hogarth. I asked C.J. for mannerist for he has chosen to ignore this. You ask about nation books: when I went abroad I took mine but apparently this was unnecessary
WINNER - 65333996 - not-logged-in-e17b4267ca24e7c6e71a
[9-7-48]11 Mansel Road
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters wh-
ich reached me today. I think I will
put all the prosaic matters first: I
ordered your tea this afternoon and
they will send it to you and I have al-
ready dispatched your ration books.
It was most kind of you to send the
marmalade to mother, she is very
pleased with it, as a gift and for its
taste. Thank you too for my slippers
and the comb. But what about the comb:
mine turned up at home (in my dress-
ing gown pocket) so have you sent me
Michael's? I am very happy that
you are to have extra time in Italy.
You can still come to Wimbledon on
your return, I hope. I now have three
lectures at the N.G., all before you
return: Dutch genre (bugger), Velas-
quez and Zurbaran, and Hogarth. I asked
C.J. for mannerists for he has chosen
to ignore this. You ask about ration
books: when I went abroad I took mine
but apparently this was un-necessary
65350388 - not-logged-in-748bda247aa174458757
[9-7-48]. 11 Mansel Road. Thursday. Dearest Sylvia. Thank you for your two letters which reached me today. I think I will nut all the previous matters first: I ordered your tea this afternoon and then will send it to you and I have already dispatched your nation books. It was most kind of you to send the marmalade to mother, she is very pleased with it, as gift and so its taste. Thank you too for my sleepers and the camp. But what about the cambmine turned up at home (in my dressing gown pocket) so have you sent me michaels? I am very happy that you are to have extra time in Italy. You can still come to Wimbledon on return, I hope. I now have three lectures at the N.G. all before your return: Dutil gemme (fugger),Velaswej and Zubaron, and Hargartl. I asked C.J. for mannerists for he has chosen to ignore this. You ask about nation books: when I went abroad I took mine but apparently this was unnecessary.
65369562 - not-logged-in-aee81eeb2b15dc24d978
11 Mansel RoadThursday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters which reached me today. I think I will put all the mosaic matters first: I ordered your tea this afternoon and they will send it to you and I have already dispatched your ration books. It was most kind of you to send the marmalade to mother, she is very pleased with it as a gift and for its taste. Thank you too for my slippers and the comb. But what about the comb: mine turned up at home (in my dressing gown pocket) so have you sent me Michael's? I am very happy that you are to have extra time in Italy. You can still come to Wimbledon on your return, I hope. I now have three lectures at the N.G., all before you return: Dutch genre (bugger), Velasquez an Zarbaron, and Hogarth. I asked C.J. for mannerists for he has chosen to ignore this. You ask about ration books: when I went abroad I took mine but apparently this was unnecessary.
65401353 - Astro_scoutleader
11 Mansell RoadThursday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters which reached me today. I think I will put all the prosaic matters first: I ordered your tea this afternoon and they will send it to you and I have already dispatched your ration books. It was most kind of you to send the marmalade to mother, she is very pleased with it as a gift and for its taste. Thank you too for for my slippers and the comb. But what about the comb - mine turned up at home (in my dressing gown pocket) so have you sent me Michael's? I am very happy that you are to have extra time in Italy. You can still come to Wimbledon on your return, I hope. I now have three lectures at the N.G., all before you return: Dutch genre (bugger), Velasquez and Zurbaren, and Hogarth. I asked C. J. for mannerists for (?) he has chosen to ignore this. You asked about ration books: when I went abroad I took mine but apparently this was un-necessary