- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.471
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65331768 - marianne59
- 65334426 - not-logged-in-e79f1fb010d0f7f37886
- 65355985 - LibrarianDiva
- WINNER - 65369630 - not-logged-in-0078da1b9b55bbb7d6a8
- 65378554 - not-logged-in-07dbcca358b17950338d

65331768 - marianne59
as nobody asked for it. Try and check on this, however, in case you have to know. Sorry not to have any precise information. You do seem to be busy with [jam] just at present and I do hope that [D itchling] (have I it right?) will not be too dull, and that lunch with the stewarts was nice. Robert Hart today gave me mixed grill and peaches and cream for tea at the Kerb, L'idiot a French film, then Roast Duck and meringue glacee for dinner. It was a weel fed Dandy-lion who tumbled into bed to write this letter.I am glad Michael is happier now I have gone, But, how I miss you. I should come back on the next train if it were possible - no matter how much his [calp] fell, nor how many colors he was able to turn. (You can tell he's a painter from this last gift.)
Good for Tiny (0r, I mean, Mrs Wood, of course...) in that she appreciates your second oil of me. Does she know it is to be a double portrait? And you say Clifford wants to see your work. Do let me know what he says. Have you done much landscape yet? You say you hope to draw 'even in Italy? I should think so too! Don't forget your profession is on all the forms that you filled in during the war. How I enjoyed
65334426 - not-logged-in-e79f1fb010d0f7f37886
65355985 - LibrarianDiva
as nobody asked for it. Try and checkon this, however, in case you have to
now. Early not to have any precise in-
formation. You do seem to be busy with
sam just at present and I do hope that
Ditchling (have I it right?) will not be
too dull, and that lunch with the stew-
arts' was nice. Robert Hart today gave
me mixed grill and peaches and cream for
tea at the kerb, L'idiot- a French film, for
the Roast Duck and meringue glacee for
dinner Its was a well fed Dandy-
lion who tumbled into bed to write this
I am glad Michael is happier now I have
gone. But, now I miss you. I should come
back on the next train if it were possible-
no matter how much his cart fell , nor how
many colors he was able to turn. (You
can tell he's a painter from this last gift.
Good for Tiny (OK, I mean, Mrs Wood,
of course...) in that she appreciates your
second oil of me. Does she know it is to
be a double portrait? And you say
Clifford wants to see your work. Do
let me know what he says. Have you
done much of the landscape set? You
say you hope to draw ' even in Italy? I
should think so too! Don't forget your
profession is on all the forms that you
filled in during the war. How I enjoyed
WINNER - 65369630 - not-logged-in-0078da1b9b55bbb7d6a8
as nobody asked for it. Try and checkon this, however, in case you hane to
now. Tarry not to hone any precise in-
formation. You do seem to be busy with
am just at present and I do hope that
Ditchling (have I it right?) will not be
too dull, and that lunch with the Stew-
art's was nice. Robert Hart today gave
me mixed grill and Peaches and cream for
tea at the Kerb, L'Idiot - a French film,
then Roast Duck and meringue glac'ee for
dinner. It was a well fed Dandy-
lion who tumbled into bed to write this
I am glad Michael is happier now I have
gone. But, how I miss you. I should come
back on the next train if it were possible -
no matter how much his case fell, nor how
many colors he was able to turn. (You
can tell he's a painter, from this last gift.)
Good for Tiny (oh, I mean, Mrs. Wood,
of course...) in that she appreciates your
second oil of me. Does she know it is to
be a double portrait? And you say
Clifford wants to see your work. Do
let me know what he says. Have you
done much of the landscape set? You
say you hope to draw even in Italy? I
should think so too! Don't forget your
profession is on all the forms that you
filled in during the war. How I enjoyed
65378554 - not-logged-in-07dbcca358b17950338d
as nobody asked for it. Try and check on this, however, in case you have to now. Sorry not to have any precise information. You do seem to be busy with fam just at present and I do hope that Ditchling (have I it right?) will not be too dull, and that until the stewart's was nice. Robert Hart today gave me mixed and and cream for tea at the Kerb, L'ldiot- a French film, then roast duck and meringue glacee for dinner. It was a well fed Dandy-lion who tumbled into bed to write this letter.I am glad Michael is happier now I have gone. But, how I miss you. I should have come back on the next train if it were possible- no matter how much his cart fell, nor how many colors he was able to turn. (you can tell he's a painter, from this last gift.)
Good for Tiny (oh, I mean Mrs. Wood, of course...) in that she appreciates your second oil of me. Does she know it is to be a double portrait? And you say Clifford wants to see your work.Do let me know what he says. Have you done much of the landscape yet? You say you hope to draw' even in Italy? I should think so too! Don't forget, your profession is on all the forms you filled in during the war. How I enjoyed