- Max. dissimilarity: 0.968
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.615
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65317913 - snappa
- 65339048 - vrooje
- 65356935 - not-logged-in-5c129536f8c50025281b
- WINNER - 65395204 - not-logged-in-1306981f18ede182182e
- 65399004 - not-logged-in-adca28195517b8ea156c

65317913 - snappa
a moon shaped like a hunting horn65339048 - vrooje
a flute made by hand,A moon shaped like a hunting barn
mimics a whiter one
The mediterannean
dashes passports away.
It is the bluest sea
Behind the ghosts I know.
Au Sud
The morning toss of the sea.
The sun's gold ferns.
landscape with banana leaf
And structures of vine
And from a tall pergola
As in a jardiniere
You watch the maybe hills.
landscape with viaduct
The sky is fresco-hard
The sun is tribal there.
lucky you are to sip
The wine of the country.
It is Sunday now. About seven in the evening. I have given up now try-
ing to guess your movements in Paris: concerts in Paris do not start, of
course, for another hour or hour-and-a-half. I hope, for your sake, you did
not run into Albert or Dennis: Dennis lives not far from the Rue Racine,
you know. Who have you met among Viollet le Duc's gargoyles this time?
By the way - are there any special exhibitions in Paris, at present?
65356935 - not-logged-in-5c129536f8c50025281b
a flute made by hand.A moon shaped like a hunting horn
Mimics a whiter one
The Mediterranean
dashes passports away.
It is the bluest sea
Behind the ghosts I know.
Au Sud
The warming top of the sea.
The sun's gold forms.
Landscape with banana leaf
And structures of vine
And from a tall pergola
As in a jardinere
You watch the maybe hills.
landscape with viaduct
The sky is fresco hard
The sun is tribal there.
Everyyou are to sip
the wine of the country.
It's Sunday now scant seven in the morning. I have given up now trying to guess your movements in Paris: concerts in Paris do not start, of course, for another hour or hour-and-a-half. I hope, for your sake, you did not run into Albert or Dennis. Dennis lives not far from the Rue Racine you know. Who have you met among Viollet le Duc's gargoyles this time? By the way-are there any special exhibitions in Paris, at present?
WINNER - 65395204 - not-logged-in-1306981f18ede182182e
2a flute made by hand.
A moon shaped like a hunting horn
mimics a whiter one
The Mediterranean
washes passports away.
It is the bluest sea
Behind the ghosts I know.
Au Sud
The warming top of the sea.
The sun's gold ferns.
landscape with banana leaf
And structures of vine
And from a tall pergola
As in a jardini`ere
You watch the maybe hills
landscape with viaduct
The sky is fresco-hard
The sun is tribal there.
lucky you are to sip
The wine of the country.
It is Sunday now. About seven in the evening. I have given up now trying to guess your movements in Paris: concerts in Paris do not start, of course, for another hour or hour and a half. I hope, for your sake, you did not run into Albert or Dennis: Dennis lives not far from the Rue Racine, you know. Who have you met among Viollet le Duc's gargoyles this time? By the way - are there any special exhibitions in Paris, at present?
65399004 - not-logged-in-adca28195517b8ea156c
a flute made by hand.A room shaped like a hunting horn
a white one
The Mediterranean
Washes passports away
It is the bluest sea
Behind the ghosts l know
All End
The warming top of the sea'
The sun's golden ferns.
landscape with banana leaf
and structures of vine
And from a tall pergola
As in a jardiniere
You watch the maybe hills.