- Max. dissimilarity: 0.265
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.211
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65296084 - saffyre13
- 65331006 - Bambina41
- WINNER - 65359760 - sweezie
- 65399938 - loisangelusaro
- 65447985 - not-logged-in-742ef3f1bd1ceeed6a2f

65296084 - saffyre13
Your advice, almost a warning, is entirely semi- ble: I mean about the cake being thrown out of the window for want of a slice! May I slip in a diagram here: that is the cake and this is my slice. Do not give my complaints more attention than is conventionally given to lovers' conventional complaints. I say, quite seriously, that I am in excellent company. Your love is so important to me that I shall certainly not imperil it is I can help it by excessive demands. You know that. I seamed thing that I am pretty good on the whole given the intensity of my love. I am occasionally sad for you I am less frequently sad than ever before since before adolescence in de blissful pre-sexual stages. On no account be sad for what you have done for me. Rather feel a glow because of your good works inside the citadel of my ego. A Russian philosopher - I don't know which one - likened sexual love to the destruction of the walls of a tower, or fort. Non-Freudians statements of this nature are often suspect but this one is signification, don't you think?You are in Italy by now, following the footsteps of Van Oyck (on Ruben's best varre) ,Dures (until his fear of Venetian poison), Brueghel, Velasquez, and Thomas Patch. How fortunate you are, my dearest.
Back in Ris island I heard a Louis Macheice version of Cinderella, sometimes vulgar, funny sometimes. I was delighted at the godmother. an odd thing until a Belise Square Central European accent who eary "I fly through the air with the greatest of ease" when Cronelly by broomstick.
I had time for this postscript I'm glad to say.
I love you. Lawrence
65331006 - Bambina41
4Your advice, almost a warning, is entirely sensible: I mean about the cake being thrown out of window for want of a slice! May I slip in a diagram here: That is the cake and this is my slice. Do not give my complaints more attention than is conventionally given to lover's conventional complaints. I say, quite seriously, that I am in excellent company. Your love is so important to me and I shall certainly not imperil it if I can help it by excessive demands. You know that. I should quins that I am pretty good on the whole given the intensity of my love. If I am occasionally sad for you I am less frequently sad than ever before since before adolescence in the blissful pre-sexual stages. On no account be sad for what you have done for me. Rather feel a glow because of your good words inside the citadel of my ego. A Russian philosopher- I don't know which one- likened sexual love to the destruction of the walls of a tower, or fort. Non- Freudian statements of this nature are often suspect but this one is significant, don't you think?
You are in Italy by now, following the footsteps of Van Dyck (or Rubens' best rare), Durer (until his jar of Venetian poison), Brueghel, Velasquez, and Thomas Patch. How fortunate you are, my dearest.
Back in this island I learned a laws macneice version of Cinderella, sometimes vulgar, funny sometimes. I was delighted by the godmother an old thing until a Beligian equalcentral European accent also sang " the greatest of ease" by broomstick.
I had time for this postscript I'm glad to say.
I love you. Someone
WINNER - 65359760 - sweezie
Your advice, almost a warning, is entirely simple: I mean about the cake being thrown out of the window for want of a slice. May I slip in a diagram here: That is the cake and this is my slice. Do not give my complaints more attention than is conventionally given to[ unclear]others conventional complaints. I say, quite seriously, that I am in excellent company. Your love is so important to me that I shall certainly not impair it if I can help it by excessive demands. You know that. I should think that I am pretty good on the whole given the intensity of my love. If I am occasionally sad for you I am less frequently sad than ever before since before adolescence in the blissful pre - sexual stages. On no account be sad for what you have done for me. Rather feel a glow because of your good works inside the citadel of my ego. A Russian philosopher - I don't know which one - likened sexual love to the destruction of the walls of a tower, or fort. Non - Freudians state events of this nature are often suspect but this one is significant, don't you think?You are in Italy by now, following the footsteps of Van Eyck (in Rubens' best house), Durer (until his year of Venetian poison), Brueghel, Velasquez, and Thomas Patch. How fortunate you are, my dearest.
Back in this island I heard a Louis Macheire version of Cinderella, sometimes vulgar, funny sometimes. I was delighted by the godmother - an old thing with a Belsize Square Central European accent who sang "I fly through ze air wiz ze greatest of ease" when travelling by broomstick.
I had time for this postscript i'm glad to say.
I love you.
65399938 - loisangelusaro
Your advice, almost a warning, is entirely semible: I mean about the cake being thrown out of the window for want of a slice. May I step in a diagram here: that is the cake and this is my slice. Do not give my complaints more attention than is unintentionally given to lovers' conventional complaints. I say, quite serious, that I am in excellent company. Your love is so important to me that I shall certainly not impede it if I can help it by excessive demands. You know that. I seemed to think that I am pretty good on the whole given the insincerity of my love. If I am occasionally sad for you I am less frequently sad than ever before since before adolescence in the blissful pre-sexual stages. On no account be sad for what you have done for me. Rather feel glow because of your good works inside the citadel of my ego. A Russian philosopher - I don't know which one - likened sexual love to the destruction of the walls of a tower on fort. Non-Freudian statements of this nature are often suspect but this one is significant, don't you think?You are in Italy by now, following the footsteps of an Oych (Ruben's best house), Dures (with his fear of Venetian poison), Brueghel, Velasquez, and Thomas Patch. How unfortunate you are my dearest.
Back in his island I heard a Louis Macheice version of Cinderella, sometimes mulgor, funny sometimes. I was delighted the godmother ended thing until a Belgise Square Central European accent who says "If through an air wig is greatest of ease" when finally by broomstick.
I had time for this postscript I'm glad to say.
I love you.
65447985 - not-logged-in-742ef3f1bd1ceeed6a2f
Your advice, almost a warning, is entirely semi-[ble]: I mean about the cake being thrown out of the window for want of a slice! May I slip in a diagram here: that is the cake and this is my slice. Do not give my complaints more attention than is conventionally given to lovers' conventional complaints. I say, quite seriously, that I am in excellent company. alone is so important to me that I shall certainly not imperil it if I can help it by excessive demands. You know that. I should think that I am pretty good on the whole given the intensity of my love. If I am occasionally sad for you I am less frequently sad than ever before since before adolescence in the blissful pre-sensual stages. On no account be sad for what you have done for me. Rather feel a glow because of your good works inside the citadel of my ego. A Russian philosopher - I don't know which one - likened sexual love to the destruction of the walls of a tower, or port. Non-Freudian statements of this nature are often suspect but this one is significant, don't you think?[Ran] in Italy by now, allowing the footsteps of Van Oyeke (on Rubens' best ), (with his fear of Venetian poison), Brueghel, Velasquez, and Thomas Patch. How fortunate you are, my dearest.
Back in this island I heard a Louis MacNeice version of Cinderella, sometimes [vulgar], funny sometimes. I was delighted for the godmother, an old thing with a Belsize Square central European accent who sang "I fly through the air with the greatest of ease" when travelling by broomstick.
I had time for this postscript I'm glad to say.
I love you.