- Max. dissimilarity: 0.111
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.057
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65302831 - not-logged-in-e948ab6cad36cc661dbc
- 65308023 - not-logged-in-f3ab68528fe826bcbfde
- 65309121 - starlantern
- 65310373 - not-logged-in-e5d2c1b9ecd79824e1d8
- 65318480 - LadyCaroline

WINNER - 65302831 - not-logged-in-e948ab6cad36cc661dbc
[3]On this sublunar island
Where the bluest sea
Whispers from imported shells
I think of Sylvia
Beyond the white cusps of the waves
Beyond the tattooed calms
With sienese angels
and florentine arcades
Her sense have the sun
In attendance all day
But here bastards of clouds
Fidget across the sun
Between the island where I lounge
And where you are in Italy
A globe of dew heaves into place
Reflecting sun reflecting stars
The earth to see her lovers parted
Takes the pathetic fallacy
And weeps a sea with not less thought
Than you or I let go a tear
Between two countries wells the tear
Example to us not to weep
For next the eyelids have to close
And we shall meet - excluding seas
Triangles of shadow
Make the piazza
Complex with prophecies
About desire and time
Palms are gnomons
On terrace steps
Statues and fountains number
The stairway of a hill
The amphitheatre lies
like an enormous cup
People are tealeaves in,
Spelling out news and hopes
65308023 - not-logged-in-f3ab68528fe826bcbfde
3On this sublunar island
Where the bluest sea
Whispers from imported shells
I think of Sylvia
Beyond the white cusps of the waves
Beyond the tattooed calms
With Sienese angels
and Florentine arcades
Her sense have the sun
In attendance all day
But here bastards of clouds
Fidget across the sun
Between the island where I lounge
And where you are in Italy
A glove of dew heaves into place
Reflecting sun reflecting stars
The earth to see her lovers parted
Takes the pathetic fallacy
And weeps a sea with not less thought
Than you or I let go a tear
Between two countries wells the tear
Example to us not to weep
For next the eyelids have to close
And we shall meet - excluding seas
Triangles of shadow
Make the piazza
Complex with prophecies
About desire and time
Palms are gnomons
On terrance steps
Statues and fountains number
The stairway of a hill
The amphitheatre lies
Like an enormous cup
People are tea leaves in
Spelling out news and hopes
65309121 - starlantern
3On this sublunar island
Where the bluest sea
Whispers from imported shells
I think of Sylvia
Beyond the white cusps of the waves
Beyond the tattoed calms
WIth sienese angels
and florentine arcades
Her senses have the sun
In attendance all day
But here bastards of clouds
Fidget across the sun
Between the island where I lounge
And where you are in Italy
A globe of dew heaves into place
Reflecting sun reflecting stars
The earth to see her lovers parted
Takes the pathetic fallacy
And weeps a sea with not less thought
Than you or I let go a tear.
Between two countries wells the tear
Example to us not to weep
For next the eyelids have to close
And we shall meet - excluding seas
Triangles of shadow
Make the piazza
Complex with prophecies
About desire and time
Palms are gnomons
On terrace steps
Statues and fountains number
The stairway of a hill
The ampitheatre lies
like an enormous cup
People are tealeaves in,
Spelling out news and hopes
65310373 - not-logged-in-e5d2c1b9ecd79824e1d8
3On this sublunar island
There is the bluest sea
Whispers from the imported shells
I think of Sylvia
Beyond the white cusps of the waves
Beyond the tattoed calms
and florentine arcades
Eer senses leave the sun
In attendance all day
But here bastards of clouds
Fidget across the sun
Between the isoland where I lounge
And where you are in Italy
A globe of dew heaves into place
Reflecting sun reflecting stars
The earth to see her lovers parted
Takes the pathetic fallacy
And weeps a sea with not less thought
Than you or I let go a tear
Between two countries wells the tear
Example to us not to weep
For next the eyelids have to close
And we shall meet-excluding seas
Triangles of shadow
Make the piazza
Complex with prephecire
About desire and time
Palms are gnomons
On terrance steps
Statues and fountains number
The stairway of a hill
The amphitheatre lies
Like an enormous cup
People are tealeaves in,
Spelling out news and hope
65318480 - LadyCaroline
3On this sublunar island
Where the bluest sea
Whispers from imported shells
I think of Sylvia
Beyond the white cusps of the waves
Beyond the tattoed calms
With sienese angels
and florentine arcades
Her senses have the sun
In attendance all day
But here bastards of clouds
Fidget across the sun
Between the island where I lounge
And where you are in Italy
A globe of dew heaves into place
Reflecting sun reflecting stars
The earth to see her lovers parted
Takes the pathetic fallacy
And weeps a sea with not less thought
Than you or I let go a tear
Between two countries wells the tear
Example to us not to weep
For next the eyelids have to close
And we shall meet - excluding seas
Triangles of shadow
Make the piazza
Complex with prophecies
About desire and time
Palms are gnomons
On terrace steps
Statues and fountains number
The stairway of a hill
The amphitheatre lies
like an enormous cup
People are tealeaves in,
Spelling out news and hopes