- Max. dissimilarity: 0.359
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.206
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65396557 - not-logged-in-e061ce8cf109f9cb8f14
- 65409233 - Bembine
- 65410414 - clv
- WINNER - 65447110 - srasg56
- 65467497 - Flissa
- 65590090 - Lovage

65396557 - not-logged-in-e061ce8cf109f9cb8f14
64 St Johns' RoadBathwick
19 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I was overwhelmed by my own reception. lanyards of roses as you promised and also an owl orchestra playing a Benjamin Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Beckford's Tower (up beyond Landsdowne) and my white and Tawny companions were enchanted at it. I could barely drag them away: they kept swooping around it and disappearing inside. We were four - Dierdre (3 years old as I told you - was with me and we were lucky enough to find some mushrooms. Now again I was grateful for the supernatural powers you have granted your owls for they flew ahead spotting for us although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see Sam Castle on the hill. The tawny owl has snatched the opportunity - we've just had Sunday dins - to have a lie down on the bed and the white One is reading a Bath guide with great interest because he had not realised - he is very young - that minerva had so much to die with Bath from the earliest days. The Tawny one intends to take the waters while he is here - he had a twinge in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl, who met us at the station, told him he could soon be cured at the Baths.
Picking mushrooms reminded me very fiercely of a week ago at Pett. I cannot believe it is so little time since we met. [On the 30th by the way Covent Garden Opera are doing the Magic Flute. But you will tell me I must what you want to see.] How pleasantly I anticipate seeing you again and I hope, more than seeing you. How well do you know Bath? Do tell me the parts you like best. I wish that I could write at greater length and more tenderness but I am a bit worried because it is time for me to go out to tea. I have snatched time to write this. But I wanted just to assure you of my great love for you, dearest minerva. I send you all my love
65409233 - Bembine
6451 Tobiis RoodBathwick
19 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia
I was overwhelmed by my ave reception. Hundreds of roses
as you promised and also an ave orchestra playing a Benjamin
Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Beckford Tower (ug
beyond Landsdowne) and my white and tawny comparisons were en-
chanted by it. I would hardly drag them away: they kept wroop-
ing round it and disappearing inside. We were four- Dierdre
13 years older I told you - was with me and we were lucky en-
ough to find some mushrooms. And again I was gratified for all aupernatural powers you have granted your ames sos leg flew
ahead spotting for uo although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see Pham Castle on the Hill. The Tawny
Owl has snatched the oppotunity - we're gent hod Sunday dim -
have a lie down on the bed and the white one is reading a Bath guide
with great interest because he had not realied - he is
very young so that minerva had so much to die with Bath from the
earliest days. The Tawny are interds to tale the water while he is
new - he had a tmirige in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl,
who met us at the station, told him he could soon be armed at the
Picking mushrooms reminded me many fiences of a week ago
at Pett I cannot believe it is so little time since we met [On the
30th Opera are doing The Wogie Flute
But you will tell me I trust what you want to see.] How plea-
suneabl I anticipate seeing you again and I hope,
seeing you. How well do you throw Baths? Do tell me the
parts you like best. I wish that I could write at greater largets
and more lendens but I am a bit hurried because it is time
for me to go out for tea. I have snatched the time to write this.
But I wanted just to assure you of my grat love for you,
dearest minerva. I send you all my love
65410414 - clv
64 St Johns' Road Bathwiel Bath Somerset19IX1948
Dearest Sylvia
I was overwhelmed by my owl reception. Garlands of roses as you promised and also an owl orchestra playing a Benjamin Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Bedfords Towers (up beyond Landsdowne) and my white and tawny companions were enchanted at it. I could hardly drag them away; they kept swooping round it and disappearing inside. We were four - Diedre 13 years old as I told you - was with me and we were lucky enough to find some mushrooms. Now again I was grateful to the supernatural powers you have granted your owls for they flew ahead spotting for us although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see the sham Castle on the hill. The Tawny Owl has snatched the opportunity - we've just had Sunday dins - to have a lie down on the bed and the white one is reading a Bath Guide with great interest because he had not realized - he is only young - that Minerva had so much to die with Bath from the earliest days. The Tawny one intends to take the waters while he is here - he had a twinge in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl, who met us at the station, told him he could soon be cured at the Baths.
Picking mushrooms reminded me very fiercely of a week ago at Pett. I cannot believe it is so little time since we met. [On the 30th by the way, Convent Garden Opera are doing The Magic Flute. But you will tell me I trust what you want to see]. How pleasantly In anticipate seeing you again and I hope, more than seeing. How well do you know Bath? Do tell me the parts you like best. I wish that I could write at greater length, and more tenderly but I am a bit harried because it is time for me to go out to tea. I have snatched time to write this. But I wanted just to assure you of my great love for you, dearest Minerva. I send you all my love. Lawrence
WINNER - 65447110 - srasg56
64 St John's RoadBathwick
19 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia
I was overwhelmed by my owl reception. Garlands of roses
as you promised and also an owl orchestra playing a Benjamin Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Beckford's Tower (up
beyond Landsdowne) and my white and Tawny companions were en-
chanted at it. I could hardly drag them away - they kept swoop-
ing round it and disappearing inside. We were four - Deirdre
13 years old as I told you - was with me and we were lucky en-
ough to find some mushrooms. Here again I was grateful to the
supernatural powers you have granted your owls for they flew
ahead spotting for us although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see sham Castle on the hill. The Tawny
Owl has snatched the opportunity - we've just had Sunday dins -
to have a lie down on the bed and the white One is reading a Bath guide with great interest because he had not realised - he is
very young - that Minerva had so much to do with Bath from the
earliest days. The Tawny one intends to take the waters while he is
here - he had a twinge in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl,
who met us at the station, told him he could soon be cured at the
Picking mushrooms reminded me very fiercely of a week ago
at Pett. I cannot believe it is so little time since we met. [On the
30 th the way Covent Garden Opera are going The Magic Flute.
But you will tell me I trust what you want to see..] How plea-
santly I anticipate seeing you again and, I hope, more than
seeing you. How well do you know Bath? Do tell me the
parts you like best. I wish that I could write at greater length,
and more tenderly but I am a bit harried because it is time
for me to go out to tea. I have snatched time to write this
But I wanted just to assure you of my great love for you,
dearest Minerva. I send you all my love
65467497 - Flissa
64 St John's Road,Baltimit
19 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I was overwehlmed by my own reception. Garlands of roses as you promised and also an owl orchestra playing a Benjamin Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Bedeford's Towes (up beyond Lordsdowne) and my white and Tawny companions were en-chanted at it. I would fondly drag them away : they kept swoop-ing round it and disappearing inside. We were four - Dierdre 13 years older I told you - was with me and we were lucky en-ough to find some mushrooms. How again I was grateful for the supernatural powers you have granted your owls for they flew ahead spotting for us although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see Shan Castle on the hill. The Tawny owl has snatched the opportunity - we've just had Sunday dins - have a lie down on the bed and the white One is reading a Bath Guide with great interest because he had not realised - he is only young - that minerva had so much to die with Bath from the earliest days. The Tawny one intends to take the waters while he is here - he had a twinge in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl, who met us at the station told him he could soon be cured at the Baths.
Picking mushrooms reminded very of a week ago at Pett. I cannot beliee it is so little time since we met. [on the 30CS by the way Covent Garden Opera are doing The Magic Flute. But you will tell me I trust what you want to see.] How plea-sureably I anticipate seeing you again and I hope, more than seeing you. How well do you know Bath? Do tell me the parts you like best. I wish that I could write at greater length and more but I am a bit worried because it is time for me to go out to tea. I have snatched the time to write this. But I wanted just to assure you of my great love for you, dearest minerva. I send you all my love
65590090 - Lovage
64 St John's RoadBathwick
19 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I was overwhelmed by my reception. Garlands of roses
as you promised and also an orchestra playing a Benjamin
Britten anthem. This morning I went to see Beckford's Tower (up
beyond Landsdown) and my white and tawny companions were en-
chanted at it. I could hardly drag them away - they kept swoop-
ing round it and disappearing inside. We were four - Dierdre
13 years old as I told you - was with me and we were lucky en-
ough to find some mushrooms. again I was grateful for the
supernatural powers you have granted your owls for they flew
ahead spotting for us although it was broad day.
From where I write I can see Sham Castle on the hill. The Tawny
Owl has snatched the opportunity - we've just has Sunday dins -
to have a lie down on the bed and the white one is reading a Bath
guide with great interest because he has not realised - he is
very young - that Minerva had so much to with Bath from the
earliest days. The Tawny one intends to take the waters while he is
here - he had a twinge in the left wing last evening and a Beau Owl,
who met us at the station, told him he could soon be cured at the
Picking mushrooms reminded me very fiercely of a week ago
at Pett. I cannot believe it is so little time since we met. [On the 30
& the way Covent Garden Opera are doing The Magic Flute. But you will tell me I you want to see.] How plea-
surably I anticipate seeing you again and, I hope, more than
seeing you. How well do you know Bats? Do tell me the
bats you like best. I wish that I could write at greater length
and more but I am a bit harried because it is time
for me to go out to tea. I have snatched the time to write this.
But I wanted just to assure you of my great love for you,
dearest Minerva. I send you all my love.